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  1. Hi fangirls! here's a pic of the Brooklyn gig on 1st June I went to. The pic isn't of me of course, but you can see my left arm with the red swatch, that's how close I was to Billie during one hour and a half... My friend and I, both coming from France with my dad, arrived between 6 and 7 am at Baby's All Right. Within 15 minutes we found someone with an extra ticket who sold it 30$ to my friend (I was the only one to have bought a ticket online before going). We were so happy! We sympathized with the fans already there... We had brought a French flag like we did exactly a year ago, on 11 June 2017 at Download festival, which Billie put on him and gave us back. This time we wrote our names on the flag (and let a few other fans there to write their names, but we put ours in evidence so it was clear we were the French fellows). We weren't the only ones to have come from Europe, we met people from Germany, England, Greece. 2 hours or so before the show, we saw the band dropping from a van and quickly getting inside the venue in front of us. I was totally amazed to see Billie from so close for the first time, even for one second. When we came in, we were 2nd row. At the end of Taxi Driver which was 3rd song I think, he saw the flag, took it, screamed "vive la France!" and tended it back. Then they dove right into Happiness which is my fave. I felt so joyful after that, and kept jumping and waving the flag all the time. In this video of As Tears Go By that I found on Youtube, you see me waving the flag right in front of Billie, it's so embarrassing! I'm even afraid to have disturbed him (the fans behind me for sure!) But, oh well, I had so much fun! The people in the first row kept bumping against the stage (at their legs's level) and it seems more harsh for them than for me. I was all right most of the time. My friend was exactly in front of Billie in 2nd row and I was just on her left. I could literally see Billie from top to bottom, bottom to top. The man is very petite, hot, and beautiful. In response to the shirt removal discussion above, I'm not in his head but I would be in heaven if I could see his chest and bellie, certainly would not prefer anyone else's, so maybe he's afraid of being eaten by the audience, or that we would be blinded or faint for too much beauty. I could see how gorgeous he was from that close, I didn't take any pictures (I didn't even have my cell phone with me) but the shape of his body is not leaving my mind. It was the most special thing to see him from so close. And listen to him singing right in front of me. And admire all his gestures. His smiles. His wide sparkling eyes. Oh, and his upper row of teeth. I was often fixed on his teeth, I had a prefect view of them. I almost regret not have taking a picture of that. But I think I was really able to enjoy it 100x more without a cell phone. The Billie and Kevin kiss during Love is For Losers kiss got me, as I expected it. It was so dear. Kevin is an adorable guy. He gave his own bottle remainder to my friend when we were nearly passing out from heat (I can't imagine what it must've been for the audience at the following Philly show!) and at the end of the gig the gave her his own Losers club pic after she put our flag in Billie's hand, while he was shaking hands in the front rows before leaving: I got to have his hand quickly, but I was admiring my friend who managed to grab and hold his hand several seconds, the flag in between; she explained to me afterwards that he stopped a few seconds because he wasn't sure if she wanted to give him the flag, than he just walked away with it without looking back, and saying "have a great night everyone!". I have this scene engraved in my head. But I immediately had a bad feeling that phrase would mean last scene... Last scene indeed, he didn't stay to meet fans afterwards. That was a huge disappointment to me. But my friend and I already made such a huge step towards him with that show, (the first time seeing him live was in Paris February, last year we didn't know each other yet) I finally accepted that it will be fine to let a meeting with him for the next time. Anyways, my friend and I joked about she and Kevin having a little thing between them. When I was waiting with other fans in front of the door after the show, a woman working at the venue saw me and made me come in the band's just-left quarters, to prove me they were gone. I cried and was allowed to take a can of coke that was supposed to be for Billie (I don't even know if that's true, but I was so devastated I chose not to question it in the moment. I don't even like coke. Last thing, I got to stroke Billie's temple and hair when he stage-dived for the second time, on my side. I was a bit afraid of not being respectful by doing that... but I did it as softly as I could and his skin and hair were as soft as can be. Gosh.
    8 points
  2. A few weeks ago I mentioned I did an interview with a member of Prima Donna/The Longshot. Now the interview is live! Check out my interview with Kevin Preston! http://genreisdead.com/genre-is-dead-interview-with-prima-donnas-kevin-preston/ And let me just say, he was more than happy to gush over Billie! I was nervous asking him about it because we were there to mainly talk about Prima Donna's new LP, but he loved it! That made me so happy that he liked talking about Billie Otherwise, he was a great dude! We had such a nice conversation.
    6 points
  3. Youreallydon'tneedtoknow Blvd. in Respectpeople'sprivacytown Seriously, it might be awesome for you, not sure if they'd be as stoked.
    6 points
  4. I can relate to these so much! Unfortunately, the Longshot show for Bellingham, WA was canceled. So I will probably never get to see them. I did get to see American Idiot on Broadway, though, back in 2011 when Billie was playing St. Jimmy! I had purchased a ticket ahead of time, but my cousin, who I was staying with in NY, entered a ticket lottery at the doors and we won two front row tickets from that. Her friend who came with us took one of the tickets and I took the other and gave my original ticket to my cousin. This was the first (and I so hope not the last!) time I've seen Billie so close! I remember noticing every little detail of him and being amazed at how incredible he is in real life right in front of me. When he took off his shirt during the "Death of St. Jimmy" scene, I couldn't help but stare. At the end of the play when all of the cast members were taking their bows and stuff, Billie stepped up directly in front of where I was sitting! I was completely in awe and basically paralyzed. He was literally only like a foot and a half away from me and I could have easily touched him. I didn't because 1) I was frozen, and 2) I thought that might be weird/rude. After all of the cast left the stage, I raced outside to see if I could meet him since they all come out afterwards. I'd gotten there too late and there were too many people that I couldn't get anywhere near him. I saw him signing playbills and shaking hands and hugging people and stuff in the mirror ceiling of the box office cover and then saw him walk to get in a car. I was absolutely devastated that I actually cried. Since I'm the type of person who tends to focus on the negatives of a situation, I still regret not meeting him then. I also feel like I never will or will never even get another chance and that makes me so depressed. I just need to think about this and look back on it with happiness and gratitude for the amazing experience I had rather than regretting the things that didn't happen or fearing that things won't happen in the future. It's hard to do for me, but I'm working on it.
    5 points
  5. @Kuromignonne I'm so happy for you and your friend. You seem to have a very good time there. And I feel your pain to have not been able to meet Billie after the concert. We're on the same boat. I missed him by like one minute. Atleast you got a better night then I did. Tu peux tout aller lire ça dans le Elsewhere. Je ne veux pas mettre mon histoire ici parce que j'ai fini la soirée en faisant quelque chose de mal, rien de majeur, mais je n'ai pas envie d'être jugée par l'ensemble du forum. I want to see the Longshot again. And I want the people who didn't get their chance yet to see the band too. Seeing Billie so close is so wonderful. Like you get to see every details we have discussed here for real. Billie becomes reality in front of your eyes for an hour and a half. He isn't the guy you look at through a computer screen anymore. It's something special to experience. If there's a second tour for the Longhshot, I would love to join some of you guys for one concert.
    5 points
  6. OMG... he. I. No words for this photo. (He's lookin' more tan these days.)
    5 points
  7. Wow! That whole story..... Amazing, I'm jealous yet very very happy for you 😁 Both that photo and this one have done funny things to me 😍🤯🙃🤯😍🙃🤯😍
    4 points
  8. This video is fucking adorable. Look at the way he's tapping his cute lil feet. And the sexy eyebrow twitch. He is beautiful. There's a hair stuck to his shoe though and it's waving every time he moves his feet, and it's really annoying me. Clean your damn shoes Billie!
    4 points
  9. Just a phone interview. But it was still pretty cool.
    3 points
  10. I get that it would be kind of interesting just to see what their houses look like etc so I can see why you asked. But yeah if that info was posted on here/spread around it could really cause a lot of problems for them, it's important to respect their privacy. Even if it was widely known info (which I don't think it is) we don't like to take part in spreading private stuff about the band on GDC.
    3 points
  11. On the same topic @Kuromignonne I feel the same way about seeing FBHT as you do about seeing the Longshot. It's been over 8 years and never had post gig depression over it, always just so happy to have been there and to have the memories from it. Loved reading your posts about it
    3 points
  12. Rules shouldn't be the one thing stopping people from disclosing information like this to strangers on the internet. If I ever find out who's doing it, they'll catch THESE HANDS
    3 points
  13. None of Your Business Lane 1000 in Yikestown. Allow them some goddamn peace and quiet while they're within their own four walls. I get feeling curious about where and how they live but fans really need to understand boundaries. Treat them like people, not sensations. It's really creepy. Also, even if we knew, we wouldn't be allowed to tell you.
    3 points
  14. This is literally my biggest dream ever. I don't even mind if I never get to meet him, just as long as I get to see him up close with my very own eyes, that will be good enough for me. Doubt it'll ever happen though bc I have absolutely zero chance of getting anywhere near the front at a GD show, and I doubt that the Longshot will ever come to the UK.
    3 points
  15. Getting near the front is easier than you think. I've been no less than a few rows from the front at all 6 GD shows I've been to after only arriving around midday to queue. I was 2 rows back from the front of the catwalk at my last show after getting there at that time. If you want like, almost guaranteed barrier that's where crazy early queuing and camping out comes in, and obviously luck comes into it, but just to be near the front isn't that hard. It's a big stage so there's lots of room near it and tons of people don't bother to arrive until doors open. If you don't mind spending the day queuing at the next GD tour you'll totally get a good look at Billie!
    2 points
  16. I demand an investigation to find this hair belongs to who. It's look like blonde/chesnut brown. So it is not from Kevin. Joke aside, I bet Billie did notice the hair before posting the video. Billie loves the UK and the UK has a big punk music scene. The Longshot will certainly do a tour there. I don't feel like Billie is ready to go back to GD yet. He wants to have fun with the fans for the moment. I think he will continue with the Longshot as long as he can. Don't give up hope! Oh! Sorry that your concert was one of the canceled ones. I hope the Longshot will reschedual those concerts, even if it means to happen in many months. And me too, I'm the type of person to focus on negativity. I was very sad at first when I missed him by a minute, then seeing he was leaving the town. I could of have easily my chance to meet him this time, but I took the wrong decision and missed him. My entire day was just a serie of bad lucks. It took me maybe a minimum of 2 days to accept the fact I didn't meet Billie. Today, thinking about it, I'm more like that, in the beginning, my goal was to get a ticket for the concert, not to meet Billie. Meeting him would have been the cherry on the cake. I'm now grateful to have been able to see the Longshot; to have seen Billie so close and sing along to his songs; to have seen his bellie and Punx tattoo; to have made eyes contact with Kevin and that he wanted to give me his water bottle; to have touched Kevin's leg even if it was because I got pushed on him while jumping. Anyway, after 4 attempts, meeting Billie is for a next time.
    2 points
  17. I'm not so sure they won't come to the UK, why wouldn't they? If I had to make a guess I'd say they would come. Perhaps not for a Europe tour, but a UK tour, seems plausible to me. And you'll be there in front if they do I think that with Billie, we may always want more than what we will have, as awesome as that could turn out to be. He's so important for us, yet the direct contact we may have with him is so rare. It's normal to want so badly to meet him, and after we would, we would certainly be craving to see him again even more, etc. And I think it's good, whatever happens we keep staying crazy about him, and I enjoy being that way. It sometimes feels painful not knowing when will be the next time seeing him but it also brings me the greatest excitement to think about it, not knowing it. I'm sure you'll get to attend future shows of him. We don't know if we'll meet him, but as you say, no need to think about it with fear. I think as long as you follow your desire to meet him and do your possible about it, whatever you manage to do, regrets are pointless.
    2 points
  18. Not only Billie is looking great in the picture, I love the way he's holding Kevin's arm.
    2 points
  19. Very nice! Was it in person, or a phone interview?
    1 point
  20. Thanks for a great interview! 👍
    1 point
  21. Please no one do this 😠
    1 point
  22. Wasn’t that one rescheduled to last night? As far as meeting him, I’m a firm believer that the universe tries to balance things. Some of the best luck I’ve had meeting artists has been after some of the worst/least memorable show experiences. It’s not always the case, but don’t lose hope. You had incredible luck with AI on Broadway. Maybe sometime when you seemingly didn’t have good luck with a show (bad crowd, bad spot, bad sound, etc) that’ll be the time you luck out meeting him.
    1 point
  23. Billie: Just for a change I'll film my shoes and socks in this video
    1 point
  24. The hair is driving me insane too. I can't see anything else now, haha.
    1 point
  25. Mine was easy...Not identical to the night before. That’s all 😊.
    1 point
  26. Kevin's "come hither" look as well.
    1 point
  27. One hand wasn’t enough 💕💕💕
    1 point
  28. He's making sure the dude on the left doesn't steal his man.
    1 point
  29. ^^^ The way he's hugging Kevin's arm tho, how unbelievably CUTE.
    1 point
  30. Has there been a show on the Longshot tour so far where Billie hasn't forgotten some lyrics to Happiness? It seems like he does it every damn time.
    1 point
  31. I've always loved this one! Those eyes!
    1 point
  32. I’ll just leave this here for your enjoyment.... (slide 3)
    1 point
  33. It was a really weird moment when he was laying there on top of us, because it was like my brain was having an internal struggle that consisted of "touch him... no, don't touch him, you weirdo." But yeah, when he jumped at us butt-first I really didn't have a choice... Basically me:
    1 point
  34. Does somebody know where Green Day members live?I mean what is that exact location, exact house and street number? They're not hollywood stars so there's no paparazzi around them each day and can go for a walk and don't need worry about their lives. They might have ten rich houses but what is the one main home they usually go back to after touring. It would be amazing to knock on the door and see Billie or Adrienne
    0 points
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