Oh my god . The sunglasses, the dogs, the embarrassing dad/husband, the leopard print, the coffee, this video ticks every box! I love how he describes each of his dogs, and also the fact that he was so busy doing that he forgot to mention the small matter of GD's US tour
Mt Eddy is a fantastic band and I really hope they can continue to make music with Jakob going to school in NY. I love that Billie live streamed their show at Gilman, almost brings tears to my eyes thinking about the history there and the passing down of a tradition.
Clearly this was a hint that they'll be playing some 1039 on the tour- a little At the Library time?
I'm such a dork and a wishful thinker but it would be fun.
Oh my lord. Forget Billie - I see some doggos !
Ohhh, I missed Rocky ! So glad to have seem him. And then Cleo and Mojo... and Mickey
Oh, this made my day.
I mean how could this man be more adorable?
I'm so so happy everytime I see his livrstreams
From the livestreams Jacob seems so chill and just a really cool kid. And his songs are pretty cool!
Today is the one year anniversary of the infamous One Week post! For those of you who were not on this forum then, a random user posted the words one week in the Green Day in the studio thread. A couple of days later, Bang Bang was announced as the 1st single of Rev Rad. Here's the post:
I feel really stoked that I was at Gilman at the same time as Billie, but also really bummed that I missed him But still had a blast, Mt. Eddy was amazing! Jakob is also a super nice and cool kid!
I didn't know there was an age limit on taking selfies . And he doesn't post them every day (unfortunately). It does make me laugh when he poses like an emo teenager in them but they're harmless, just a way to entertain himself and give his fans something to enjoy.
I was listening to Bang Bang the other day and it just made me realise that it's one of my favourite GD songs ever. It just seems to get better and better the more I listen to it. It's been out for almost a year, and usually I would be bored of a song by now, but I still love it so much. A smile still appears on my face every time I hear it. I love almost everything about it, especially Billie's vocals and Tre's little drum solo.
Just thought of two more:
- The bass solo in Makeout Party is the only reason that song is good.
- I Run NY is a good song. Not exactly Green Day related, but it's a good song!
Very unpopular opinion: Nothing about Foxboro Hottubs enthuses me, and I kinda groan every time they're brought back up. That side project was born from dissatisfaction and frustration from being Green Day — which I entirely understand, all artists need a break — but to revisit it time and again doesn't make sense to me. I could take or leave the actual music, and even their post-sobriety performances just seem kinda messy and meh to me.
I like The Network.