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Green Day members please refrain from mentioning FBHT unless you're going to play that show, thanks8 points
I'm gonna have to vehemently disagree. X-Kid is a victim of its era and perhaps in another world could have been much, much bigger. It is the nostalgic, defeated cousin to Still Breathing and not only is it my favorite song on the trilogy, it is easily within my top 5 favorite Green Day songs of all time. Where much of the trilogy seems to lack deep thoughts or strong emotions, X-Kid stands out in that way, along with perhaps a few other Tre songs. (lol Trey Songz?) I'm sorry you lost touch with it, but I can vouch that for me, it can still illicit one of the strongest emotional responses in all of GD's discography.7 points
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Hubby always plays music at his weekend estate sales. Today he found a Green Day CD. Said he loved the album UNTIL his least favorite song came on. King for a Day!!!!!!!!!! Really made me laugh.3 points
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Okay, apparently you guys are getting into my subconscious. My dream last night- Green Day was playing in an elementary school classroom. Billie noticed me taking pictures in the front row and grabbed my face and asked me how many cats @SHART still had, and that my insane cousin (no, I don't actually have one in real life) was a cat killer. So since I promised him that I'd ask- how are your cats doing @SHART?2 points
They all look really good in that pic, but Billie doesn't really look present, have such mixed emotions about Trilogy photos!2 points
You're modding Green Day? If they don't stop they're gonna get a "warning". /sorry2 points
@Hermione I stand by the news. I think CNN should report it but I'll think about referenced vs news next time a car of mine has some Green Day refs.: In the meantime, I hope the users can work through it. <--- As close to an eye roll as I could find. Can a dude get an eye roll 'round here? Damn. Now that's a more serious problem.2 points
Whoever is sending these tweets should probably be aware that they have completely blown their cover. Do they even know who Tre is? They should be tweeting about the right to jerk off on a plane without any intimidation. That would be believable.2 points
Yeah honestly. I had ear plugs in, and I was in the pit, and afterwards my ears felt fuzzy. That basically never happens to me at any concert unless I forget ear plugs. And yeah I couldn't believe how far back I could still feel the flames. No idea how Tre does it!2 points
They feel like two parts of the same story, yeah. But they aren't telling the same message. Yet, I've felt both. And I'll admit that the hopeful message is one that is probably preferable to experience, but emotions don't always just...stop being relevant. Jesus Of Suburbia, for example, is another top-5 for me for the same reason, but currently, at 25 years old with a stable and content lifestyle (minus the hurricane that's about to devour me), it's sometimes not as easy to reconnect with that angst. But it's there. It finds its way back into my brain and I'll feel those things again. But I get it. Our experiences and emotions undoubtedly make music so subjective. I, for example, am not super into Stray Heart because the blatant cheating narrative makes me uncomfortable. But, objectively and from a technical standpoint, I do understand why people like it a lot. It happens.2 points
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There is something that also happens with mishearing lyrics... if you are bilingual you tend to heard some lyrics as they were sang in another language. For instance in some parts of "When I Come Around" it sounds like "Huele a camarón" which translates to "Smells like shrimp". And with "Jesus of Suburbia - Tales of another broken home" the frase "To run, to run away" my little cousin sings "Turrón, turrón con miel" which translates to "Turron, turron with honey"2 points
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HA! I almost missed this little gem. JL, I adore you! HOTH, everything I say is news by virtue of me saying it. I will explain later but I understand your confusion. Me and the great and wonderful leader of North Korea. Him and I are very similar. I do understand why you think it wouldn't be news but KTLA had my dash on their channel. In all seriousness, I am the one that started this thread to when I had a news bit that didn't deserve a thread and so I wanted to create one, and Dai I believe said "what a great idea, crock6000, you are without a doubt our greatest contributor, thought man and the best looking fellow on this forum and because of these factors, I am going to create this thread and call it crock6000's News Thread and If it Has Green Day News In It, Great, but Please Let's All Respect the Almighty Thread". I paraphrased a little of that as its been almost a decade but it was similar. Ok, not similar, ok she just said "Not a bad idea" and pinned it but I get what the thread is for and I am sorry for confusing anyone. You do know I'm just a fucking silly monster and love fucking with you guys because I love you all so much.1 point
Honestly? Yeah I agree with that. I have the reverse relationship with it in that when I first listened to Dos, I wasn't active on GDC anymore and wasn't involved with the fandom much at all. So when I heard it, I had the exact same reaction as you- I knew Billie wrote autobiographically and I can still remember being at a gas station, listening to it in my car and just being mortified. There was just no way that could be happening to this couple. I didn't want to listen to Dos ever again. See You Tonight, Fuck Time, and Amy are the only tracks on there I would frequent. However, since then, I've come to take a different perspective on it. With our knowledge of his addiction, I was able to look at Stray Heart and this cheating narrative throughout Dos as one regarding drugs/addiction as the other entity involved in the "cheating", not an actual person. So I can digest Dos a whole lot better now, although the narrative still makes me uncomfortable on a personal level.1 point
I just realised that today is a year since Dad booked my ticket so I could see GD in Leeds. I seriously cannot believe how quick this last year has gone by. I remember rushing upstairs on my break at work to check my phone and I nearly had a mini-heart attack in the canteen when Dad text to say that the gig had sold out and he had not got a ticket. A minute later I nearly had another mini-heart attack when he text to say he'd found a ticket after persisting online!!! I cannot thank him enough as it was the best gig I've ever been to- it was bloody awesome! Because Leeds arena is like an indoor amphitheatre I still had a great view even from the top floor and my only complaint about the gig was that it passed too quickly!!! So thank you, again, Dad for making my dream come true (once you got past the 'are you a robot?' questions on the ticket website ). And as for people saying that the pyro is hot, even from the 3rd floor at Leeds, I could feel the heat from it. I really don't know how GD are coping with it.1 point
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This thread is for "random" Green Day news, ie random/small things that happen involving the band in some way that don't necessarily need a whole thread. That contest being won fits that description and then there was just some chat about it. As outlined in the OP this thread isn't supposed to be a place to get all the latest Green Day news, the idea is that anything of note should have its own thread and this is just supposed to be a place to find all the extra less significant stuff if you want it. The photo of the car mileage should indeed have been in Green Day References, for future...reference...@LaughingClock little GD references like that you come across belong here: Also, I split the discussion about Billie being in Michael Moore's show into its own thread: As well as the backstage interview that was posted:1 point
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Unfortunately it's not up to us to qualify him as part of the band or not . I'm curious why you don't like him though, I mean he just does his job on stage. He has a bit of a harsh/dry sense of humour but to an extent so do the other guys.1 point
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I love Amanda. (Lyrics are definitely gold.) Not as much as Stay The Night and Brutal Love though. Or Walk Away... As Restless Heart Syndrome on 21st CB or Lazy Bones on Dos, it's one almost-never-played-live song I relate to very, very much, and that I can listen to when I want to get instantly emotional.1 point
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You can feel the heat from the pyro in the seats, I don't know how it isn't really uncomfortable on the stage. Not to mention the explosions every night, how are they all not deaf?1 point
And Tre's ass getting burned. I still don't know how he does not come out of that without 2nd degree burns1 point
Holy shit. I just found a misheard lyric from ME on TDTD from the lyric video. Unfortunately, it's not nearly as funny as pretty much all of these. In fact, it's not funny at all. I thought it said "I was a high school animal", not "atom bomb". Learn something new every day.1 point
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I think Forever Now is one of my top 5 favorite Green Day songs. It's just perfect1 point
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It is still perhaps my absolute least favorite Green Day song of all time. And probably purely because of the slowness. And really...it's mostly the opening that's really annoying to sit through. It's ok live. I wonder if I would have liked it more if it was a Ordinary World type of acoustic song. I've grown very fond of acoustic stuff in my proper adulthood But if you experienced the premiere of that song and that video, ugh omg, what a time to be alive! Bits of it premiered in a spot for an NBA/basketball promo and to this day I can still play in my head the exact sounds and moments that went with it because for a while that was the only recording of it we had. Then the video came out and it was so polarized on opinions. So I have a fondness for it still because it was just...REBIRTH in GDC, not dissimilar to Bang Bang's arrival.1 point
same i love 21CB a ridiculous amount not just because of the music but because of everything surrounding it too - my first gig, my first album release experience on the forum, the artwork....ugh it's just great and I'll always jump to its defense1 point
Who says it's hated by the GDC? There is divided opinion on certain songs and whether it should have been a trilogy but on the whole I think these albums are more popular with the superfans than the casual fans only because the casual fans didn't get the chance to get to know them. Too much material in too short a time and little promotion. I think also because the superfans were first exposed to Foxboro Hot Tubs they were predisposed to accept and love Green Day playing garage/power pop music. I love power pop so this was right up my alley. I think the trilogy really rewards repeat listening I've played them more recently than any other albums I never grow tired of it. Personally I would like to see them try this again and release another power pop album done right, a tighter single record with a thrashier sound like they're doing with the current remixes.1 point
I dreamt last night that I went to New York City with my best friend. We were out eating lunch and I all of a sudden had a panic about possibly being pregnant. I ran back to the apartment we were staying now in (which was a huge, lovely posh apartment) and my flatmate was there. I did a pregnancy test and it was negative so I was very very pleased! Then all of a sudden the house I was in wasn't mine; it was Billie's. He was at a pub with my brother and was trying to plan a big party. He called me up and was asking me to pick up some things along the way. Then another friend of mine popped into the dream and we were trying to find this pub with no luck. We ended up on a bus which took us right to the other side of the island (in my dream, we arrived at this huge ship dock). I rang Billie back and was trying to get him to give me the address. He said "I'll text you!" He then started to text me saying that I didn't need to worry about buying drugs as he'd saved some stuff for me for free. I texted back "oh Billie!! I love you so much you're the best!!" Then I woke up.1 point
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A week ago I ordered the nimrod LP and shirt and last night I ordered the Angus soundtrack on vinyl. best soundtrack ever! I've had a CD copy since the late 90s1 point
I bought a Billie Joe hoodie and a Revrad hoodie with the Bang Bang art on the back1 point
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Speaking of.. is that a kazoo or are you just happy to see your fans Billie?? (decent page own )1 point
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My dad reckons that the first line of Good Riddance is "another turnip boy, a fork stuck in the road."1 point