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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2017 in all areas

  1. I would highly recommend everybody watch the music video for Nice Guys Finish Last. It's brilliant and easily one of my favorites. I really wonder why it never gets played on tv.
    5 points
  2. I agree, I think Billie is a very strong willed person, if he decides he's sober, I think we should all go,with that. I though his birthday party was in a bowling alley and the photo was from Christmas. In one of their recent interviews they said that Mike and Billie were walking on the beach, talking about their futures and I feel certain things like whether Billie could tour like they have in the past would be one of the issues that worried them both, for lots of reasons. The shows are shorter which I think will help Billie, but part of his obvious joy may be in discovering that he can do this sober, he is still one of the very best frontmen around, if not the best.
    4 points
  3. In defense of Dos: it's actually very good and the closest to Stop Drop and Roll part II as we might ever get. Yes, the whole concept of "i've got a young concubine and we party a lot more than we should" is ridiculous and so are the lyrics but they do fit the theme. I'm not talking about individual nonsensical one-liners but for example Makeout Party gets a lot od hate for its cringey lyrics, but a fact is that it's a song written from a pov of a guy who is rather desperately hitting on a girl (one of the main themes on that album) and they do fit. I mean, it's an album about partying, letting loose and making poor decisions. the lyrics are a means to an end rather than simply just bad lyrics. It's a story about ridiculous behavior told through ridiculous words.
    4 points
  4. I just found out that the total eclipse of the sun is going to occur on the day of the Green Day Concert i'm going to, from about 4:40 to 8:30 in the evening, right aound the concert time. Did i mention the concert's outside? This ought to be interesting
    4 points
  5. Maybe they are laughing all the way to the bank.
    3 points
  6. Not a new pic but a nice one I just found on the computer Love this one too:
    3 points
  7. I don't care that it was in the movie. Actually, I went to see the movie (for nostalgia reasons and because I was a big Rob Pattinson fan.) So I didn't mind hearing Green Day in the credits I'm honestly just glad they didn't do a song for 50 Shades
    3 points
  8. It's always been my favorite part and I would always take it with a grain of salt but it was only today that I realized that the whole album can be seen as one story and that the language is a part of it/works as a connection.
    3 points
  9. I would want to think anybody who cares enough to come on here likes Green Day enough that they have seen the video. One of the best!
    3 points
  10. Peak anxious Billie - and also the sweetest thing ever - is the Hall of Fame induction video. Especially while Mike and Tré do their speeches you can see him almost literally falling apart in the background (would add a millions "s" but trying to restrain myself outsid of the fangirls thread)
    2 points
  11. Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks it's kind of lame.
    2 points
  12. I think that depends on who he is performing for. Or if he's talking in front of thousands of fans or thousands of people who didn't come for him. He seemed super anxious at the EMAs during his speech for accepting the Global Icon award.
    2 points
  13. I have to agree with you. I always heard because we are outlaws Yeah, but your lyrics are better. I always thought that that one line was kind of cringeworthy in an otherwise close to perfect song. DAmn, we agreed
    2 points
  14. I genuinely hate Sam Bayer's interpretation of the characters in that video . So I tend to ignore it. Maybe our preferences there are why we view it differently. I still think it's both (a character and a representation of Billie) but yeah I guess which one you see it as more comes down to your personal interpretation and preference. To be honest the list of films their songs have been in is already pretty bad with or without Twilight . Freddy Got Fingered and Transformers 2 anyone?
    2 points
  15. Sara posted that picture. Billie has been in lots of bars and restaurants where everybody is drinking, He even said that he doesn't have a problem with that. I don't think there's anything to worry about.
    2 points
  16. I agree 100%. Dos has actually become my favorite of the Trilogy. I think because I've started looking at it the exact way you describe.
    2 points
  17. Green Day is the only music-related love affair that I've carried from early adolescence into adulthood and it makes me so emotional In fairness, the other music I adored as a teenager was mainly made by artists who are now dead or bands that are no more, but that's beside the point. Green Day will be with me forever.
    2 points
  18. I listened to Warning in the car today the whole way through. It's so good. Quality album, and the lyrics still blow me away. Also, I just realised 'I'm branded, malajusted' in Armatage Shanks does make sense - he's not calling himself malajusted, he's saying others label him that way. It's the pause that confused me I've always been like 'wtf does he mean by he's branded' This is literally me all the time, lol
    2 points
  19. The way he was mumbling to himself. Only remembering it makes me feel anxious too. (I tend to take on other people's tension and tics. )
    1 point
  20. And he seems 100% confident. When you watch him perfom, it's almost impossible to believe he could ever not be completely self-assured.
    1 point
  21. I haven't thought about it like that but it makes a lot of sense. Even with the social lube that is alcohol I have such massive respect for the way he could perform with his anxiety and all that. Doing what he does sober is on another level.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Haha! It's quite cute - maybe they deliberately give awesome songs to bad movies I wouldn't forgive them
    1 point
  24. Just cause because we're outlaws YEAH!!! is like the most badass lyric ever though
    1 point
  25. Watched a video last night, Green Day Concert Prive, filmed in France and basically 21 century breakdown and it was so good. I realised that I haven't listened to that album in ages and it's probably one of my favourites, although I seem to say that about all of them, must listen to it again - think I've hardly listened to anything but revrad since it came out.
    1 point
  26. I don't know what Green Day was thinking when they let "The Forgotten" be in Twilight. Still embarrassing.
    1 point
  27. I absolutely second this! It has to be one of the greatest independent records of all time (and as far as I know, it's one of the best selling independents of all time!) My favourite song off Kerplunk is probably 80. I just love everything about it - the bass line, lyrics, thunderous drumming, punchy guitar etc. I also really dig the opening riff for Android
    1 point
  28. Anyone ever listen to a few Green Day songs and just think "Wow Green Day are the best band ever in existence"
    1 point
  29. Chris Cote is the fan who befriended the band and got "branded" by Billie back in the 90's. 😂😂😂
    1 point
  30. Yelling Billie's name out and waving my arms like crazy and the stars aligning perfectly for him to look right where I was at that particular time hah.
    1 point
  31. Is that Chris from Kut U Up, he better be careful he doesn't burn himself haha
    1 point
  32. Holy fuck I took a break from Revolution Radio for like a couple weeks and I just listened to it now straight through without skipping a single fucking song and its so much better than I previously felt. Its actually really really good in my opinion and with the current climate of things its pretty relevant and a great way to vent emotions. Somewhere now is still my favorite. I dont care if it makes me sound lame but Green Day is really fucking incredible and I wish more people would give them credit.
    1 point
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