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  1. Here, at 2.15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWjbKc4HXL4 I was a bit confused by her saying Billie stood on someone's shoulders, but wow, he actually did
    7 points
  2. *takes cover from daddy!!1 comments*
    3 points
  3. For some reason my FB decided to inform me of this the other day thanks I guess?
    2 points
  4. Now that is really damn cool
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I thought I was the only one to have a really weird dream about Green Day. I have read a couple of pages in this topic and wow! Some of your dreams are really weird and funny. Anyway here's mine: I had the dream back in 2010 or in 2011. At the time, I was working in a Zellers (the competitor of Wal-Mart in Canada). Anyway, I dreamed that I was at the job right before the doors opened to let customers in. Like always, we had the meeting with the boss at the customers service desk. When my coworkers and I arrived at the desk, our boss was there with Green Day. I was in shock to see the band in the store. My boss was telling us that GD will be in the store all day to visit and help us (wtf?). While he was talking, some of my coworkers who knew that I liked Billie Joe were telling me to go and talk to him. I was like «No way! I'm shy and I don't want to bother him!». Then, I realized that BJ was looking at me. So, I run away from the meeting and went into the shoes department. I don't know why, but all the shoes were on the floor. It was a total mess. So, I started to clean the area. A few minutes later, Billie Joe came next to me and started to help me picking up the shoes. We weren't talking, but he kept staring at me with a really serious face. I thought that he wasn't saying a word because maybe he tought I didn't know english (french is my first language). I finally told him «You know, you can talk to me. I have no problem with english.» He started smiling, then we laughed. From this point, the dream became weirder. While I stoped laughing, Billie Joe continued to laugh. He was now laying on the floor laughing like I said the funniest joke ever. He wasn't able to stop! I was looking at him and I was like «Ok, that's enough! Stop laughing! You're embarassing yourself! You know the security is watching you with the cameras right now?...» Then, some customers arrived and looked at us, Billie Joe still continued to laugh on the ground. I told the customers «He's alright. I have the situation under control!» (Clearly, it wasn't the case!) The customers left, but, then, someone was throwing shoes at us. We were getting hit and Billie Joe was still laughing and he was getting buried under those shoes. Then my cat woke me up. Weird dream... I'm pretty sure Billie Joe wasn't sober in my dream.
    2 points
  7. Yes from the moment I heard revrad I loved the simplistic ending. It fits well.
    2 points
  8. BJ & I were driving down the street in Bali & BJ bought a cup of coke for me from a street vendor & I said "no thanks I don't drink soft drink". BJ replied with "wait there's more" & the next street vendor had ice-cream & BJ put a scoop in my coke
    2 points
  9. That was so cool And to see the crowd move forward and back together like that. A true group effort!
    1 point
  10. Longview is probably of my least favourite songs.... come at me
    1 point
  11. it blows my mind everytime I see threads saying they would kick Ordinary World off REVrad if they could change the order or whatever. Everytime it comes on I feel like it is the perfect way to end the album. Not everything has to be punk rock
    1 point
  12. billiejoearmstrong our time in Italy was way too short. we want to come back as soon as possible.. we love you guys so much Jun 16, 2017
    1 point
  13. bunny-Billie or Duck-Billie..what animal to choose?.. Tre's IG nice..
    1 point
  14. Last night I had a dream that Billie Joe broke his ribs and I was supposed to be his doctor/surgeon, but I didn't know how to fix his ribs, so he got really pissed off at me.
    1 point
  15. I had a dream the other night that I was able to go to LA to see a production of the American Idiot musical...except the musical was taken over by a drug cartel and then I had to rescue the Armstrong family. It was terrifying. The last thing I remember about the dream is that I was on the roof of a building and jumped down on one of the armed drug members. I have no idea if I succeeded in my mission. PS: I may need help
    1 point
  16. Last night I dreamt that I went to a Foxboro Hottubs show. When I got there, I realized you needed some kind of paperwork to get in (I guess because entry was so limited?) I saw Billie Joe walking around and I told him "this was gonna be my first FBHT show but I can't get in! I don't have my papers!" He was kinda a jerk, lol, he just blew me off and was like "I can't do anything about it!" next thing I know I suddenly have the papers I needed to get in. When I looked at it, none of the questions made any sense and I couldn't fill it out so I STILL couldn't get in. Then I was walking around outside and I saw someone I knew, who let me copy his answers and fill out my paperwork. I got into the show and even though it had already started it was AMAZING, of course
    1 point
  17. Okay so this is more of a nightmare but here it goes... I dreamt that me and my buddy were renting this 60's/70's Brady Bunch style house out in California. Green Day show up out of nowhere and say "hey! We need your house for a video shoot tonight!" and "we need you to invite as many people as possible and we'll play a bunch of songs!". Most of my dream was spent walking around town getting the word out. Anyways at 8pm there was hardly anybody there and Green Day shows up and is REALLY ticked off. They decided to trash my place and yell at me for my failure as a gig promoter. Tre Cool actually threw his sticks at me and both hit my shinn's. Haha. Thankfully my dog woke me up because in my dream I was about to cry from letting the guys down. I need to see a therapist...
    1 point
  18. Whenever I have a Green Day dream, it almost always involves a Green Day show in this huge arena and me and maybe 3 other people are the only ones there. Then I chat to Billie Joe and I wake up. However, the other day I dreamt that Billie Joe was my cousin
    1 point
  19. Yesterday I had a dream: I went to a GD concert. Oh, wait... It wasn't a dream!
    1 point
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