I'm seriously loving Tre's posts on Instagram, He seems so happy and excited with this tour, he keeps saying how much he's loving the tour, the shows and the interaction with the fans + that thing he's doing by hiding drumsticks for the fans, is the first time he does that, right? That makes me really happy
I'm printing it out right now I feel like I should write a headline for it though so he doesn't think I just printed out some tweet of this douchebag to annoy him. Any ideas?
I find that to be pretty funny! If you watch the Broadway Idiot dvd Billie comments on Trump being there on opening night. He was like 'what the hell is Donald Trump doing here?' or something like that.
Eh, I don't know, this is too random for this tweet. I was thinking of writing "IRONY?" but... I need something to show that HE is the American Idiot and how ironic it is that he thought the musical was great. But I can't think of anything
There's a million songs that sound alike. There are only so many chords on the damn guitar, people are bound to write things that are strikingly similar.
Then I guess I must be a non-human because I have never felt one twinge of jealousy with my husband. He even still wears a chain that his ex gave him because he likes it. But because I trust him and I am confident in our relationship I have no need to feel jealous. Jealousy is not a natural emotion. Envy is a natural emotion. If the envy is repressed than it can turn into jealousy. For example, I asked hubby why he wore that chain from his ex. He told me that he really loved it because it was a medal that was pertinent to something he did in his life. It had nothing to do with his thoughts of his ex, it was just that it was a gift from his ex. If I had not asked him about it, then it could have easily turned to jealousy because my thoughts could easily have turned to "why is he wearing her gift? " The same goes for Adrienne. I would make a guess that her and Billie have spoken about his past relationships and she knows that they are in the past. There is no threat for her therefore there is no need to be jealous.
Natural Jealousy instinct??? There is nothing natural about jealousy. IF you trust someone in a relationship, be it romantic or just a friendly relationship, jealousy is not something that should enter into the equation.
Well it's not like he's declaring his undying love for her , he just draws from his past experiences to write about relationships/breakups etc. The proper love songs are for Adrienne and there's plenty of them!
I am saving up for this wonderful art print I came across a while back. I think many of you will also like it, so if you too are interested in buying it here is the link. This is the best GD art I have ever come across online, hoping for a huge version of it. http://www.imagekind.com/green-day_art?IMID=6da06109-5a5c-48b6-b344-bab588cdf019
Billie rocking out printhttp://Users/Matt3BJ27/Desktop/Green-Day_art.png