Last night I had a dream that the Longshot were playing a gig in my city, and my school decided to take us on a school trip to see the gig. So we arrived at the venue really really early and the teachers told us to line up outside, but at the back of the venue. We saw Billie walking from his tour bus into the building, but he was wearing those red PJs that he had on in his instagram post on Christmas day 2016. Then, the teachers told us that they didn't actually have the tickets and we had to get them ourselves, so the entire class had to trek all the way to the other side of town and go into this building where there were only two machines that printed the tickets and neither of them were working, so I thought I was never gonna get to the damn gig. Also, everyone knew that I was the biggest (and only) Billie fan in the school, so my friends were trying to get our tickets first so that I could be right in front of Billie during the gig, but everyone else wanted to get their tickets first purely bc they were assholes and they wanted to ruin my chance at doing the thing I wanted most in life. So it was like a race to see who could get the tickets and get back to the venue first. Eventually, I won said race, and Billie walked out onto the stage and he was standing right in front of me, and I was happier than I'd ever been in my life. But then I woke up before the gig even started.