To my sense, the problem is we constantly urge ourselves to capture any good moment as if living it wasn't better, or wasn't enough. Living it is the only real thing, though... it's all we should need.
I haven't either found it personally annoying that most people around me were filming at gigs, it didn't prevent me from enjoying these moments. But if there's something I realized by watching Youtube videos (cause I've been binge watching what people have filmed from this tour, yeah ), when sometimes the camera points out towards the crowd and we see what Billie sees, that myriad of cell phones out and up, I honestly find that totally freaky. I wonder how Billie, who feels concerned about this since he's been ranting against phones every night of the tour, could have spent the 2h30 of each show having this sight and not showing any sign of discomfort while performing. What he placed above all was giving the best show and making the audience go crazy, whether they'd keep filming or not... He even took selfies for fans who came up on stage... he filmed himself with a fan's phone while singing a line of Still Breathing at Corona Capital ("are you scared to death to live"... perhaps it was on purpose; something for this fan to think about when he / she'll be watching it); no matter how we interpret it, seeing him do this must've been the most moving thing, so once again he put the show before the rest, not avoiding cell phones if they could contribute to adding to the emotion of a moment, not being afraid to use them as to delivering a message, even in some paradoxical way. All the open-mindness, clairvoyance are courage that Billie has shown at the same time, through his behavior around cell phones stuff, is very fangirl worthy to me. I keep admiring Billie more.
You know I took a screenshot of that video at that moment when he picks up the banana, and made a phone background of it; he's so cute it's almost too much to handle (plus, we don't get to see him slightly from above so frequently!)