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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Watching those clips I stumbled on this one 😂😂😂
    5 points
  2. I'm also impatient to know when they will tour again, and and at the same time I hope it will be in enough time for me to, perhaps, make some savings that may allow me to go see a show in the US (Oakland for the best, one can always dream). If it's not possible, it'll be for later, I'll see them in France or in the UK when they're back on the road. Meanwhile, binge watching videos and pictures has never gone so well; and I just fell on that belly glimpse from the 2016 EMA:
    5 points
  3. I agree with all of the above but I’m just mostly being selfish and having to adjust to not knowing what he’s doing, I’ll admit it 😂. I’m an impatient woman! I want to know what he’s working on and when we can expect a project or expect to hear from him more, because I really do believe that during these quiet times he’s working on something. Otherwise there would at least be someone reporting seeing him on the beach or something. Having said that, like many of you said, it’s good that he takes breaks from visibility for all the reasons listed. Social media celebrities are really tiresome and boring. Billie is a person who posts because and when he wants to post, which makes him seem so much more down-to-earth. Also less manufactured and narcissistic.
    4 points
  4. Y'know, as much as I miss him when he's being silent, I'm kinda glad he has these short breaks from social media. A lot of celebs that I've been a fan of in the past literally broadcast their lives on social media basically as part of their job and it can be pretty draining for them and take up a lot of their time (bearing in mind most of these people don't have spouses or kids that they need to spend time with either). Also when Billie is particularly quiet, it makes it all the more wonderful when he finally shows up again. The last time he returned after a long silent period, I literally forgot how to breathe and I burst into tears of joy, I was so happy to see him.
    4 points
  5. I love that video, I was just watching it the other day. He has such a shapely ass. And the way he wiggles his tongue when he's trying to lick his nipple is so adorable. He was being an extreme tease then - flashing his chest/nipple and all that hip action on the floor. Also, his voice is amazing. I always love hearing him sing Shout, especially that intro. He nails it every time - well except for this one:
    3 points
  6. I remember a little while ago someone was wondering about whether Tre is called by his real name by anyone, possibly @pacejunkie punk? Anyway I just saw a relevant quote on the subject from 1998: http://www.greendayauthority.com/articles/5/4/
    3 points
  7. Yeah, there's also the celebrities that overshare to the point where it doesn't feel special when they post. As much as I wish he would post more, I'm glad he has private time, and it means that much more when he actually does share something with us.
    3 points
  8. I'm a bit late to the party but I've just found this video of Nice Guys Finish Last in Florence last year. I was at the show but I had forgotten that he sang it this way until I watched this video today. I love it too when he does it! Not sure if this can be described as "changing little things" though, it's almost a different song at the end The quality is not great but it seems like it's the only one around.
    3 points
  9. The ramblings of a decidedly ''unstable'' man, everything is wrong about this article in every conceivable way. I mean, it was implied that Trump is both a more trustworthy and stable politician / person than Obama, Hillary Clinton or even Bernie Sanders? Really? He then of course precedes to straw man Billie's criticism of Trumps war-mongering and instead claims he ''sides with North Korea''. The overt bigotry towards minorities and LGBT members goes without saying. Yeah, absolute nonsense and doesn't paint an at all good picture of all those ''brain-washed bible loving christian hypocrites'' in the south, summed up very nicely in American Idiot: Well maybe I'm the faggot America I'm not a part of a redneck agenda Now everybody do the propaganda And sing along to the age of paranoia
    3 points
  10. Outlaws has always been one of my favourites on the album. It doesn't seem inappropriately overblown like 21 Guns, for example. That and Forever Now are the ones I can see standing the test of time.
    2 points
  11. A Billie and Mike love song, what's not to like?
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. I saw a quote of him describing his dancing style as a mixture between Prince and Pee Wee Herman the other day - he nailed it
    2 points
  14. Clip from tonight’s episode of Superstore:
    2 points
  15. Omg this is exactly what I love . Hadn't heard it before either so thanks! There's so many examples of it but I just noticed a mini one the other day with "lucky strike and I will travel" here that I enjoyed. Although I'm not completely sure how intentional it was Unrelated but the thought just entered my head that at one of the 2008 FBHT shows the Rev made his entrance by surfing across the crowd from the back of the room to the stage on an actual surfboard. I'm still sad to this day that it wasn't captured on camera but I'll keep posting about it to preserve this amazing fact
    2 points
  16. Do you kids not like Pink Floyd or something? I feel like one of the best bands (prog rock) for sure are fading. GD not really known for their album covers and don’t belong in a top 50 list. I knew Dookie would be in there because of where I am, never mind that Nimrod is BY FAR their best album cover and the best album cover of all time isn’t even in there: Do this. Homework for you all. Get your phone or however you ingest music and listen to every word on Dark Side of the Moon from the opening sound effect and every note between with your very best over ear can headphones: Listen to this woman sing and tell me what you have heard that even sounds like it: Us & Them (basically two chords that will melt your soul) They were the first to toy with sound effects and synths in the 60s before anyone. DSOTM is one of only 3 albums where every song is a fucking masterpiece and it was also one of the first rock operas although very loose. It’s about overcoming the dark path in life and not WASTING TIME! Hi @jengd
    2 points
  17. True. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about him, it’s that he does what he feels like doing and that’s it. If he feels like posting something he will otherwise nothing that’s going on around him will make him do it.
    2 points
  18. I split the post with the link to the Member Guest Tre interview into its own thread Side note: a new interview with a band member always deserves its own thread
    2 points
  19. That guy is a religious nut and cannot be taken seriously.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong is right, we should stop listening to their band https://noqreport.com/2018/01/22/green-days-billie-joe-armstrong-right-stop-listening-band/
    2 points
  22. This place is way too quiet. I'm going through Billie withdrawal. For those also going through it, here's a pic of Billie with Cleo on his head.
    2 points
  23. This week’s episode of Superstore asks the classic question, “What do you think would be a good piñata for a Green Day-themed birthday party for a 2-year-old?” If your eyebrows just went up so high they fell off your face, congratulations. You and Amy (America Ferrera) have that in common. In this exclusive clip from the installment, called “Angels and Mermaids,” Cheyenne (Nichole Bloom) is looking for a little help planning her daughter Harmonica’s party, especially since she wants to honor her ex-convict mom’s punk rock suggestion for its theme. When Amy suggests something a little more age-appropriate, like Minions, Cheyenne makes an excellent point: “[My mom] just got out of jail — Minions are criminals. That could suck her right back into the lifestyle.” Then it’s Amy’s turn to make an excellent point: “Mermaids are a lot like Green Day: They’re half-fish, half-human. They’re like rebels, down for whatever. In fact, they used to call Green Day the mermaids of ’90s rock.” More existential wisdom is sure to come from the new episode of Superstore, airing Thursday at 8 p.m. on NBC.
    1 point
  24. Outlaws has always been the only song on RevRad that I couldn't get into, and the only part that I ever liked was the outro. However, I listened to it today for the first time in months, and I'm happy to say that I absolutely love it now. And that outro is even more beautiful than I remember - the lyrics, Billie's vocals, it's so beautiful.
    1 point
  25. Even calling it a “dancing style” is being generous 😂
    1 point
  26. If we're going to be picky it's a double stop
    1 point
  27. During Billie's 1998 acoustic solo performance on KALX radio he forgot the lyrics to the 2nd verse of Stuart And The Ave. and had to stop the song to remember them and when he got back to the 2nd verse he stopped again after 10 seconds and when they played Welcome To Paradise on Jaded In Chicago Billie starts off in F instead of E but quickly corrects his mistake and plays the rest of the song without a problem.
    1 point
  28. Hahaha. My daughter is 5, loves them and has been to a stadium show. Bam!
    1 point
  29. Technically you are correct. However, the entire world calls it a chord, unless you are some music snob. Most people don't refer to it as a power 5th.
    1 point
  30. I don’t know which is funnier, his attempt to pick up the microphone or his attempt to lick his own nipple 😂 I’ll take it all.
    1 point
  31. It is a power chord, he just sticks his finger out instead of tucking it in. We know GD is all about power chords.
    1 point
  32. The day I take music listening advice from this dude, make the bullet come out the back of my head. I totaled my brand new Chevy Volt today. I’m pissed. >:( He looks more like the pedophile than rock n roll type of guy. Also, in that article he mentions how he will still listen to Roger Waters (Floyd) yet Waters is and has been way more outspoken than Billie but RW is full of hate like him. Birds of a feather and all... Lovely!
    1 point
  33. Gandalf Mike is putting hobo Billie to shame
    1 point
  34. That pic is one of my faves! Billie + Dogs is one of the most adorable things ever. I'm experiencing extreme Billie withdrawal atm too. Things aren't so good without my little sunshine to cheer me up. I've taken to just staring at old photos of him for hours on end until he gives us something new to fangirl over. I'm missing him like crazy. I just make sure to spend as much time as I possibly can staring at his beautiful face/listening to his wonderful voice. Ooh, that's a good one! I'm gonna be staring at that one for the next few hours now. His smile is exhilarating. I love seeing him happy. FTFY.
    1 point
  35. 😂😂😂 And I’m not surprised. It didn’t look like many of the big names from his original cast were there, it was mostly touring company people that he didn’t know right? Seemed like more of an unofficial thing among these actors not really involving him in any way.
    1 point
  36. Whenever you see someone cross themselves you think of "Holiday" and you do it yourself whenever you hear the song.
    1 point
  37. Aw it isn't that irrational, I mean, obviously it's a very happy memory but thinking about it also makes me sad sometimes, since we don't know when we'll have a chance to experience it again. I'm having a day like that today, I should be writing a 10-page essay but I'm watching Green Day videos instead and inwardly crying
    1 point
  38. I hope it'll be here before we know it I was thinking of Prague in my post, but they might've played it in Norway as well (I remember wishing I was there). It was awesome, I was going crazy because it's one of my absolute favourite songs
    1 point
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