“It’s like that feeling of what’s obsolete,” he said, “like we’re turning into a pop-culture graveyard.” He paused. “Ooh, that was good — pop-culture graveyard! I’m going to say that so many times in the next few days.”
"I think punk is a lot more than just anger, and rage. It’s like the weirdo that gets to find their voice for the first time. It could be someone that wants to have their own fanzine, and write about things they believe in, and despite the odds, do it anyway."
"I’ve just become more focused; I’ve learned to stop when I’m blocked. Either you go and make the bigger mess right now, or that song doesn’t want to be written right now, your brain’s not ready for it. Sometimes I just gotta know when to back off something. The fact that I’m clearheaded — I just love making stuff. A song like “Revolution Radio,” it’s so subtle and it’s so nerdy. The song’s got the intro, and it’s got a pre-chorus that goes into the chorus, and I decided to not do that pre-chorus going into the chorus in the second verse. It makes the song unpredictable. For me, that’s like the greatest song I’ve ever done. It’s super nerdy, but that’s what I love about writing."
Words can't possibly describe how much I like this particular human.