I was at work today, and the first email I opened was from a guy named Jason White. Now, a million guys must have that name, but it made me smile and my heart jump for a second.
Annoyingly I can't remember, he found the subject tiresome so it was possibly about punk. I know the interviewer was really obnoxious about it and scoffing about the fact he'd hung up. I tried to find it but I couldn't. It's a shame because it used to be really easy to find loads of old interviews on random sites or typed up by fans just by searching for bits of phrases in quotes or putting in Green Day interview and a year but so many of them are gone now because a lot of those sites no longer exist. GDA is great for scans but it was fun to search interesting quotes to find the interviews they were from.
I like Mike's voice better than Billie's.
I also like John's drumming better than Tré's, in a way. I just feel that Tré's style is more suited for poppier songs and John's is better for harder ones. I can only dream of what Insomniac would have been had Mr. Sobrante percussed...