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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2016 in all areas

  1. I think the bridge to Haushinka may be my favorite part of a Green Day song ever. That doesn't mean the entire song is my favorite, either. It's just... so fucking epic when that song builds to the bridge and final chorus and I will never stop loving it. I'd kill to see that live someday.
    4 points
  2. It's been for quite some time huh
    3 points
  3. Wild One is psychedelic fabulousness, it can go on as long as it wants! Love that guitar solo.
    2 points
  4. Absolutely, I like Rest more too. Wild One is like 3 minutes too long
    2 points
  5. Can't believe it's taken me so long to properly appreciate Makeout Party. It has the most wonderful bass and guitar solos that I've heard a hundred times but never really properly listened to, it seems. It's just skyrocketed from my bottom 5 trilogy songs to my top 10.
    2 points
  6. I took some screenshots, there you go
    2 points
  7. Pretty sure this hasn't been posted in here before:
    2 points
  8. It sounds psychedelic . Not sure what the official definition of a psychedelic sound is but it has psychedelic '60s vibes.
    1 point
  9. When reflecting on the whole Trilogy era, I've come to realize it's pretty clear that Dos! is the darkest record of the three, even though it's not apparent superficially (aside from Lazy Bones). The whole aspect of losing control over one's desire and going too far in one's excesses is definitely a red line throughout the album. It's less random than Uno! and it exemplifies in a certain way what was going on with Billie post-21CB, much more than Uno! or Tré! do. I've certainly come to regard Nightlife as a far more sinister song than I originally did.
    1 point
  10. Wild One and Makeout Party are incredible, I want some of those drugs you guys are having.
    1 point
  11. Lady Cobra is one of my fave trilogy songs! Can't say the same about Makeout Party though
    1 point
  12. It doesn't fit at all man.
    1 point
  13. You are making sense, but I don't think it's hugely respectful or appropriate to speculate about a recovering alcoholic/addict relapsing.
    1 point
  14. I like the lyrics a lot. To me it follows along from Redundant and Church On Sunday as an honest/realistic type of love song, I especially like "The kids are alright, alright as they'll ever be" and the nostalgic verses. I've seen a few people say they dislike "You will always be my sweet 16" (thinking it's about 16 year olds and is corny) in the past, but knowing it's just a reference to his 16th anniversary I don't see anything wrong with that part either. Sounds pretty too. She's not exactly the greatest rapper of all time and I could see being disappointed with the verses not being from a "real" rapper, not everyone who dislikes it just dislikes rap. But I think that kind of seductive half rapping half talking she does works for the song/character and complements Billie's vocals well. And as is evident from discussions about Dos there's some people who dislike hearing any lyrics about casual sex in a Green Day song and are "disappointed" in Billie for writing about it (lol) and no doubt don't enjoy hearing a sexy woman's voice rapping about it on a Green Day song either. But it also just isn't to some people's taste (which is to be expected more than usual for a song that's different to the band's usual output) and there's nothing wrong with that. Doesn't stop me enjoying it!
    1 point
  15. I love the clothes he's wearing in this picture
    1 point
  16. I purchased a German promo CD compilation via Discogs. It has all of the band's singles/radio edits up through the 21st Century Breakdown era. Completely unnecessary, but I'm a collector nerd sooo... Yeah.
    1 point
  17. I went to a little village fair this weekend and randomly found some Green Day mugs, so of course I had to buy one... Especially Mike's face got me to buy it
    1 point
  18. Brutal Love >>>>>> All other Trilogy songs
    1 point
  19. I think the best 'moment' of the trilogy is the Stay The Night bridge.. Even after 4 years, it still takes me WAY up lol. I can feel Billie was as high as the stratosphere when he wrote/recorded that. The melodies in the guitar work is just ridiculous.. It's as sugar sweet as pop/punk rock gets in my opinion.
    1 point
  20. Well all I'm going to say is I like "Nightlife" and always have. I wish they would bring Mystic Knights of the Cobra out on tour. It's hard to find anything about them and I'd like to see them live.
    1 point
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