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I always find it interesting when people compare Blink and GD. I know it is natural, they are supposedly in the same genre. However, I have actually never met anyone older that is a fan of Blink. Most people I know, in my " older" age bracket have never even heard of them, let alone are fans of them. I find it is just the opposite with GD, most people have heard of GD and many are fans. While there are a few Blink songs that I enjoy, overall, I have never heard Blink do anything that even remotely compares to GD. This may sound strange, but I find GD's music much more mature and intricate. To me most of Blink's music is more pop than punk (which isn't a bad thing) but not as developed and niche. GD's fanbase is more diverse, it transcends age. I think that is because they don't fall into a strict pop punk category. I just don't think Blink and GD are in the same category.8 points
He is all about moshing & crowdsurfing right now, haha...also yay, the puppet is back!8 points
You can't really compare them because Green Day are lightyears better than Blink. It's weird to me how they were still writing songs about high school when they were well into their 20s (also their newest album was really high school-y). When you watch live videos you can really see how much better Green Day is. I still like listening to Blink sometimes though. But they don't come near the level Green Day is at.5 points
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^^^ Definitely a pro 🙂 Here’s another view (because I know I can’t get enough of this, how about you?)4 points
This is essential information for our further analysis. Nice video of the landing: Amazing that he didn’t even lose his hat.4 points
I will say this outloud, but I have always considered them more rock than punk3 points
This is totally me. Also, this first pic is totally me too. Looks like God wants everybody to love his favourite band.3 points
I feel like those albums can't even be compared because they're so different. I love Blink's self titled album, but it's just on a whole different level than AI or any of GD's work for me.3 points
2 points
That's been my experience too. At least with casual music fans or people who aren't really punk fans. I think that's because Blink never really stopped being high school idiots and people look back fondly on their own youth. Green Day though got lumped in with bands like MCR, Panic At the Disco, and Fall Out Boy, none of which seem to be respected by anyone past their teens. Although it seems like most current punk bands/fans like and really respect Green Day and see beyond that stigma.2 points
Honestly, I feel like it's hard to even fit them in the punk genre sometimes, but that's fine. I feel like "rock" is probably the best category if one is absolutely required, but regardless, people are going to get pissed off no matter what you call them.2 points
American idiot came out right when emo and scene music for big and pop punk had a second coming but I hate when Green Day gets associated with that. Even though some of my favorite bands came from that time (taking back sunday, all time low, the academy is) I feel like Green Day is very different from that and it's hard to fit Green Day into a single genre or era besides just punk2 points
Lol that's okay I was just confuzzeld I like both Blink and Green Day but imo you can hardly compare them. I find Green Day more mature and darker than Blink and Green Day have a lot less annoying songs. They're both kinda based on the same mold but Blink sounds way more pop and I just prefer Green Days harder sound. But I never listened to Blinks self titled album as a whole so I'm gonna do that now however I can't imagine it comparing to AI2 points
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I love it when Billie does abstract shit. That's partly why 21stCB is my fave. I'm sure there are a few times when he uses lyrics that just sound good, but part of the fun is trying to find meaning in it. 21CB makes me think and I like that.2 points
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Considering it seems to be the shirt he was wearing in his own pic ( by God, I was SHOOK after I found out I had mixed up father and son), in addition to the caption, I think we can safely assume that it's Billie. Oh, that wild, tiny human.2 points
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I'm pretty sure it's from October 2016, cause this fanpage posted it among pictures with Sean Gibbons, which had been taken back then. Also Billie had the same hairstyle and jacket:1 point
I know this is probably very unpopular but I think Neighborhoods and California (Regular and Deluxe) are the best Blink-182 albums and that every album before Neighborhoods is really overrated. I mean, they have some good songs on each of those albums but I don't see why everyone sees those albums as so good when they're pretty average imo. And also, I think that their albums prior to Enema of the State are absolutely terrible, don't understand why anyone would like them. I mean, I don't think Neighborhoods and California are fantastic albums but it's pretty dumb to hear all this criticism of Neighborhoods and California from people who think the rest of their work is masterful when really it isn't Green Day are so much better than Blink-1821 point
Yeah, I don't disagree. It's just interesting to see all the different viewpoints. You have the "Green Day is a legendary band" people and then the "Green Day are emo posers who don't deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" people and everything in-between.1 point
So, yesterday the first headliners for Rock am Ring 2018 were announced. No Green Day yet. Keeping my fingers crossed. A short festival tour promoting their greatest hits album in 2018 would be SO great! Please please please!1 point
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Is it sad that I actually like that new 'leaked' song? (and may follow that band)1 point
The entire film was poorly done. It did not give any insight into the recording process at all. The few moments it started to get into something interested, it didn't follow through and left us hanging. For example, they started the creative process of the logo and then all of a sudden we had the logo. They didn't tell how they came up with it, the thought process ,etc. It went from "we want a logo" to heres your logo. The entire film was disjointed, it didn't flow. Then there were those awful dance sequences which just made the issue of the flow of the film that much worse. Overall, I feel it was an extremely poorly made film. To me it felt like a High School project. Again, just my opinion.1 point
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So with the boys on the way to Brazil I was curious to see how long a flight it was from NorCal. 15 hours! Add the 4-5 hour time difference and it’s nearly round the clock travel. No wonder they need to start out 4 days before the show.1 point
I often wonder if he thinks I should probably not do anything risky as I am the frontman & the whole tour hinges on my body being in one piece - but clearly he doesn't1 point
This! He literally just catapulted himself onto a bunch of unsuspecting children. The most terrifying thing you'll see this Halloween.1 point
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I agree. He probably caught the people he landed on by surprise but I doubt he hit the floor. They probably just caught him further down. As long as the place was relatively packed, he’s be good. And lucky for those kids, he’s not a very big dude!1 point
I think he's getting ready for the wild crowds and concerts in South America haha1 point
I love how Billie tells everybody to put their phones away at gigs, but then he records three different bands.1 point
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Idk, HLAHG wasn't bad but nothing special either. I don't remember much from it tbh. Still disappointed that the promised cinema run never happened1 point
Hold on is so underrated. I feel the same way - love it.1 point
I'm pretty sure the trilogy didn't have crunchy guitars except for demolicious, it's kinda one of the recurring complaints about the trilogy that people had.1 point
I don't mind that Stray Heart sounds like Mother Mary. It's on radio right now, I'm hearing it for the first time in months and I'm actually surprised how good it is.1 point
I love Dos. It is by far my favorite Trilogy album and for me, it ranks higher than other "more respected" albums.1 point
Surprising that Dos is regarded as the least liked when it’s the closest fans will get to another FHT record.1 point
Wow, we couldn’t be more different there. I think it’s a beautiful tribute and so sad. The only thing that’s funny about it to me is he plagiarized himself when he wrote it — it’s the tune of Shoplifter1 point
Me too! Troublemaker is my second favourite (now that's unpopular )1 point