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I will forever be a fan of the long, sweaty hair and increasing eyeliner of this past summer.8 points
Me: Oh thank GOD! Brandon: What?! Me: Billie shaved his mustache and looks hot again. Brandon: Oh, I thought it was something important.7 points
I think his eyes have been "enhanced" slightly in that photo . But they are beautiful Also this is like the best photo ever6 points
Because he’s super awkward about it. They’re either serious or silly. That’s okay though, I’ll take them any way he wants to give them. I’m just so hapoy to see a selfie, he easily could have just taken a picture of the flag.5 points
5 points
4 points
Oh yes, his eyes are just something else entirely. What I really love about them is that his stare is so intense that it's almost intimidating, yet also sorta soothing/relaxing. I think that's part of the reason why he can be incredibly sexy and unbelievably adorable at the same time. Anyone else feel sorta paralyzed after looking at that pic? Every time I look at it, I just freeze, and it takes me about 10 minutes for my brain to start working again. Also, speaking of obsessions, for some reason I've been excessively fangirling over Billie's ears these past few days. Every pic/video I see of him, his ears are the first thing I look at. I'm totally entranced by them. I just love the curve of them, and the way they stick out a bit, and his little ear lobes are adorable. Usually ear lobes freak me out slightly, but Billie's are just so cute, they're perfect. And since he started having his earring again, I feel like those gorgeous little ears have become even more significant. Same. Although when it comes to these boys, they have me crying at almost anything. But yeah, the Hall of Fame induction is definitely one of their most emotional moments. The part that always gets me the most is when Billie says to Joey and Jakob "you blow me away everyday." Just seeing how proud he is of his boys is one of the most fangirl-worthy things about him, imo.4 points
4 points
Why not both? As long as there’s eyeliner. #teammoareyeliner4 points
Awesome as f**k has been certified gold in the UK https://www.bpi.co.uk/bpi-awards/4 points
3 points
@Hermione I think it was pretty clear at the time and he looked at Mike and they both laughed, just got no idea where to even begin looking for the video. Poor Mike, once you hear some of these, you can't unhear them, Billie makes them fit too well.3 points
3 points
3 points
There should always be eyeliner. The fact that he’s only now promoting one at 45 is a good sign for the future. He can’t stop wearing it now, he’s made a commitment.3 points
3 points
3 points
When one of your classes focuses on Charlie Chaplin's works and you can't help thinking of Billie Joe half the time2 points
my radio station plays She at least 6 times a day then Brain Stew American Idiot Basket Case and Still Breathing2 points
I think that A Quick stands by its own due the fact that Green Day actually arranged the song and incorporates things that aren't in the original version. For me, is the main reason why I like that cover so much2 points
2 points
Totally agree, I actually think the song is better live (with the Foxboro Hot Tubs) too, this is in my opinion the best version. Something happend in 2014 that made his voice sound the best it had in years (compared to the slightly strained sound in 2012/2013). Sadly, it's got slightly worse since then (although mostly during a phase of heavy touring like on the RevRad tour, because he sounded really good at the small shows in January and February this year).2 points
I love all the four covers they did when 21st CB came out but A Quick One is particularly good. Also it always takes me right back to my Foxboro show, because I believed it would be the last song (although in the end they played Stop Drop and Roll one more time after it) I decided I was going to try as hard as I possibly could to drink it all in and remember it. There was plenty of time to do it because the number of times they repeated the "you are forgiven" part seemed endless and I think I succeeded because I can't listen to it without feeling like I'm there now . Lmao @ the beginning of it too When was the last time we got some studio covers from them, was it those ones 9 years ago or am I forgetting newer ones? They'd got so good at doing covers by then (massive improvement on their mostly boring earlier ones) that it's really a shame, it's about time they did some more.2 points
I love the short hair and then see this and think god yes! Love him all different ways bar ultra hobo 😂 Yes but have they been touched up here which they don’t need?2 points
Beautiful green eyes. I have an obsession with Billie' eyes. With or without eyeliner, I don't care. They are perfection.2 points
This one is good. I shared it on GDA's social media. I want to start a regular #MisheardGreenDayLyrics.2 points
When you don't remember how old your parents and brother are or when it's their birthday, but you remember the birthdays of all Green Day members and their wives.2 points
2 points
I don't listen to the radio at home, and I only heard once 21 guns (also exactly when I was listening to it on my walkman, @G-L-O-R-I-A , I was in a shop heading to checkout, I removed my earphones, continued to hear the song and thought I was crazy for a second... I think I might have already related it somewhere, perhaps on the old fangirls thread when it happened a few months ago) and once Basket case at the bakery I usually go to. I was so pleased! I would die to hear Still Breathing, Bang Bang, or Back in the USA on the radio! In France there's an alternative radio called FIP, I have heard it during months at work because that's what my boss listens to, but I never heard Green Day on it; I think it's because, from what I've heard, that radio channels smaller artists. Also, French radios have an obligation to channel a high percentage of French artists. That reduces the chance to hear Green Day. When listening to AI, I would skip BOBD rather than Wake Me Up... BOBD is one of my least favorite songs to hear on AI album, American Idiot as well (even though I love to see live performances of them, especially BOBD). Sometimes I don't listen to some songs on a album because there are two or three I want to hear and that's it, sometimes I don't go to the end of the album because my listening time is done, but as for skipping one usual song when listening to an album in full... On AI, it would be Saint-Jimmy (another one that I'm fond of live but not album), on 21st CB, East Jesus Nowhere (I enjoy it every time, but it's not a song I'd be in need to hear).1 point
Just assume it’s a big mess of curls and you’re not far off.1 point
1 point
Oh yeah there is that, with Billie with an old lady's shawl on his head for unexplained reasons. But still I want more That's a great recording of the song (although FBHT in the middle of the day is so wrong lol)1 point
1 point
Yes, of course. They're dad selfies only when he takes them from a low angle like the one with the flag. The rest is very emo1 point
1 point
1 point
They don't play GD on the radio very often where I am (although I don't listen much). I've heard Good Riddance twice, BOBD once, and somebody else's cover of 21 Guns (which was weird because that came on about 2 minutes after I'd just been listening to the GD version of 21 Guns with my earphones).1 point
I loved his hair on the South American tour. I think it was a very smart, mature look for him. However, I also love it when he has poofy hair. It looked gorgeous in Tre's studio selfie. I love his natural curls, and those are the fluffiest curls I've ever seen.1 point
I pretty much only listen to the radio when I'm in my sister's car, and Green Day is always played at least once, mainly Still Breathing, Basketcase, Good Riddance, and American Idiot. A couple weeks ago, both Still Breathing and She (with a spoken intro by Billie) were played within a couple hours. Maybe Billie just knows where to find me.1 point
I would love to hear Back in the USA on the radio, never have but I’m happy to know it gets airplay somewhere. During RevRad, Bang Bang and Still Breathing got played a lot and that was it. Never heard RR once.1 point
1 point
Am I the only one who doesn't really listen to the radio? I never hear this overplaying because I don't really listen. And when I do listen to the radio, I never hear GD. Really, I can't recall any time I've heard GD on the radio.1 point
Gosh, when I was posting I could see them, but now I can't either I found them on another website, so here's a final attempt: off duty/hobo mode nah, I think he too likes too much his fluffy hair to give them up. And boy does his hair grow fast, I'm amazed. I too still love his long and curly hair the most (like in the gif @G-L-O-R-I-A posted above), but I still find him damn attractive with shorter hair. It does make him look different (and I personally needed a few weeks to adapt to it), but doesn't take from his hawtness at all.1 point
When Billie is your phone, computer and tablet wallpaper instead of your husband, children or pets.1 point
1 point
^Nope not repressed. Totally missed out on that gem before. Thank you @Schlappy!!1 point
Honestly, that upload on the official insta page right there is one of the best things I’ve seen in a long while! The teen internet slang is kinda cringey, but brilliant and hilarious at the same time.1 point
It’s funny to me that someone would refer to Tre as “Green Day” in an Instagram post.1 point
I think 'lonely' makes the most sense. He's basically saying that you masturbate because you're lonely, so if you've masturbated so much that it's no longer fun, then you must be really lonely1 point
1 point