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Me to my teenage daughter: “I’m really excited about the new Green Day song that’s coming out next week” TD: “Is their next record going to be their mid-life crisis record?” Me: “No they already went through a mid-life crisis in 2012” TD: “It’s really sad that you’re into a band that’s already past it’s mid-life crisis” 😂7 points
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Billie’s Herbert from family guy impression on his latest ig live has left me in hysterics . ❤️ Love waking up to Billie Live notifications5 points
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How did I miss that clip when it was posted?? Brb joining @Running with shears in fangirl heaven (or hell)4 points
I was thinking the same thing, especially at the end when he said "Ok I'm bored". I think he gets bored VERY fast4 points
I went to a shop with mum and while we were standing there debating over a potential Christmas present (closely watched by one of the shop assistants), When It's Time started playing on the radio, of all songs... definitely a surprise. I got really excited about it for a moment and kept nudging poor mum and telling her to listen and that I never heard this song on the radio4 points
That was so funny! He's actually pretty good at impressions. And I loved the part where he kissed Adie - it was so sweet.4 points
Billie looks younger every year whereas Mike has aged 10 years :**4 points
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Honestly, much as I adore him, I think he’d be hard work to live with, but rewarding - if you know what I mean3 points
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That was my favourite live yet. It was so sweet when he kissed Adie. And his impression of Herbert from Family Guy was pretty accurate. He's good at doing voices.3 points
Billie just did a live on the way to the airport. They had a police escort! He was being ridiculously silly 🙃3 points
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I must be dumb because I don’t hear that at all. I hear the pause but it’s never sounded like a mistake to me, just a small gap so the next part sounds more sudden. It doesn’t sound out of time at all to me! you have made me think about it more though and maybe it’s meant to sound like a sudden intake of breath or something?2 points
Haha, so that's what it was, I thought he was just being a weirdo (as per usual)2 points
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As to the Red Lights Flash discussion, just thought I'd throw it in that the phrase actually first appeared in their version of That's Alright Mama, the 21CB bonus track. I think that's honestly one of the best Trilogy songs.2 points
Tbh people only started worrying about every move Billie made and every sad thing he wrote after rehab . Like he always wrote about deep dark stuff but people just accepted that as part of expressing himself, never really saw a lot of worrying going on until we were given actual real life reason to. Not saying no one was concerned by any of his lyrics but it was kind of a different perspective before then, it's really only once you can see the parallels to real life events that it becomes more scary with hindsight.2 points
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Old photo, but I so wish that he had open all his shirt. ADHD people get bored fast. But I think he said it more like a joke this time, like a reason to make us «go away» so he could turn off his phone.1 point
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Raise your hand if you had a brother who constantly tried to annoy you with voices like this when you were a kid. ✋️1 point
I really really wish my name was CiCi rn. Also, I love the accent he puts on. And the close up of the chompers. I'm glad to see you back @herewegoagain. I've missed reading your posts.1 point
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It just dawned on me that literally none of Jinx rhymes I fucked up again it's all my fault. So turn me around and face the wall. And read me my rights and tell me I am wrong. Until it gets into my thick skull. A slap on the wrist, a stab in the back. Torture me, I've been a bad boy. Nail me to the cross and tell me you have won. I lost before I did any wrong. I'm hexed with regrets and bad luck. So keep your distance 'cause it's rubbing off. Or you will be damned to spend your life in hell. Or earth with me tangled at your feet. You finally met your nemesis Disguised as your fatal long lost love. So kiss it good bye until death do we part. You fell for a jinx for crying out loud. How strange . Is this unique among Green Day songs or are there others and I've just never noticed?1 point
Grey hair is weird. My dad is 55 and has a head full of thick jet black hair. My mom is 10 years younger and has to constantly dye her hair because she has so much grey. Billie is so youthful in general that the grey just gives him a bit of maturity. He is energetic and fun and crazy but he's not a punk kid anymore. He's beautiful. I love him.1 point
Maybe that's it for the dye for the rest of the touring & he is slowly morphing into1 point
Hahaha that is the most innocent I've ever seen Tre look. I appreciate that he made sure to take his new doll with him when escaping this blaze.1 point
Is it weird that I think the bit of grey is hella hot? And the closeups from his instagram live are too beautiful for words. ❤1 point
I don't care what they're listening to, it's rude. We're on a train - we don't need to hear your music. That's why we have a great invention called headphones1 point
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