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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2016 in all areas

  1. Every time I listen to Android, I can't help but laugh at the sound of a toilet flushing in the middle of it
    5 points
  2. I think it's catchy as fuck. Lyrics are terrible, but I like the little guitar solo Wow, really? I love most of 21CB's lyrics.
    5 points
  3. I found the old journal I kept when I was 9 years old, in one entry I wrote that my dad bought me 1039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours because I got a good report card
    5 points
  4. I must say, I really do enjoy listening to Troublemaker from time to time! It's definitely not the best song Billie's ever written nor one of Green Day's best, but I see it as a fun, catchy tune with a sweet little solo in the middle of it
    2 points
  5. I will come to the darkside and admit that I like Troublemaker too.
    2 points
  6. Troublemaker rules!! Your right, Billie rips that solo and the lyrics are good and bad. I like most of the lyrics, the song just sounds really good. Far from the worst they have done.
    2 points
  7. Listening to The Network makes me want to cut my ears off
    2 points
  8. Although Troublemaker is considered lyrically bad, I think the lyrics kind of work for the kind of song it is. It's really just the 2nd verse of the song which is bad lyrically and the fact that the chorus is just repeating Wanna Be a Troublemaker which would be fine but nothing interesting is happening with the vocals or instruments during the chorus. Thankfully the chorus is only heard twice in the song. The third verse ("Easy come and go") and the first verse work well with the song
    1 point
  9. God damn I'd like to try this coffee, meet Mike and get my Insomniac album signed at once like that lucky m'fucka!!
    1 point
  10. Today I heard an interview with a Catholic priest who plays Green Day records during masses. I heard gospel versions of their songs and they were fine but records? That has to be a trip! I mean, imagine you go to church on sunday, no pun intended, and the priest blasts idk, what would be the best choice? East Jesus Nowhere or Longview or something lol I can't imagine what that has to be like but I'd sure love to see it.
    1 point
  11. Is he telling someone to behave?
    1 point
  12. This is perhaps my favourite post of the year - too cute.
    1 point
  13. In my opinion the lyrics of 21CB are the best Billie has ever written, even if they do have the tendency to be a bit over the top and derail the 'story' which strings the different songs together. Songs like 21st Century Breakdown and East Jesus Nowhere are lyrical masterpieces. You are, however, definitely not the only person who isn't completely in love with the album.
    1 point
  14. I just immensely enjoy how different the Network are. It's absolutely bonkers, the lyrics make no sense, there are laser sounds, and they wear masks and latex jackets and they pretend they're not Green Day. I find it hilarious and at the same time I actually enjoy the music - the guitar sounds are great. FBHT aren't bad by any means but I just prefer the sound of the Network. Also Mike sings more with them.
    1 point
  15. Someone with more talent than me has to Photoshop a broom underneath him. Mike would make a solid Quidditch player.
    1 point
  16. Googled 'Mike Dirnt flying'. Was not disappointed.
    1 point
  17. Just found out that Longview is "I locked the door to my own cell" instead of "I locked the door to my hotel."
    1 point
  18. I really enjoyed the musical when I saw it and I'd also go see it again if it ever came to Germany, but I completely understand your point. I have the musical CD at home, but I never listened to it. One reason (probably the most important one) why GD is my favorite band is Billie's voice and the songs aren't really the same if he's not the one singing them.
    1 point
  19. I agree, revrad and the song that shall not be named are the only weak numbers of that record. The rest is very good. It's just so nice to listen to that album, idk, this is going to sound cheesy but what makes revrad one of my favorite Green Day albums is the positive energy it has. I can't listen to Insomniac withough feeling pissed off and I can't listen to revrad withought a smile.
    1 point
  20. I still love Rev Rad but I don't listen to it daily. I have it on my shuffle and when the songs come up I smile. I still think it is one of their best albums. I think Bang Bang is one of the weaker tracks on the album and I love Bang Bang. The only song that truly makes the album not my favorite is the song that shall not be named. I also think that Rev Rad is a weak song. Even though it is the title track I could have done without it. Still Breathing, Forever Now, Somewhere Now, Trouble Times, Bouncing off the Walls, some of my favs. I think Forever Now has the potential to be one of the best set enders ever.
    1 point
  21. I loved Say Goodbye the first few listens but recently I've kinda gone off it a bit. It's like a weaker East Jesus Nowhere.
    1 point
  22. I'm willing to pay more for coffee and enjoy a cup of something that doesn't taste like tar but this could never pay off bc of the shipping. There's a lot of local coffee/tea shops that offer fair trade coffee for similar prices. I can see this would come in handy if I lived closer to them and in a less hipstery area.
    1 point
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