Wow, that's just amazing to me. To think that some people actually went through the effort of posting 0/10 and saying that the band had "betrayed" them for releasing RevRad- that just makes me want to puke. But then I realize that this type of opinion can't possibly be taken seriously. We're so flipping lucky they're still around, decades later, touring their asses off and putting out new music (which, in my opinion anyway, is excellent)...and some people write that they wish that they would have preferred that they hadn't even put this album out at all? That is not only completely ridiculous, it's offensively inconsiderate of the fact that this is an incredibly lucky situation for music in general- bands don't last this long, this is an incredibly rare occurrence. I'm going to stop this post here because I feel I'm generating the type of reaction those trolls are looking for. And if that's what fulfills them, well, that sucks for them! And for those that did- well, sorry, but I love everything this band does, millions of others do as well...and that's not going to change. I hope those poor trolls find their happiness and meaning in life somewhere eventually!