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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Is it possible for him to be any dorkier? 😂😂😂
    11 points
  2. Random fangirl observation: I like any pictures where you can see Billies 'love' tattoo
    6 points
  3. That's a beautiful photograph.
    5 points
  4. It just dawned on me that literally none of Jinx rhymes I fucked up again it's all my fault. So turn me around and face the wall. And read me my rights and tell me I am wrong. Until it gets into my thick skull. A slap on the wrist, a stab in the back. Torture me, I've been a bad boy. Nail me to the cross and tell me you have won. I lost before I did any wrong. I'm hexed with regrets and bad luck. So keep your distance 'cause it's rubbing off. Or you will be damned to spend your life in hell. Or earth with me tangled at your feet. You finally met your nemesis Disguised as your fatal long lost love. So kiss it good bye until death do we part. You fell for a jinx for crying out loud. How strange . Is this unique among Green Day songs or are there others and I've just never noticed?
    5 points
  5. So true. “Drinking angel’s piss gonna crash and burn” “Woke up in a pool of sweat, first I thought that I pissed the bed” “Feel washed up like piss going down the drain” He’s obsessed. I know there’s more. 😄
    4 points
  6. I love this! He looks sooooo good in these videos! Personally, I like his haircut the most here (at Rio de Janeiro) of all the dates of this leg of the tour so far...
    4 points
  7. I just got caught up with all of the South America tour stuff and HOLY SHIT Billie looks amazing with short hair. Don't get me wrong, his long hair looks good too, but I'm digging what he is doing with it right now
    4 points
  8. I know right? It's lovely and it just looks really simple and awesome in the font it's in.
    4 points
  9. Part of me wants to know what Drama Queen would've been like if it were on 21CB because I feel like it would've been very different than the version on Tré. Although part of me is glad it wasn't on 21CB cause I feel like it might've ruined the album for me. I'm pretty sure it was replaced by Murder City, which I think is a very good thing because that is a great song and definitely belongs on 21CB
    4 points
  10. Lady Cobra is good because it's basically a FBHT song
    4 points
  11. I wouldn't call it their "best" song but it is very underrated. Very Foxboro Hot Tub like
    4 points
  12. Yes, this is the next best thing after pro-shot video and audio. Kind of like the videos Zigabid uploaded in 2010. Even today those videos are stunningly high quality for 2010, I mean compared to the other videos around at the time and even now... Argh, I so want them to at least record some video and audio! Don't they see the potential of it? The crowd and ambiance in SA has been amazing (as we predicted). They are some of the most fun and active crowds there are. Plus, Billie seems to be breaking his ''smile record'' of this tour! They need to capture these amazing moments somehow!
    3 points
  13. Yeah, Murder City fits a thousand times better on 21CB than Drama Queen (and is a much better song, I think).
    3 points
  14. I never realized there was a doubt that it was anything but lonely
    3 points
  15. Lady Cobra is by far their best song. I know people will disagree with me, but man. It's so simple and effective. Story is that recently when I was drunk as fuck and listening this song, I wanted to make cover of it. I fell in love with those instruments and Billie's voice sounds extra fresh. Also very rare dual-solo with Jason and Billie + those lyrics.. I mean, look at this. ''I don't wanna make you cry Cross my heart and hope to die Drawin' blood and lonely stars Drink and kiss for cheap guitars I don't wanna suicide, I don't want this to end I just wanna be your friend Ah, your friend'' Add to that Lady Cobra doesn't sound like other Green Day songs and it has this quite unique feeling. I've been listening trilogy way too much; it still doesn't lose it's magic by overplaying it all the time. It just shows how much they loved to make these records, and I'm really thankful for that as a fan.
    3 points
  16. Half the songs are about drinking. You can decide which ones. 😁
    3 points
  17. I don't agree with any of that Although I like the first 2 - Stay the Night is one of the best from the trilogy .
    3 points
  18. When @pacejunkie punk posted that pic of what might be today's setlist, I first read the handwritten text next to the bracket as "nude" and I think you all know what it did to my imagination Edit: I still don't know what it actually means so who knows?
    3 points
  19. I’ve never seen this picture they look really young. Look at Billie’s natural curls!
    3 points
  20. Love the Instagram live And I like the little smile here:
    3 points
  21. Angel's piss - drinking piss - pissing in a suitcase - he is so precious.
    2 points
  22. Billie has been looking so happy recently and it's just so beautiful. I love him so much.
    2 points
  23. If you're interested in planes, here's a video of GD arriving and departing from Curitiba
    2 points
  24. I've always said I would love Drama Queen if I didn't understand English. Love the music, love Billie's voice, but just can't get past the lyrics. All three lines, old enough to bleed now, Daddy's little bundle of joy, and she is so wet and reckless, I just cringe at all of them. I know they're not meant to be taken literally, but you just can't help but think of a 12 year old getting her period/starting to become a woman.
    2 points
  25. I gotta be honest here and say I absolutely love Walking Alone as well as every song on Nimrod. I don't know how to explain it, but Nimrod just makes me a feel a certain way when I listen to it. I know it's weird, but I feel like I connect with each song on a personal level in some way... Even though I have no idea what half these songs are even about. Especially Uptight.
    2 points
  26. 😂😂😂 Been to the Church of Wishful Thinking lately? 😄
    2 points
  27. Drama Queen is great and one of the best songs on the trilogy. Nuclear Family isn't great and is super overrated. Stay The Night is overrated too.
    2 points
  28. And now we know the selection process for support acts. Billie checks out the bass player and decides if he's hot
    1 point
  29. That line reminds me of Tight Wall Hill Turning tricks for speed balls One more night Lady Cobra was a favourite first listen.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. @MillenniumFan thanks for posting those! Finally some good quality videos. Most of the ones from the SA shows have been pretty far away with poor sound. These capture some of his cutest stage bits (and the infamous crotch grabs) I loved the part in BOBD when he said “This is what I live for”. He may say a similar thing every night but still I believe that to be 100% from the heart. It’s must be an indescribable feeling to hear 15-20,000 people in cities all over the world singing your songs back to you with such passion. The SA crowds are extremely passionate and you can tell how much he’s loving them.
    1 point
  33. Drama Queen makes me so uncomfortable. I'm not entirely sure why, definitely in part because of the lyrics and partly how he sings it. If I had to pick a least favorite song though of their entire catalogue, that would be it.
    1 point
  34. Indeed I remember how hungry I was and everybody was talking about food It must be the most famous sandwich I ever had
    1 point
  35. Masturbation reference in a tattoo - please post a pic when it done "lonely" is what I sing.
    1 point
  36. At least that one was totally worth the wait 💚💚💚
    1 point
  37. I can’t believe you guys sat through all that for a one minute video with poor sound 😂 Nothing ever changes. If they announced a Facebook Live and big announcement tomorrow I would do the same thing and probably be just as disappointed 😄
    1 point
  38. I think it's probably w-w-w (pronounced wuh-whu-whu) and then ''well don't know what I want'', a bit like saying b-b-b-b - but (pronounced buh-buh-buh-buh).
    1 point
  39. Popular opinion- yes, Suffocate should have been on Nimrod. Unpopular opinion- I wouldn't use it to replace LRI; I'd replace Haushinka. Only song on Nimrod I could never get into.
    1 point
  40. This is exactly the way I feel about it. I love how Mike and Tre are waiting for Billie and he finally comes back to them at the end. But the rest of the video, with all of the other people, just seems kinda unnecessary. They make it complicated and difficult to follow. I don't understand why some of those characters are there. It would've been much better if the video focused on just Billie, Mike and Tre, imo.
    1 point
  41. Haha, no: Green Day's live performances have been absolutely on point ever since the Warning tour. Yes, they were always really really good (honestly even some of their shittiest concerts and there are only few, sound better than most, if not all of Blink 182's live gigs), but around Warning/AI is when they got a lot more precise, expanded their horizon and gradually shifted from being a small punk band trio to being (at least for a while) the world's largest (live) band. They still have that sound to this day. I guess from a performance point of view you could argue they hit their peak somewhere between 2005-2010, but they're still really damn good today. Blink 182 isn't and never were (neither are many other pop punk bands; I guess the best other live band in the genre would be Billy Talent, imo at least).
    1 point
  42. Yeah one of the problems I have with Blink is they don't sound good live... Like ever
    1 point
  43. But we've already known there's a high possibility of it being a cover since the day they announced it, so why be disappointed? They don't owe us anything so I'll take a cover and enjoy it or be pleasantly surprised if it's a new song. I don't really know what people expect from a greatest hits. The album itself isn't really made for us, it's for people less familiar with the band who don't already own all their songs. The cool merch and a cover/new song and new version of a song are for us if we want them. People seem to think we're being short changed somehow and I'm not sure why.
    1 point
  44. One of my friends thought it was "stuck down in a rut I kissed my chickens butt". Which saying it aloud I can kind of see that being heard .
    1 point
  45. "Well it hasn't been the first time, and it sure does dry my hair" - Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?
    1 point
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