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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2017 in all areas
11 points
6 points
He really loves his naked self. I wonder how long he spends staring at himself naked every day Also I hope he doesn't apply that logic to everything he does...this is a nice restaurant, I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to eat here a 2nd time. Fuck it. Get naked.6 points
5 points
Ha, I never normally visit this thread as I'm not always very objective about my boys, however, I too really like Dos. I don't think it's their best work but I think it's kind of loose and sexy, that's the best way I can describe it4 points
4 points
This. And it's all about visibility. Green Day are definitely a force to be reckoned with, but I feel that - even though Rev Rad blew my mind - they have reached a point in their career at which they either decide to become one of those "oldish" bands that are respected for what they have achieved, but not very relevant to young kids, or they get down from their high horse and go meet the masses. And the masses are on social media nowadays, and they aren't satisfied with half-baked promo accounts. Let's be honest, most of the kids have no idea who Green Day are or that they released a new album. Hell, even older people don't really know. All the new bands have grown up with social media just like their fans and they automatically communicate with them there about every single aspect of their lives. That's the reality of the business. How could a band like Green Day ever keep up without a change of strategy? And this came way too late. As you already pointed out, this should've started when RevRad was released, but anywho, we take what we get :-D3 points
There needs to be more of Mike here. I know this picture of Billie has been posted here before, but I couldn't find the picture of Mike on its own. Not that there's anything wrong with posting this picture of Billie again3 points
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2 points
And the three of them are so funny and have personalities that are made for social media. If they put just a little effort into it they'd be great. You're right @melissi_unicorn that's an essential part of self promotion these days. I don't want a trailer for the revrad tour, I want a Q&A or a funny tweet or livestream. I want to know how they spend their downtime and see them just messing around. Some of the recent things we've seen have been pretty good, they have me checking the sites all day for updates.2 points
There are a few solid tracks on Dos, but not as many as I'd like on an album, and also fuck Nightlife.2 points
I fucking love ยกDos!. I'm seriously not trolling or anything, it has became my favorite Green Day album for sure; Fuck Time, Stop When The Red Lights Flash, Lazy Bones, Makeout Party, Ashley, Lady Cobra, Nightlife, Wow! That's Loud.. of course Wild One, Amy and See You Tonight are good too, but not as good as previously listed. Especially Lady Cobra and Makeout Party are THE TRACKS that I listen daily. Sure, the lyrics aren't as creative as it was on 21CB, but goddamn, they really know how to rock and roll. Kind of odd seeing this album as ''the worst GD album ever'' when I really love it, but I guess I have different taste. So, that was my first post. I like to lurk mostly, but someday I may post another comment.2 points
2 points
I AM DYING FROM CUTENESS OVERLOAD WTF?!?! Everytime the kid went to hug Billie I went "d'awwwwwww" That is funny to see an 11 year old sing it though.2 points
^^^ what an awesome kid that was amazing and pretty funny to see an 11 year old sing Longview. Was his mother there?2 points
Exactly. The official accounts are for promotion, personal accounts are for communication. It's much more sincere when they post the usual everyday stuff like other people do.2 points
Hmmm possibly, but tbh I think I'd rather them use twitter for every day things instead of promotion (sometimes that in itself works as better promotion), I wanna know what they've had for dinner or what they dreamt about, I don't wanna see the same stuff as they post on instagram, same goes for anyone on any social media2 points
Yep, it can be very serious. There are varying degrees, but it can get very bad very fast. I've seen it first hand many times, and it's scary. On a more pleasant note, I love that pic of Billie and Adrienne that someone took from behind them. Billie looks so happy!2 points
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Don't get me wrong I love that they all seem to be active on twitter (for the moment, anyway) but this would've been better timed around...I don't know, the release of revrad?2 points
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2 points
Exactly, i couldn't agree more. It's how you say it - they should have been on Twitter prior to the album release or ideally, Billie never should have left in the first place, but better late than never.1 point
Gah! The bandana and the Frankenstein shirt under the Hawaiian one! His style is nuts but I love it!!1 point
Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if they were made to wait in line though.... I bet the parks want them through and out asap1 point
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He might've done it whether or not he was a celebrity , but agreed and I wouldn't have been forgiving about it just because he is one. I know right? What 11 year old wouldn't enjoy getting on stage and singing dirty lyrics though, he was loving it. And the hug is the sweetest!1 point
I think it could have something to do with the new management. Maybe they were told to get more active there? I wish they would concentrate on Instagram and Facebook though, I personally don't like Twitter that much and hardly ever use it, but now that the boys do it I will have to check it more often I guess...1 point
1 point
YOLO 'cept someone close to me almost died of it I might get a Twitter too so we could spam him with photos of his own ass1 point
He took mine too for Neil deGrasse Tyson! ๐ฑ๐ฑ๐ฑ OMG Billie read my post!!!!! And he also posted a reply confirming he has asthma. ๐ข1 point
Of course, I have. Strategically hidden between suggestions to follow Jakob, Larry Livermore and more persons of interest for him1 point
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I agree with this 100%. I thought I was the only one that didn't like it and I'm so glad I'm not. To me, it's just too slow and it goes on too long. I don't hate it, but it's the only song from RevRad that I can't get into. It definitely should've been faster, it would sound so much better.1 point
It seats around 40,000, when most of their other venues this time around have been around 10,000-18,000. Plus only a handful of acts play at Wrigley every year and it's an iconic location (and it pains me to say that as a Sox fan, but it's true). Plus, ya know, Chicago's awesome.1 point
1 point
I always hear people talking about replacing a certain song, or adding a certain song permanently. How about it isn't a question of replacing, but rather alteration, variety, constant change ups. So, if JOS or KFAD should be temporarily be replaced one day by Homecoming, some old rarities another, a few unplayed songs from RevRad the next show etc, I'd definitely support that. That would be the ideal situation in my mind. Don't change the core structure of the setlist, but rather alternate between certain songs. I'd rather miss a certain song I love and hear something else rarely played, or some song that makes the setlist of my show different to all the others...1 point
1 point
Look closely, you can see enthusiasm in his left eye! ... Seriously, this guy is pure meme, love him You get it!1 point
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