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Amazon is selling this awesome license plate frame https://www.amazon.com/HAWNFERK-Personalized-Custom-Blink-182-License/dp/B07R5BHS3G/ref=sr_1_17?keywords=blink-182&qid=1556823522&s=automotive&sr=1-174 points
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Dammit, I missed Mike’s birthday festivities! I feel like I’ve dishonored him. A happy belated birthday to him, anyways. This is all true. He’s always managed to maintain a slim physique, regardless of weight fluctuations. However, as you mentioned, just about every pound he gains/loses will be visible on his tiny frame. When you’re small to begin with, even a couple additional pounds can have an affect on your appearance. Luckily, that naturally tiny frame of his helps him maintain his slender build, even when he’s carrying a couple of extra pounds.2 points
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Why unlikely? With RR we didn't get the first single until August when the album came out in October. They could just release a single in october and say "btw new album in 2 weeks" and thats it2 points
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In honor of Mike's birthday, some Billie and Mike moments.2 points
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It may be that he doesn’t notice but to fair when performing it’s not his job to notice. They have crew guys to do things like move the mics and pick stuff up off the floor so they don’t have to worry about it so he’s probably used to not paying attention and just focusing on performing the song.1 point
Only seeing Billie's Cleo post now because I don't currently have a phone, but I've just watched it about 40 times and it gets funnier every time. Adrienne's scream at the end has me in tears.😂😂😂 Also, that Putin pic is my new favourite picture of Mike. Lmao, Billie and Mike are starting to make it seem like Tre is the "normal" one. I love these three weirdos so much.1 point
I think his face looking skinnier on the last photo is rather a selfie and angle effect. I don't mind him being thinner in preparation for the new album, he looks great whatever, although I do prefer when he has a bit more flesh everywhere. It's not only the bellie, that's for the squishy part indeed , but he really can put on weight in a harmonious way, having slightly bigger muscles and just looking slightly thicker everywhere. I say "slightly" because even so, he keeps a slim, narrow silhouette, it doesn't change much. If it weren't for the pictures where we can go more into detail, when I saw him nearer or further on stage, he just looked smol, height and stature. We've already said it but he must be the kind where a couple of pounds more or less show on him due to his morphology. Here are pics from RevRad where he looks particularly smol (and hawt) . I sometimes wonder how I can be so less tall than him, 13 cm in theory1 point
Billie spreads out a lot of dorkiness these days and in real he's just a full-time dork. Here he brings the mic in the catwalk, but doesn't lay it straight and it falls, and he doesn't notice it. One guy of the security quickly puts the mic back on the stage, Billie turns around to see it's gone and brings it back again on the catwalk, laying it with no more precaution than the first time, letting it almost fall again, without even checking. Did he get that he made it fall the first time? But he doesn't give a shit. Love this man1 point
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I cannot believe he sang over it 😂😂 (it's him , right?) This is surreal, first he follows me on Billiepocalypse and now he reposts edits and sings over them like an opera-loving chipmunk 😂 BILLIE WTF 2019 has been a blessed year so far! Hope he doesn't unfollow anytime soon. ...........1 point
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Couldn't have described it better! I'm gonna have nightmares now. Thanks, Mike. Good god, he’s at it again...1 point
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If they're all getting their hair done and posting about it, it's not that much of a stretch to assume there's a reason for it, perhaps a photoshoot?1 point
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I have 2 GD tattoos, the first I got on the 1 year anniversary of my first Green Day show on the outside of my right forearm, and the 2nd I got on my right wrist because Kerplunk is my favourite album (sorry if the images are too big)1 point
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This is mine! "I'm thinking about a brand new hope" https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/394517_10150536592699561_107018765_n.jpg The link is better! The image is too big...1 point
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