He's got a tat on his ankle (is says "idiot" i think) and Emilys Army logo on his calf. For the record, we discussed a photo last summer, it's somewhere in this thread
Ok, this whole give him a cookie thing has got a bit out of hand. I blame the person with the a123 username....oh wait hang on that was me with my old username.. Look at what I started
Found this here:
https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=bbkSCgAAQBAJ&pg=PT173&lpg=PT173&dq=green+day+tour+"rolling+stones"+1999&source=bl&ots=2-4XTzIywC&sig=-Y0LaKGSXFQlO6RgraDuE0IYjL8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicvL2Ek8_NAhVWGsAKHW5mAg0Q6AEIKTAB#v=onepage&q=green day tour "rolling stones" 1999&f=false
Looks like it was because they needed a break.
It wasn't exactly in Prague. We had to drive for a couple of hours into Prague from Olomouc, and I saw those adverts on that drive into the capital. The radio incident happened in a restaurant near Bouzov Castle.