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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2018 in all areas

  1. I don't know what turns me on more in this gif - the hip thrust or the protruding bellie. He's such a dirty little dork.
    4 points
  2. 4 points
  3. My head is so messed up right now that seeing your sentence just after the posts about the infamous window pic made me understand at first read that you're expecting Billie to do another window pic tomorrow. But you're talking about the concert. (I wouldn't say no to another window pic. )
    4 points
  4. Much as I am loving the whole Longshot thing, I would really love to see my three boys together again, it feels like it’s been a long time 😞
    3 points
  5. I am adopting this phrase, it's perfect ---------- For any Mike/Mike tattoo lovers
    3 points
  6. I had a dream last night. First one in many months. For whatever reason, the Longshot decided to practice their set at my job. For your information, I work in a art and craft supplies store. So, why the Longshot practicing in a art and craft supplies store, I don't know! Billie was pissed at Jeff because he didn't like the way Jeff was walking. Once, we heard in all the store Billie yelling at Jeff «If you want to stay in the band, you better stop walking like you're riding a horse!» Poor Jeff! Anyway, because the Longshot were practicing in the store's windows, fans were gathering outside. To avoid a massive crowd inside, my boss locked everybody in, both employees and consumers. One of my coworker was getting mad about the situation because she wanted to go home, but she couldn't. Billie stopped the band practice because he had to calm down. But seeing we were all stuck together in the store, he was gentle enough to ask my boss to order drinks. He was going to pay for everybody. But my coworker then got pissed more when Billie said he had to go out by the emergency exit to get his own beer. My coworker was like «He can get out to buy beer and get drunk, but I can't get out to go back home?!» I was trying to calm her down by telling her that Billie didn't get drunk since 2012 and that he meant non-alcoholic beer by «own beer». But it was pointless, my coworker was pissed at Billie, while Billie was pissed at Jeff. Then my alarm clock woke me up.
    3 points
  7. In his downtime he looks at fanpages for hot pictures of himself 😂😂😂
    3 points
  8. Q: How tall is Billie Joe Armstrong? A: It’s complicated.
    2 points
  9. He’s barely 5’7”. I’m 5’4 and 3/4” and he had no more than two inches on me so I’d say he just scrapes by at 5’7” or just under. Plus his shoulders and frame are really narrow so he seems even smaller.
    2 points
  10. Oh yeah bummer. SJC built a new studio to make videos and demonstrate their drums. 😕
    2 points
  11. The trilogy ones are unbelievably dark. I can’t imagine anyone else writing those either some of them seem so personal.
    2 points
  12. I don't know but if you can remember that then probably! I really think it must be him, simply because it sounds like it, fits with the lyrics he wrote, and I don't know who else could have done it without being credited for it.
    2 points
  13. A legendary tumblr account that celebrates Green Day and bread https://green-day-bread.tumblr.com Since it's not credited to anyone I think it must be either Billie or the designer of the album artwork, as otherwise someone else would be credited for it. And Billie seems more likely. But I'd also like to know for sure or just to know more about it. Some of the trilogy ones are particularly interesting.
    2 points
  14. This is the best thing I've heard all day. Kinda wish it had actually happened and wasn't just a dream. Although Billie would have no right to talk about people walking funny - the man waddles like a fucking penguin. Penguin boy.
    2 points
  15. I can't wait to see new pics/footage of our beautiful boy tomorrow night. I've missed him so freakin' much. It'll be nice to have him back.
    2 points
  16. It also somehow became everyone's userpic on April 1st last year for unexplained reasons
    2 points
  17. As Billie kisses the skull, Kevin glances over with envy.
    2 points
  18. How can he make kissing a skull look so hot lmao
    2 points
  19. It's a part of their contract that Billie has to stay floofy and the label with kick them the moment they notice when he starts balding.
    2 points
  20. I want this for the next album too. I think for Revrad they needed to take a step back though and I'm glad they did it the way they did. I think Otis has potential, I think they just needed a better mixing engineer. I'm hoping Revrad was a transitional album, I liked it but I don't really know where they will go next time. I don't think they will reinvent their sound, and I don't want them too. I loved the energy on bang bang and I hope that shows up more in the next album.
    1 point
  21. Well, I’m happy as long as they get a producer and go into a larger studio than Otis... It’s fine for retakes, demos and side-projects, but I think a GD album needs more...
    1 point
  22. Matt Bellamy from Muse is also 5'7", and they both look to be the same height in this pic (Billie looks slightly taller, but that's because of the hat). And both look ridiculously smaller than the other guys.
    1 point
  23. Yeah, I've heard some people that have met him say that he can't be more than 5'6", but I've also heard some people say that they're 5'8" and that he's taller than them, so I'm not gonna believe anything that's said about his height unless I get to see it for myself. That's why I posted my original comment.
    1 point
  24. I'm the exact same height as you. Sounds accurate, I hope to one day also stand close enough to him to compare! And this only emphasizes the fact that "I'm only about 5'8" is one of the funniest things Billie has ever said
    1 point
  25. Are you over 5'7? That's what he's generally thought to be and I believe it. He claims to be 5'8 himself but yeah right , and you can see Tre's like an inch shorter than him but isn't that short so I think 5'7 for Billie and 5'6 for Tre must be about it, it can't be much less than that as you can also see he's only 2-3 inches shorter than Mike max. He looks shorter because he has really short legs and is petite but the rest of his body is relatively long. Of course if you met him while he was wearing his creepers you'd have to take them into account as they give him a big boost. It's complicated
    1 point
  26. Chances are you might be
    1 point
  27. If I ever get to meet Billie, the first thing I'm gonna do is check if I'm actually taller than him or not.
    1 point
  28. Yes and I'm not sure if anyone else would pinpoint the dark themes because the main idea was that it was supposed to be lighthearted, so idk if a copywriter would get away with it.
    1 point
  29. It's strange no one is credited, but yes, it makes Billie the most likely option
    1 point
  30. Yep, afraid to say I wonder if SJC meant their new studios which they clearly have in more recent posts.
    1 point
  31. Doesn't Michael Mayer say Billie had written it all, either in Broadway Idiot or it may have been one of the interviews they did together?
    1 point
  32. ^^^ The caption though. Tiny man.
    1 point
  33. I'd like to know if these books and the writing in the trilogy booklet is all Billie's work.
    1 point
  34. I mean, Otis is still relatively new right? I don't see why they'd need a new studio so soon, if they wanted a more professional environment there is no shortage of studios they could book in LA. Still very cool that they seem to be gearing up for something.
    1 point
  35. Is that your first time experiencing the infamous window pic? 🙂 It’s now legendary for the most skin we’ve had in years.
    1 point
  36. And he posted it on both the Longshot account and his personal account too.
    1 point
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