Green Day’s Basket Case Video Like You’ve Never Seen It Before
It’s nuts to think of a world without Green Day. They’ve been around forever, and are perpetually being ‘discovered’ by teenagers the world over. Absolutely everybody has gone through at least one Green Day phase. Some of us are happily still in theirs 25 years later.
1994’s Dookie was their third album, and Basket Case the third single from it, but this was the song that really put them on the map, and turned them from a scrappy, high-as-hell trio of dudes into global superstars. The song, which frontman Billie Joe Armstrong has described as “a loser national anthem… for weirdos”, is one of their signature tunes – it’s probably tied with Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) as the one you’d be annoyed about them not playing at a show.
So, let’s travel back a quarter of a century and dive headfirst into the award-losing, technicolor vision of insanity that is Green Day’s Basket Case video.
Someone’s Mashed Up The Simpsons Steamed Hams Scene With Green Day’s Basket Case And It’s Great
The Simpsons steamed hams scene has become an extremely enduring meme.
The scene with Principal Skinner awkwardly trying to impress Superintendent Chalmers lends itself to parody, and there are remixes set to piano, and Feel Good, Inc. by Gorillaz, and even a bizarre version with the scene dubbed in 10 times.
Now someone has put the scene to Green Day’s song Basket Case, and it works perfectly.