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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2016 in all areas

  1. "Billy Joe had no desire to look to like an American Idiot" I'm sure he also had no desire to be called "Billy"
    7 points
  2. I finally got my baseball card. I don't think anyone posted the back, so here it is http:// As adorable as it is, they didn't put alot of time into it. They spelled Billie's name wrong and they had some weird thing with Oakland Coliseum on the back.
    4 points
  3. Yeah it was during King For a Day/Shout in Germany on that tour, I believe he was just fucking around haha I concur about the blond on that leg of the tour , he looked stunning.
    3 points
  4. I was thinking the exact same thing. I could understand AI coming back into the charts because of the US election but really outside GD's core fans they have done a single thing to attract a new following.
    3 points
  5. Not to be outdone, here's some more beauty: ( I just noticed the one in the middle has probably a 7 years difference in age between the first and last one, but he looks equally beautiful!)
    2 points
  6. OMFG That picture is GORGEOUS...is he or is he not the most beautiful human on Earth??? That is classic Billie Joe: Gorgeous eyes, perfect nose, the lovely heart shape of his face, his luscious mouth, thick long fluffy hair with the fringe, His beautiful light eyes with the sexy smudgie eyeliner, and perfect eyebrows, dressed up so elegantly in black....OH MY I'm going to die. I saved it to my computer. THANK YOU.
    2 points
  7. Green Day are mentioned on this (number 3 or 4), but he gets a lot wrong haha
    2 points
  8. International Superhits is back on the Billboard 200 this week at #51.
    2 points
  9. Behind the Scenes at the 2015 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony https://rockhall.com/inductees/the-5-royales/gallery/behind-the-scenes-2015-induction-ceremony-rockhall/6523/
    2 points
  10. In my interview with Mike from 2011, I accidentally called it Walk Away. It was supposed to be Waste Away.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Most hilarious baseball card ever. Wondering what "American Tragedy" is. Also enjoyed his authentic pronunciation of the title of the "2010 album" Tre
    1 point
  13. If it wasn't for the change in hair colour he'd look exactly the same in all three pictures!
    1 point
  14. He certainly is Your welcome
    1 point
  15. Love his messed up teeth! And the wrinkles around his eyes are so sexy
    1 point
  16. He was blonde when we saw them in Glasgow in October 2009. I was surprised when I saw footage from Germany that he had gone blonde and was disappointed at first but when I saw him in real life, I couldn't believe how gorgeous he was - sorry fan girling on wrong thread! He was back to black the following June.
    1 point
  17. It is one of my personal favorites and very special to me. It is the first song I ever learned to play. And he played it at the Geezer premier, just for me.
    1 point
  18. Hubby has some work to do this afternoon and always plays his iTunes list on random songs. First song up: Peacemaker. One of my favorites. Dancing in the den happened.
    1 point
  19. Well it is a Best of, good starting point I suppose. Can't think of what else would've caused it.
    1 point
  20. I don't think it matters how old St Jimmy is... He's more of an abstract idea of the dark side.
    1 point
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