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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2019 in all areas

  1. SO SOFT! He grabbed my hand from the stage after the Longshot show in DC and I held on tight for as long as I could. When I close my eyes I can still remember what it felt like. Strong but soft. For someone who’s done construction work, worked on cars and plays guitar you would expect them to feel tougher and more calloused but not at all. Baby soft hands. ✋🥰❤️
    7 points
  2. So much Hand Porn in here rn. Seriously though, his hands really are incredibly beautiful. They're the perfect shape and size, and I kinda love the way you can sometimes see the veins under his skin, his fingers look so strong, and his hands just look so unbelievably soft. I remember one incredibly lucky fan got to hold his hands at that Hot Topic album signing back in 2016 and she said they were even softer than she expected. Oh, and his fingernails are so pretty! I love it when he paints them too... ... especially when he paints them in different colours.😍 And that time when he only painted one fingernail in blue.
    7 points
  3. a perfect visual representation of this thread
    6 points
  4. I really hope next album has more vocals from Mike. I really love his voice and would even love like almost a solo song from him where Billie is back up. He's got a raw, yet still smooth sound to his voice and I really like it!!!
    5 points
  5. Now it's two years since this show in Florence One of my favourite RevRad shows! And the most flattering of all Credit: Onstage / Luca Passerotti More photos: Tutto Rock / Rockol / Giada Conti Hadn't seen these! Thanks for sharing
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. So, not sure if anyone knew, but I'm a teacher. At the back of my classroom I have a load of quotes and you guessed it, many are green day lyrics. I want to expand this quote wall as some furniture has moved so I have more space. The ones I've already got are: Carpe diem - seize the day What good is love and peace in earth if it's exclusive I don't have much but what I have is more than enough What part of history we've learned when it's repeated What would you wish if you saw a shooting star Talk is cheap and lies are expensive Do you want to live out loud I am after more ideas along a similar, kinda.. motivational, gently question life, stand up for what you believe in, be a good human.. way There are other motivational quotes mixed in, the students love that I have Green Day lyrics up and have asked me to get more... Not because they are fans (I'm trying!) but because they love that I'm a fan! They are aged 11 to 19, and it needs to be suitable for a classroom. Anything you can come up with would be appreciated Thanks 😊😊😊😊
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. I love everything in his new selfie: hair, eyes, smile, skin, hand. What a beauty! I even love the fact that he's proud to show us the mug with Joey's face on it. @The Bellie What about hand and beautiful eyes in the same picture? I love the Punx tattoo on his left hand.
    4 points
  10. His hands are one of Billie's features that once I started really paying attention to, I always look for in a picture , as a main potential fangirling part of him. Here are zooms on his hands so we can see them better: Also, it may be silly but I love the way he often holds his guitar strap with his left hand, and you see his thumb curling out: I wonder if his thumb is like this due to guitar playing, the way he presses it on the guitar neck like in the first pic. Anyways it's cute!
    4 points
  11. Nah, I sing that silently in my head for some classes though 😂😂
    3 points
  12. I can't believe it's already been two years! These are from the same gig in Turin, from another gallery: and these as well I think: ^^ I must say, even though I prefer Billie's curly hair in general, this haircut fits him well
    3 points
  13. I think it's just some artwork he thought was cool, as it's based on RevRad I doubt it's a hint at anything new
    2 points
  14. My god, he makes the best faces on stage. 😂
    2 points
  15. Looking at the second picture, I noticed Billie didn't paint his thumb's nail. Now I wonder if he is the one who taught Jakob how to put varnish on fingernails. In Jakob's tutorial/Instagram live from a long time ago, Jakob said he never paint the thumb's nail because, the thumb being the finger closer to the guitar while playing, the guitar's strings tear away the color easily from the nail. Anyway, to stay on the conversation about hands:
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Maybe they’re leaving that kind of recognition for others to do, like the tribute concert Gilman is doing. They might prefer to be honored by their peers than doing it themselves, especially if they want to focus on new music. They’re often eager to prove they’re not done. But a simple rerelease of the album is something Warners can do and wouldn’t take a huge time commitment from the band so I suppose that’s still possible.
    2 points
  18. This is cool! I’m sure people here can come up with a bunch. One that I’ve always loved is the line from Misery: “It’s not what you make it’s what you leave.”
    2 points
  19. I really can't get over how adorable he looks. The floofiness is almost too much to handle! I'm in love with those little curls at the top of his forehead. And not to mention that sweet little smile and gorgeously plump bottom lip. His skin is so gloriously smooth and glowing, he looks happy. Aw he's so perfect my heart can't take it!😍😭 Also I've been fangirling over his beautiful hands quite a lot recently, so I appreciate that he managed to sneak one into this photo. Thanks Billie!
    2 points
  20. What a cool idea! A few lines from ¡Viva la Gloria! might be nice for encouragement. Don't put away your burning light / Bring us the season that we always will remember / Send out your message of the light that shadows in the night
    1 point
  21. True, although could indicate that: 1. He's thinking about Green Day again (I mean, he probably does most of the time anyway, but still) 2. Because drunk bunny is the sacred symbol of any Green Day tour these days, it could mean something (although you're probably right anyway, and this is just another sad attempt of a desperate Green Day fan to make the gap between albums seems slightly less long and exhausting haha)
    1 point
  22. I love these, thank you! Especially the conscientious objector... That would really get them thinking! It's not as obvious as the others, the older ones will appreciate that... The 11 year olds will have to look it up or wait until it makes sense to them!
    1 point
  23. In all seriousness, these are the first ones that pop into my head. Some aren't necessarily ones you'd see on a motivational poster, but would resonate with a stressed out teen (or anyone stressed out really)- I'm still breathing on my own Do you ever build up all the small things in your mind to make one problem that adds up to nothing When you lost all hope and excuses...you've got to hold on to yourself (not sure if you'd have room for the whole chorus) A conscientious objector to the war that's in my mind Marching out of time to my own beat now the only way I know
    1 point
  24. Mike doesn’t get enough love in this thread and it makes me sad
    1 point
  25. I love Billie’s hands. He has bendy thumbs like my husband and long nail beds like me. I know, pathetic but those are the only similarities and you can’t take them away from me 😂😂😂😍😍😍
    1 point
  26. Weird how no one's posted this here yet, could be a pretty big hint at something (then again it could not): EDIT: My bad, it had been, but just as a link (which I overlooked).
    1 point
  27. If it’s because they’re looking ahead and working on the next album I’m totally okay with that.
    1 point
  28. You always have the best pics of Billie his hands look so soft and perfect for holding I have noticed the guitar strap thing and it's adorable!! I also really love the way he holds microphones, with his hand cupping all the way around it idk that's something else I always pay attention to with him
    1 point
  29. I had two dreams that involved Billie last night. One was a strange Harry Potter dream, but Billie made a brief appearance. The dream basically revolved around the fact that muggle schools were teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts (which of course is totally pointless as muggles can't do magic so anything they learned would be useless). In the dream, Billie was a muggle who grew up and married his DADA teacher (who just happened to be one of the chasers from the UK version of The Chase). In the second dream, Billie had an inflatable bellie. All I remember from the dream is Billie was laying on his back on the ground with his bellie inflated, and someone walked past and pressed his bellie button, and the bellie started to deflate with all of the air escaping out of his mouth.
    1 point
  30. OMG it must've been so great!!
    1 point
  31. Lmao look at the classic annoying embarrassing dad expression on his face
    1 point
  32. I just finished reading this new book called "smash", it's about the 90s punk explosion and there's a lot of green day stuff in it, and Rob cavallo was interviewed. There's a chapter about insomniac and Rob actually mentions the amps they used. He said they went to Bob Bradshaw to help them find a harder sound for the album. The book says "Bradshaw took the dookie model and added to it a hundred watt Marshall amplifier and an SE lead modification. "It has more claws on it, and sharper teeth", says cavallo. On the album's meatier moments, the tone the listener hears is 60 or 70% Armstrong's new rig, and 30 or 40% of the sound produced for dookie. "Billie liked it hugely", remembers the producer."
    1 point
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