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You know you're a diehard fan when, singing along, rather than the actual lyrics you sing what Billie sings live- "A free for all, fuck 'em all, jump jump, let's go!".9 points
I’m at the pharmacy getting a flu shot and one of the questions on the medical form is “Do you take Prednisone?” 😂 I’m sorry, I’m so bored this week everything reminds me of Green Day. 😊7 points
Endless declination to this : Bang Bang : Daddy's little psycho and Mommy's C'MON! Holiday: This is the dawning of the rest of- everybody! Still Breathing; Just shine a line into the wreckage- sing it! Forever Now : I AIN'T GONNA STAND IN LINE NO MORE!7 points
Yeah but the audacity they had to put a chilled surfy interlude right in the middle of the album between two wound up punk songs, driving home both the album's quirkiness and its retro/surfy vibe? How can it not be loved? And Espionage is just pure fabulousness5 points
Regarding Last Night On Earth: This is a quote from Billie in a Billboard interview.... ""Last Night On Earth" is a love song I wrote for my wife. I wrote it on piano and then sang it. It's one of those things where it's only directed toward one person, like an intimate moment." Source: http://bit.ly/2k5yoNf I recall another interview where someone asked if it was about his wife and he said something like "It better be, or else I'm in big trouble". I don't recall where I saw that though. No idea if it's about suicide at all. I always took it to be more of a apocalypse scenario. Like a final solitary moment with the one you love while everything around goes up in flames and the earth is destroyed. Think, the last part of the 21 guns video but instead of bullets it's hellfire, haha. Regarding KFAD: I think it's the medley that makes it feel overplayed. At least for me. I think KFAD is fun but once it's over, I want them to move on to another song (of theirs) not go into this whole medley and eat up another 10 minutes of the show.5 points
Someone mentioned to me that they interpret Last Night on Earth as a suicide letter and I'd never thought of that but it would make sense. It'd fit into the concept of the characters with Christian being a self-destructive type. But then both the mistress interpretation and just the "I'm willing to die for you" interpretation could also work. That's one of the things I love about Billie's writing, it can be interpreted in so many different ways.5 points
This is what I don't get. You can watch ANY of the songs on their setlist 20x and it'll be the same thing every time. With KFAD there will at least be some variation of antics, costumes, different band members singing, Billie's comments, covers etc. So why is it singled out as the only one that's "stale"??? Side note I've probably watched over 50 different videos of it and seen it live 4 times and nowhere near bored yet5 points
I absolutely love the picture that person made of Billie and Rocky. It's the perfect gift to remember him.5 points
Exactly - if this were the reason, I think Pat would have quit sometime around 2012 and not in 2017 when he's at his tamest, I mean come on If 2017-Billie were too "diva" for Pat, I doubt he'd find a job with ANY OTHER artist in the business4 points
Another reason to not like them, I hate spongebob oooh another tidbit I love is when Billie whispers "someone's gonna get you booyy" in kill the dj. Realized how much I love that last night. I still cross myself during holiday at shows oops4 points
4 points
I believe too that Billie would die for Adie but I still don't hear this song as if he was thinking, willing to lose everything as the cost for her love. To me, he's thinking that when he will die, he wants her to know that he sends his love to her before it gets caught by the fire like everything else (his life also maybe) as he is "here to honor her" - here on Earth, as I hear it... I feel more uncertain about the end of the song: " If I lose everything in the fire - Did I ever make it through?" Once he's lost everything in the fire, he figures himself somewhere wondering if he "ever made it through". Through what? Maybe this somewhere is not on Earth anymore, did I make it through sounds like a final outcome, like looking upon his life when it ends, and I feel it might be the line that gets out of the love ballad itself, to go back to something really personal. Did he ever make it through - the fire that are his inner demons at that time, that could be self-destructive enough for him to have in mind the idea of death or losing everything. So that would be, he might lose everything because of that fire. Another thought comes in mind while I'm writing this: he thinks of the moment he loses everything as the moment of death, but this does not occur because of the fire he's in prey to, his death might just occur at that moment when he's still caught in this fire. So maybe the last sentence would mean: "will I have managed to make it through this fire by the time my life ends?" I love KFAD - like the great majority of the boys' songs -, I love hearing it album version (one of the very earliest songs when I find Billie's voice to become really sexy ) and I can totally hear it 50 times over and over without getting bored when it gets me . I go through one-song-periods like this with many, various GD songs. However, KFAD is not a song I use to watch live over and over. Recently I got into it because it preceded the "Shout" cover with the "punching Nazis speech"4 points
I'm always interested in Billie's interpretation of his own songs, but I'm the one listening to the song, consuming the music, and so I can apply whatever interpretation I want. It's like other forms of media - TV shows, movies, books. A lot of the time it means nothing to you until you can interpret it in a way that does mean something to you. Also, I'm just gonna leave this here:3 points
Why do I feel so uncomfortable reading this? "It's the ones that cut deep in his soul that resonate with me"... As a fan, I don't find it right to tell which are the songs in which Billie puts a lot of himself... as opposed to other songs, for which supposedly we have to "take out" of the emotions we feel in these songs in order to love them. I find it only right to say I love a song because it resonates to me, for I'm not Billie, nor are you, and we don' know his soul in all its deepness, but we all resonate with him through his songwriting and his music on one side, and our own sensibility and understanding on the other side. So we all resonate with his soul in each of us' own personal way.3 points
"Information age of hyster—GO!" I do this for so many Green Day songs. It's kinda funny in concert though, because I know what he's going to ask us to do before he says it. LOL. The typical "The diva lead singer caused drama" response. Not that I doubt Billie is difficult sometimes, but it's just silly speculation from someone who obviously doesn't know what happened.3 points
Same . He's pogoing up and down with his guitar on effortlessly and sprinting down the runway while still having enough breath to sing and I'm like how are you doing that when I ache all over just standing in the crowd. He's like a superhero on stage.3 points
3 points
It's like an automatic thing isn't it? All these weird ass habits they've given us hahaha3 points
3 points
I really don't mind KFAD that much The one part I'm sick of/don't care about at all is the sax solo but it's not a huge deal. Oh I actually remember when he said that! It was in these two videos: It could be an apocalypse scenario too. That was my original interpretation before the suicide thing came up. Both would fit with the theme of the album and characters.3 points
Funny, it's JOS that grates on my nerves not KFAD. I just don't think it plays well live at all. KFAD is at least fun and you can jump and scream and overall just act like a 2 year old and no one will care.3 points
Yeah I actually agree with you on this Hmm I suppose it is, no one talk bad about it though or I will f I g h t3 points
Omg, I do this sometimes I love that he never finishes the “working class hero” line in 21CB live, it’s always “I never made it as a working class LET’S GO!”3 points
Now that I'm thinking of it more, I have come to the conclusion that Jane is right in that it is just a general statement about willing to lose everything for her love. I didn't know honestly Billie said that he wrote it for 80 although it sure sounds like it and I would hope that he was never in this kind of love with a mistress and if he ever was, he probably wouldn't write a song and release it. The line has always intrigued me and now thinking about it in light of your guys' opinion, I think he just means as I said "I would lose everything I have for my love for you regardless of the consequences, and maybe including death". I mean I always tell the few people that I mean this for, like my wife, and daughter, and a few others in my life that I would "kill and die for them (preferably kill)" as if I say that to you I mean it. Any person I have said that to, I meant it and I believe Billie would die for 80 so "If I lose everything in the fire" could definitely mean any material possession to the ultimate loss, life. Billie, oh how your simple looking writing is anything but. That's Billie's greater asset if you ask me, is that he can make the most simple writing a fucking masterpiece with playfulness. This isn't even a song that has much in it as fares depth but in the end, all of his writing sort of is just because he's so playful with his words. Off topic, but I hate topics: I was thinking the other day as I wrote a post in RN about how Billie used to write inwardly (like his slums in WTP, and himself in love in WICA, and himself in Basket Case "I'm crazy", and occasionally he we will write about a single other person She, Outlaws, Maria, but even then it's about him. Even now, all the songs about political discourse he still writes inwardly "I'm not an American Idiot". "I"M not a part of a redneck agenda", "My name is Billie and I'm freaking out", "I'm the son of rage and love" "I'm running late to Somewhere Now that I DONT want to be"...literally I was going through song after song and all of a sudden I realized that even his political shit was still written in the MICRO which goes with my theory that he left the slums but they never left his mind. I asked the question is America his new slum? And I don't even think he thinks about this (maybe he does) but always writes about how things are effecting HIM. He is EXACTLY like John Lennon in that. Paul was always the one writing songs about life "Live and Let Die", "Penny Lane", "Hey Jude". or anecdotes about a medicine student on a killing rampage "Mr. Maxwell's Silver Hammer" (that's what that song is about, it's amazing and most people don't know it because it's set to a happy tune. Pail writes love songs about himself or others but Lennon was always writing about the macro "Imagine there's no country, it's easy if you can". "Let me tell you about Strawberry Fields"....etc...I could go on but I'm too stoned and this probe;ly makes no sense but it so does to me. PEACE YALL This song by Paul (Beatles) is about a medical student going on a killing spree. It escaped me my whole life until someone told me about a year ago.3 points
I think AI and 21st CB are Green Day's most ambitious and epic albums, Rev Rad doesn't compete with them by that criteria. But to me Rev Rad's songwriting is on another level of emotional honesty and maturity that impresses me more than any other of their albums. Maybe I'm biased but I have to say 21st CB was the best live. They basically took what they did with AI and made it even bigger and better, and Billie's showmanship and voice had only got all the better too. There's something about them live now as well though....I don't think I've ever seen them as full of love, joy and appreciation for what they do on stage and it makes the atmosphere absolutely magical.3 points
Totally. It's not hard. And is it hard to let every fan feel and think what he/she does after reading/watching such an interview? I'm pretty sure what I'd get of it would differ from what anyone else would. And I beg to differ, yeah. Just passing, I your new profile pic.2 points
CNN is on TV and I'm not really paying attention .... they are talking about the Green Bay packers though and every time they say the word I look up like some kind of conditioned dog2 points
I do want to know the intended meaning of the song first and foremost (it matters to me because it helps me get to know him better in a way) but after that, the songs I connect with most are the ones that have personal meaning to me that will likely be different. That still forms a connection between writer and listener. Billie explained it best in BIAB, talking about how with JOS everyone brings their own set of baggage to the song but the connection he has with the audience over it is indescribable.2 points
I hated the part where he basically called them old and wanting to fit into the pop world. I'm glad Tre just did that interview where he made it clear that Green Day will never merge with the pop world.2 points
Not true. I have heard many songs more than KFAD that don't ever get anooying to me. It's great the first time and there is a tiny bit of improv I dig. I love when Freeze breaks into Careless but no, JOS is 100x better no matter how many times I hear it so I must respectfully disageee. JOB doesn't play well live? Wow. I never thought I'd here those words typed or uttered. IMHO I think it's the quintisential live song of all time and feel the same about it on the album. I don't know a single person (until now) that doesn't love it live (which is why they usually close with it because most agree). What makes it not play well live to you because excuse me for assuming but if you say it doesn't play well live, I'm assuming you don't like the live version but do the studio. That song takes the crowd on a journey through slow melodic breakdowns, pure thrash, great musicianship from a band that usually doesn't show that off much, to just a great production from a live vantage point. I've never seen an unhappy crowd after JOS so I have to ask, what don't you like about it live? FTR, I used JOS as my example before reading your response. Coincidental and a drop ironic I suppose. To each his own but not liking JOS live is a kin to not liking ice cream. When you find someone that doesn't you have to find out why?!? Lol. Waiting/St. Jimmy is another that falls into the "I don't care how many times I hear it", it's still amazing list. KFAD has made me want to stab my ears while listening to unless I'm there with a first timer in which case I enjoy it vicariously. Rock, slow break, thrash, danceable, beatiful, lyrically amazing, the pinochle of one of their best albums. Why SR? Ha2 points
I've always thought Billie is a deep thinker and some of his songs seem open to a simple interpretation and some don't, but it wouldn't surprise me if there are different ways of looking at many of them, I think he can be quite introspective a lot of the time. I love that about his song writing, I also like as Tre said in an interview I think around 21CB, that the songs sound great and upbeat, so you can be bouncing around quite happily and then listen more closely and think, wait, what is this about? and about how some of the lyrics are very dark, in fact, I remember now that they were talking about how Christian's Inferno is about revenge. All bar Amy, I think it's their worst song by a country mile. At the O2 this year, I actually said to the two girls beside me that I needed the break, I can't keep jumping with him for 2.5 hours, and it takes my knees about a week to recover lol.2 points
I'm disappointed I haven't caught this. maybe it does help as a little break. I noticed in the last two shows of this tour he kind of just laid there for a bit without saying anything then he just looked at the audience and that's it then he started saying a few things, but you're right, he's definitely an energizer bunny. I'm a little jealous that a 45 year old man has 100x more energy than I do.2 points
Yeah he didn't at the start of the tour but he's got bolder/saucier as it's gone on and he's back humping now I don't buy that the reason for lying down is just to have a break, he rolls around and humps and sings and gives speeches and leads chants the whole time, it's hardly a nap . Still it probably does help a bit, he seems to have an almost inhuman amount of energy running and jumping about the rest of the time.2 points
Espionage isn't bad but I mean, it's not something I care for. It's much better than Last Ride In though. That's the same thing played for 4 minutes. Let's just say I'm glad they haven't done another instrumental since.2 points
2 points
I like fun and different. I'd love to be there the day they decide to play different fun songs in the medley. Shout is fun, I'll give you that. And I like the other songs but honestly unless you're lucky enough to be on the barricade right where Billie's laying on the stage floor, it's just kind of boring. I find myself staring off into space. Just saying, I think that's why people pick on KFAD more than like 1000 Light Years Away or any other song in the set list that's been overplayed at this point. Honestly, I'm 19 years younger than him and I could use a breather at that point in the show too. But like, he could play a slow song. Or do a different medley, or sit down and talk for a few minutes, etc. They really don't put a lot of slow songs in their shows so no wonder he needs a break. I think it would be the perfect opportunity to do one.2 points
That's the only time during a show Billie gets to take a breather and lay down, his old ass isn't gonna give that up.2 points
I actually like Espionage. I'm not a huge fan of instrumentals, but I'll take almost anything over Last Ride In.2 points
I will say they could do with switching up the covers during Shout, since they've been sticking with the same ones for a while. But that's my only criticism of it Yeah this is one time when he's spelled out the overall meaning/intent of the song pretty clearly. I like/agree with your description of it as an apocalyptic thing, with the grand themes of the album I think he's expressing his love through a literal "last night on earth" situation.2 points
Because it's not really different and unlike Jesus of Surbibia, it grates on your nerves the 10th time. Only time I like it is when I'm bringing someone new. Hey, I'm glad you still like it. Wished I did. It's a very interesting take and "did I ever make it through" could be taken in a majority of ways. Certainly there is a after death thing to it as is if "fire" does indeed mean death did I make it through to somewhere else or if "fire" means anything like "I would do anything for you" and "make it through" could mean "did I get my love across to you". I think it's unknown and interesting and I want to know and don't think what someone wrote on the internet is gospel unless it's from the sources mouth. @Kuromignonne2 points
2 points
Hating KFAD really does seem to be an unpopular opinion. At the Austin show I went to everyone went crazy the second the band started playing it. I even heard a girl behind me scream "oh my god this is my favorite song ever!" They were really into it. But maybe that's just Austin people, we're all a bunch of weirdos. How fucking dare you2 points
They've obviously never played it through headphones whilst walking through town2 points
2 points
Amen. One of my all time favorites. Gives me thoughts that should be quarantined to the fangirl's thread.2 points
2 points
Lol you wouldn't have said that a couple of years ago! Since shortly after it came out it was constantly trashed and it was difficult for those of us who enjoyed it to even discuss anything about it without people feeling the need to cut the conversation off to say it's crap and ridicule anyone who likes it. The positive posts about it now are mostly a backlash against that/people being happy to finally be able to talk about it positively without getting trashed, and people seeing the good in it and admitting it's not quite as bad as they first thought. And people will always be extra enthusiastic about an album when it's new (was even the case with the trilogy for short time), so I think it's natural that that's the case with Rev Rad. I'd say reactions to it are already a bit more cooled down/balanced than when it was first out.2 points
2 points
Yeah but Billie still manages to make it sexy . To be fair other than the reference in the title it's really about PMS/the emotional effect of a period and not the blood . Plus guys not being silly and squeamish about periods = Oh what about the whole "Oh bless me lord for I have sinned..." part of East Jesus Nowhere?2 points
1 point