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  1. Most of the times, i hate it when albums are underrated..sometimes i love it. Today,listening to shenanigans and thinking of how some epic songs are just buried in the ground , I actually thought of this as a positive thing. Don't know why exactly, but just a random thought.
    5 points
  2. I didn't know where to post this vid so I'll just post it here... cuz I think it's pretty revrad.
    5 points
  3. Was randomly listening to Warning and just randomly want to express my love for the album. Its so fucking good. The melodies, the lyrics, I just cannot say that enough.
    4 points
  4. I hope that Billie Joe dresses like a human sized cello for the whole video. Tre will dress as the middle of the road. Mike Dirnt will be a human sized atom bomb. But yeah, we've got at least two more music videos coming to us. I'm hoping for three. As to what song.......nobody knows. It's assumed to be "Rev Rad" and "Ordinary World".
    2 points
  5. Regarding the artwork...I liked it for what it was, but it didn't seem very Green Day. Too bright and excited and "look how much fun we're having with this!!!" to feel completely genuine. Perspective and hindsight are amazing things. I still love a lot of Trilogy songs, but they just could have been better. It didn't feel like their best.
    2 points
  6. From Billboard: Greeen Day Adds Latest Alternative Songs Top 10 with "Still Breathing": http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/chart-beat/7604446/green-day-alternative-songs-top-10-still-breathing
    2 points
  7. I think they'll definitely do at least one more music video- surely they can't do only the two videos from this album? As highlighted by that cartoon video above, I think that BOTW could potentially be a very funny video, as would TDTD. It would also be interesting to see what they do with a Troubled Times video.
    1 point
  8. Sorry these won't go away right now. It would be killer if they did a Shenanigans song every show or two. HAHA You're Dead would be crazy.
    1 point
  9. I totally agree about Shenanigans! Desensitized and You Lied are two GD songs that I would LOVE to hear live!
    1 point
  10. Everytime my mind tries to dislike Trilogy, I always remember myself: "Hey, little kid, if you had never heard Stray Heart that day on MTV you would not be here writing this". Trilogy is 1/4 of my life. Just this.
    1 point
  11. I agree with everything you said... I don't see it that negatively either, and didn't see it that negatively when it was still happening. It's just that now when we know how bad some things were, watching a lot of the stuff back makes me really uncomfortable. And you're right about the 21st CB era - it makes me a bit nervous about the huge RevRad tour they're planning, I wouldn't want them to end up really exhausted and not enjoying it by the end. And good to hear I'm not alone in finding the album art ugly I kind of grew to like it over time though.
    1 point
  12. I don't feel the trilogy era was super positive but I have fond memories of quite a lot of the promo, like the Radio One interview where Billie played clips of songs and got in trouble for it It was fun waiting for the next video that led up to the release and I remember the excitement when I saw this one especially: It was exciting waiting for the next secret show too, wondering what new songs we'd hear and gradually finding out what each one sounded like. We know now that they were pushing themselves way too hard and the albums didn't turn out as they hoped, but it came across (to me, at least) that they were full of excitement and had high hopes at first. Some of it was questionable for sure and I did think that even at the time. I still feel uncomfortable when I see the photos/videos around Irving Plaza and that general time before iHeart, especially some of the stuff Billie was posting on Instagram. There are quite a few quotes from then that sound nothing like him and are weird to see, too. But I don't know, I don't see it that negatively otherwise. Makes a difference that I liked the music, of course. Though when I think about it, as incredible as the 21CB era was they were obviously exhausted by it - Billie has said a few times that the album drove him crazy. I don't view that as so different to the effect the trilogy eventually had. As for the album covers, they are very ugly but I kind of like them in a weird way now I dyed my hair pink and green back then and it matched my Uno Converse. A lot of the album art came across as quite lazy but a few of the pages were great, like this one
    1 point
  13. I can listen to the Trilogy any time and enjoy it like I heard it the first time. That's why these albums are so awesome.
    1 point
  14. "62% of respondents said attending a live music event makes them feel happy." lol who are the miserable 38%?
    1 point
  15. Another mention of GD by NME: Article here: http://www.nme.com/news/music/5-mood-boosting-live-music-events-happening-2017-1900897?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
    1 point
  16. I love Jinx but I'm not that keen on Haushinka! I don't dislike it enough to skip it but it's just meh to me. Speaking of Jinx, I randomly started laughing when I heard Tre's "1, 2, 3, 4" intro the other day. I hadn't been drinking or anything, I was driving! But I think I was listening to it expecting it to be less funny than it actually was
    1 point
  17. My random Green Day thought is; I wish they could play Nimrod front to back because I love every single song on it. I've been listening to it for the past few days and I can't get enough of it. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it I love every song on all their albums from 39 Smooth through AI and Revolution Radio. 21CB and Trilogy are the only ones where I skip around and pick and choose certain songs.
    1 point
  18. Tre was the first album I threw on today. It is amazing, I love every song off of it and yes, Walk Away is awesome! Some great lyrics there. Musically it gives you a bit of everything. These are all standout tracks, crying damn shame this album wasn't huge. Definitely would have done much better not part of the Trilogy, and given a different name and everything. Either way, classic album!
    1 point
  19. It's almost Tré's fourth birthday. Time goes by so fast, I can't get enough of this album, such perfection. Of course I'll be listening this the whole week. Walk Away is such a great song.
    1 point
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