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Lol Billie, you're last person who should worry about calories (but why do I suddenly feel bad about the chin posts ) I'll have one of those!5 points
Anyone else notice Billie is now following @caloriecorrect on IG I believe he has unfollowed the face mask company so I guess the skin is under control but now it's his weight that's bothering him.4 points
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There is also a video about this (or is it something else? I don't get it). I want Green Day to play my garage4 points
BREAKING: Billie Joe smashes a Subaru, proceeds to play a Honda sponsored event3 points
While we're all waiting excitedly for a statment about the mysterious Troubled Times video, Jason Freese posts this3 points
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It's a McBillie If that's the only way we've traumatised him with our posts I suppose it could be worse.2 points
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Not just every band but every celebrity. A lot of it stems from jealously I think, many people have a chip on their shoulder that means they resent people being famous/rich/successful and that they're in a position to have people listen to what they say. Of course they'll still give their own opinion on politics to anyone who'll listen and don't see anything hypocritical about that.....but they're bitter that bands/celebrities have a platform to share their opinions that they don't have.2 points
Aw bless, he's so vain. He seemed to majorly regret that McDonald's he had the other night (off the wagon after five years!)2 points
Slightly off topic, but hey admins/staff/people of importance here, what's the plan with that interview? Are you posting it soon? Sorry for being curious, but I bet it's a gem, cause you guys probably asked the best questions! :-D2 points
No idea specifically regarding them but I bet it's happening all over. Just came across this band called Superchunk (new to me) taking down a butthurt Trump supporter and then some: (They just gained a new fan)2 points
Billie Joe is a better songwriter and performer now than he was in the 90's. AI and 21CB are musically and lyrically Green Day's best and is nothing like other albums2 points
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Who doesn't want to be Mike tho? It is slightly confusing to see "Mike" talking with Billie's voice, actually1 point
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I do hope he has better things to do than read this forum. I don't think I'd ever sleep again if I found a message board analyzing my every move He has to be used to it though.1 point
Yeah, I am feeling sort of guilty. What if we made a skinny guy feel fat??? enjoy https://green-day-bread.tumblr.com/ It's the weirdest and the funniest page you'll ever see1 point
OMG I didn't notice that until you pointed it out I had to go back and watch! 😂 Why is he pretending to be Mike anyway?1 point
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I'm laughing at the GD twitter tweeting about the Trouble Times video where u been mate Also, every so often I get this massive surge of love for Viva La Gloria!. That piano and then when the strings come in, and Billie's vocals. It gets me every time!1 point
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I love the Billie puppet in the background. *Amateurs* 😁 Do you have to live in Cali? Hope Honda has better luck than Subaru did. 😉1 point
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I hate the fact that people comment "stick to music" on Billie's personal instagram account. Like, it's his account and he has every right to talk about things other than music. Just because he's a famous musician, doesn't mean he's not allowed to have an opinion.1 point
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Do people ever tell bands like System of a Down or Rage Against The Machine/Prophets of Rage to shut up about politics and just stick to music instead? Or is that reserved for Green Day.1 point
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Went to Dublin Comic Con today. Left with an Insomniac vinyl and new hoodie1 point
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Let's dream this time 1. Jesus of Suburbia 2. Revolution Radio 3. Stop When the Red Lights Flash 4. Know Your Enemy 5. Let Yourself Go 6. Holiday 7. Murder City 8. Letterbomb 8. Bang Bang 9. St.Jimmy 10. Longview 11. Hitchin' a Ride 12. ¿Viva la Gloria?(Little Girl) 13. 2,000 Light Years Away 14. Scattered 15. Youngblood 16. Going to Pasalcqua 17. Waiting 18. When I Come Around 19. Welcome to Paradise 20. Armatage Shanks 21. Stuart and the Ave. 22. Basket Case 23. She 24. Still Breathing 25. Forever Now 26. Homecoming 27. Whatsername 28. Christie Road 29. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)1 point
It's pretty ironic how these white supremacists are marching with tiki torches.1 point
1. Letterbomb 2. Forever Now 3. Bang Bang 4. Christie Road 5. Going to Pasalacqua 6. Scattered 7. Minority 8. Castaway 9. BOBD 10. Holiday 11. Lazy Bones 12. Still Breathing 13. Armatage Shanks 14. When I Come Around 15. Basket Case 16. Longview 17. One Of My Lies 18. J.A.R 19. Youngblood 20. Stuck With Me 21. 21 Guns 22. American Idiot 23. Jesus Of Suburbia 24. Revolution Radio 25. Paper Lanterns 26. Macy's Day Parade 27. Good Riddance This would be a dream setlist!1 point
Not a dream setlist but would be something I'd like using every album yet still having a good amount of singles Bang Bang Nuclear Family Nice Guys Finish Last Holiday Stop When The Red Lights Flash Say Goodbye Boulevard Of Broken Dreams Going To Pasalacqua Paper Lanterns Private Ale Bouncing Off The Wall Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Stuck With Me Basket Case Too Dumb To Die Waiting Who Wrote Holden Caufield When I Come Around Minority Forever Now Encore 21st Century Breakdown American Idiot Brutal Love Whatsername Good Riddance1 point
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This means you're more technologically challenged than Billie. How does it feel?1 point
https://flic.kr/p/VR5Qub https://flic.kr/p/USiWwP https://flic.kr/p/W2FZ13 Got a few nice pics of Billie Joe in Gothenburg show <31 point