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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2016 in all areas

  1. I have to disagree with you. First, stop when the red lights flash is not a line in That's All Right. I don't believe it is a metaphor for Billie going off the deep end, but a sign that he needs to stop before he gets there. Here emergency vehicles, such as police, fire trucks, ambulances are equipped with flashing red lights. Also, a standard traffic signal is if the red traffic signal is flashing, it means to come to a complete stop.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Then clearly Elvis also had a habit of sitting behind buses in traffic.
    2 points
  4. Can I just say I looked at this thread for the first time ever last night while laying in bed and I almost died 😂 I had to force myself to go to bed after the first 20 pages but it was difficult 😆 i was laying there next to my husband and I kept thinking "gee I hope he doesn't wake up and look over or he will think I'm laying here looking at porn!" Hahaha. THANKS FOR FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT, Y'ALL
    2 points
  5. this. i always forget how attractive he is. i just had to quote this from the jimmy kimmel thread. my god.
    2 points
  6. I always interpreted "stop when the red lights flash" as referring to sex and temptation in the context of the albums, since Oh Love is about sexual tension and he tells the girl/himself "don't stop when the red lights flash" (ignore the warning signs, give in to temptation). Then he says it as more of a phrase by the time things have escalated to "I'll make you surrender". The "red lights" = forbidden contact, so them "flashing" is a warning. It reflects the whole "forbidden love" theme. I've never thought it's directly referring to his issues, but I guess we'll never know for sure since I doubt he'll talk about these songs now.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. He guys does someone know how the type of jacket is called billie weared during the beginning of a trilogy show?
    1 point
  9. Yeah what I meant is that it could be anything
    1 point
  10. I don't think it makes any difference what kind of lights it is, the meaning is always the same...the phrase is written on buses, when I googled it, all I found were pictures of buses and the song so I guess it's usually used in that context.
    1 point
  11. I know! I was so bummed we don't have primark. Yeah, I like that one too but it looks a little weird in this color, even though I normally like menthol green.
    1 point
  12. I've wanted that grey Dookie shirt for the longest time, I should finally buy it for myself for Christmas I'd also want this one if they sold it in a different colour - http://greenday.warnerartists.net/eu/apparel/photo-collage-women-s-t-shirt.html
    1 point
  13. http://www.fuse.tv/galleries/2015/08/celebrity-yearbook-photos?utm_campaign=fuse&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&campaign=scl|fbk|fsc#8 20 UNBELIEVABLE CELEBRITY YEARBOOK PHOTOS 8 / 20 Billie Joe Armstrong Junior Year (1989)
    1 point
  14. I want one of the hoodies !!
    1 point
  15. coincidentally i'm wearing this one right now they were at primark a long while ago... or just very very similar ones
    1 point
  16. I'm still here, so many pages, I remember the old thread, pure filth
    1 point
  17. Why oh why did I even venture in here??? I am never going to get the washing done now....
    1 point
  18. I was searching for a book called "Unbroken Brain" in a library catalogue and the search engine found that all-album bundle that was released in 2012 with the Trilogy and a Ringo Starr record. The library algorithm runs on black magic.
    1 point
  19. I think Billie was having problems before the Trilogy, I think his time in New York from the Musical probably contributed, this might have been said before, I maybe totally wrong but it seemed to me he was letting out so many demons back then, he seemed to be partying pretty hard with the Cast, people around, I remember he said he finally found friends but with this also comes lots of destruction and hangers on because of who he is, It must be hard for him to not trust people and let them into his life, for any famous person it can be very isolating. I do wonder if he has an addictive personality so whatever it is he gets hooked on it eventually drags him down. I think the Trilogy (and I also have mixed feelings about it) got him through from whatever it was to now, I am glad it happened, he's lucky he has his talent and has this avenue to explore every single part of who he is and he can get things out of him, I am glad he is not afraid to share it with us, one of his most endearing qualities is his obvious vulnerability. he's human he shares it with us warts and all and for that I will always be thankful he went through the Trilogy. Probably just put this in the wrong thread haha x
    1 point
  20. Finally the thread heats up & we can stop discussing why DOS is the best of the trilogy😁
    1 point
  21. I went through the pages that date back to the last tour. OMG, you people were insane! GDC fangirling isn't what it used to be ...adding something for your viewing pleasure
    1 point
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