Oh my god, I almost cried when I woke up today. It was hands down the best dream I've ever had.
Green Day stopped by my house on their way somewhere, and it was literally just the four of us together, and they didn't treat me like I was a fan, as in keep their protective distance from me but they were so at ease because it was *just* me and not 50 other fans. They were so open and comfortable around me, it was almost as if we were friends. Billie was playing his acoustic guitar by himself on a makeshift stage and I kind of ran into another room to get my favorite Green Day CDs so I could give him suggestions on what to play next. Just was I was grabbing one, I heard him starting to play Paper Lanterns and I absolutely freaked out and ran back out like "HOW DID YOU KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW", like I honestly thought he was a psychic or something. Then Mike walked past me and I was like "hey can I ask you a question??" and he made some joke that I don't remember, and Billie was like "hey!!! you interrupted me!!!!" lmao.... Tré was there too, but I didn't interact with him much, mostly because I didn't really have anything to say to him and I was kind of wary that he would make some really inappropriate comment and make me uncomfortable. The dream basically ended when we were all sitting on a couch watching BABY VIDEOS of Billie Joe, laughing and awww-ing.... it was the cutest thing ever, god, and it felt so REAL. 😭