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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2017 in all areas

  1. I love how aware he is of his pettiness but he rolls with it and can be self-confident. As far as I've seen he doesn't seem to suffer from short man syndrome
    3 points
  2. On the subject of whether he minds being reminded how small he is, I recall this little jokester
    2 points
  3. That seems so true. Like, he obviously has his own internal insecurities and stuff, but he seems so comfortable with his body.
    2 points
  4. I think it’s amazing the way he loves to bring fans on stage, he is completely unselfish about sharing the stage, the look of delight on his face when they really get into it is great to see and totally genuine, and then he says something like “get the fuck off my stage”, and they know he’s messing with them. I also think he is totally not bothered about his height, not all short men have what my dad, a short man, called little mans desease. I think Michael Mayer said of Billie, that he was the most comfortable in his own skin of any person he had ever met.
    2 points
  5. I wonder if he enjoys the onstage fan interaction so much because it seems to be the only time he can really be comfortable getting that close to fans. It gives him a chance to connect in a way that would be scary and awkward on the street or somewhere. Here he can really drop his barriers. He strikes me as this kind of affectionate person in his personal life and this is the one time he gets to show that side to fans.
    2 points
  6. Haha true. I feel like Billie has a very selective memory. “Remember the back up singer you met for 5 seconds form the band you played after on june 23rd 1992?” “Yeah!” ”When did Nimord come out?” ”Who?”
    2 points
  7. All right, but it took me 20 - twenty - hours to figure out that this is Billi on a chilli. Can somebody end my suffering
    1 point
  8. Green Day 2017 review from setlist.fm: https://www.setlist.fm/news/11-17/green-day-2017-in-review-3bd6bc04
    1 point
  9. This is a new post (and maybe the video is new? can't remember) but they've posted that quote somewhere before. I remember because it's the best
    1 point
  10. Because I like rap I knew this right from seeing the title (which is from a 2 Live Crew song) and I assumed it wouldn't really be Green Day and was some dodgy mislabeled download because I couldn't comprehend how they could be quoting that song . The percentage of GD fans that are aware the lyrics are from classic gangsta rap songs must be so low (since GD and late 80s/early 90s gangsta rap don't exactly have a similar audience), I always think it's a shame that the parody angle is lost on almost everyone who listens to it
    1 point
  11. So I never really loved Blvd of Broken Dreams the way it seems so many people do? It's not a bad song obviously, but I think it was extremely overplayed and I guess eventually the time just passed. Plus there isn't one single weak track on Idiot, so I have plenty of other faves But this memory is now so deeply tied to it that I can hardly listen to it without crying? (I uploaded this just for this post hahaha. Excuse me being really embarrassing screaming at Billie)
    1 point
  12. But that wouldn’t have been nearly as funny and anything for a laugh.
    1 point
  13. I've just watched this video that @pacejunkie punk posted in the Random Green Day Thoughts thread, and Billie mentions cunnilingus at 1:07. I never noticed his oral fixation until it was mentioned in the old fangirls thread, but since then it's just been cropping up everywhere. Also, in the first pic in the video, Billie's happy trail is so hot.
    1 point
  14. I hate Like A Red if it was his original song. It's a parody putting together lyrics from several rap songs and that's what it makes a bit less disgusting and more funny
    1 point
  15. As well as all the clips of Billie being sweet with fans when they're on stage, I also liked that occasion during the AI era when Billie went into Dad mode after spotting something he didn't like. So fangirl-worthy. You go Billie!
    1 point
  16. I have mixed feeling about this. All By Myself is great but Like A Rat Does Cheese is pretty misogynistic.
    1 point
  17. He definitely enjoys being lifted, he jumps up to help and grins from ear to ear . He's so sweet with fans on stage, part of him being an amazing frontman who instinctively gives everything of himself to the show and the crowd I guess, as well as just being an affectionate sweet person.
    1 point
  18. Omg, absolutely. He's in his element on stage, it's his comfort zone, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's why he brings so many fans up on stage.
    1 point
  19. Yes The same scene from different angle: Look at his happy face
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I first got internet access in 2007, like a year and a half after I got into GD, and I couldn't BELIEVE the amount of stuff there was to see that I'd only read about or never even knew of, it was amazing. That was my prime fangirling time . I pretty much made it my mission to watch/listen to/read everything I could find. But the beauty of it is even after seeing nearly everything there's so much that there's always tons of stuff I haven't seen in ages (plus occasional stuff I haven't seen before) to look up whenever I want. GD provides endless entertainment!
    1 point
  22. One thing that's good is they've made so much music and played so many shows and done so many interviews and all the rest that it's almost impossible to run out of stuff to be entertained by even when they're off duty for months. Of course it's great to follow them doing new stuff but in between is a good opportunity to dig into all the old stuff you haven't checked out for a while/ever.
    1 point
  23. I'm so tired because of school. Final three weeks of the semester and I'm lacking of sleep. The depression mode is kicking in again for me (and my friend who litterally droped out of the semester two weeks ago). Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for making this thread so amazing and fun. It's like the sunshine in a dark day. It keeps me sane in this insane semester. Here a picture for you to light up your day: I guess I needed to see a smile this morning, specially Billie's beautiful smile, because I just want to cry right now for no reason.
    1 point
  24. I always thought Billie looked smexy in dreads.
    1 point
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