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  1. I disagree. I think it's really cool that they do that! Not many bands I know of do, and I see as a way they can "give back" to the fans. Most of all, the band thinks it's fun, whether the fan is a good singer or not, so it's not really "ruining" the song. I mean, come on, wouldn't you want to go on stage and meet your favorite band if you got the opportunity (I know some people might be too shy or something though)?! It's still a concert, just a concert where the band wants to have some fun.
    6 points
  2. Macy's Day Parade would be a perfect acoustic closer. I would bawl my eyes out.
    3 points
  3. I wouldn't sing in front of an audience but before I go to a show I'll practice Longview on the guitar because I'm not missing an opportunity to play on stage with my favorite band. Maybe I'll fuck up but the experience still will be worth it. It's great they do it and I'm sure everyone who got up on the stage enjoyed it as selfishly as I would no matter how bad they were.
    2 points
  4. Just watched this all the way through. God I love this band so much. With the new album coming this year i listen to green day a lot more the past few weeks it's been a while since i last did that.
    1 point
  5. Billie Joe with puppies??? **as I melt into a puddle**
    1 point
  6. Yeah but that can include discussing/agreeing with/disagreeing with those opinions. Obviously you don't have to carry on a discussion if you don't want to but the thread would be boring if there was no debate.
    1 point
  7. except audience videos from that show shows otherwise and again Billie doesn't use autotune... you should perhaps learn about differences between filters like reverb and autotune... but hey what the fuck would i know right?
    1 point
  8. Everyone says that about it, but if that's the case how is there actually a problem? You can just pick those songs yourself, make a playlist of them and listen to it, and enjoy your solid Green Day album . It's even better doing it yourself because your list of favourite songs will no doubt be different to other people's or the band's, so you'll get the exact ones you want. From the point of view of the album(s) maybe being more successful/well received I get the argument for slimming down but just from the point of view of enjoying the music all it would've done is made it highly likely you would've missed out on hearing some of your preferred songs. Oh and about Awesome as Fuck/Bullet in a Bible, BIAB obviously has the best DVD of the two but I much prefer the Awesome as Fuck CD! Yeah there's a bit of noticeable vocal effect on there but everything else is in its favour, the variety of different songs at different venues and the way it captures the energy of the band and crowd and the feel of that tour. The BIAB CD all recorded in one place and with really not the most interesting versions of songs to listen to (although they're very entertaining to watch) is dull in comparison.
    1 point
  9. You're very wrong clearly you've never heard of auto tune or you're not well informed on recording...
    1 point
  10. Billie doesn't use autotune, he uses filters. Billie uses tools to have a cleaner vocal that stands out from the instruments more. Autotune corrects pitch. It is generally agreed that the vocals were too compressed on the trilogy.
    1 point
  11. It doesn't fit all the songs (Nuclear Family deserves a thicker guitar tone for instance) but it certainly works very well for some (Sweet 16). So even though I'd be more diverse I like it. (I'm in favor of experimenting with sounds especially when the record is long in order to avoid repetitivness.)
    1 point
  12. The thing about "When I Come Around" that makes that song really cool is the sound and rhythm of the guitar. The composure of the music really works. Classic Billie Joe palm mutes, along with that Dookie Distortion that we all have come to love. All of Dookie is recorded using guitars and basses down tuned a half step so that makes the guitars sound allot cooler too. I have heard that song covered a hundred times by a hundred different artists, but I have yet to hear someone get the guitar part exactly right. It usually is just play straight with no palm mutes or pauses at the right intervals. Mike and Billie really play great together on that song. I agree with you that the lyrics aren't the strongest on the album nor is the chord structure. It's played, as far as finger placement on the fret board, in G Major but since the guitar is tuned down a half step, it's actually in F# Major. Most of the song repeats the chords: F# C# D#m B throughout the song, except for the chorus which is: G# B, G# B. That power-chord pattern is used in half of the songs ever written. Maybe, that's a stretch, but the band surely wasn't reaching very much when it came to that aspect of the song, but that can be said for most any Green Day song. After all, complexity is not why we listen to GD. We listen because their music sounds cool and is full of energy and emotion. That can't be measured in music theory. It just works.
    1 point
  13. My unpopular opinion: Kerplunk is one of the most important albums the band has ever written. I feel like the sound of a lot of the albums that came after it have a similar sound to it, but build on top of it (With the exception of Dookie. Not knocking Dookie or anything, but I think the sound is basically the same other than the quality).
    1 point
  14. Haha, i did actually dream something once I was sitting with Mike, Billie, Tre and some wierd old man ive never seen before, and we were eating mashed potatos but then suddenly the old man died.. I dont know, but i think it had something to do with the story about laurie L on kerplunk The last thing i remember is that we sat in a church, and that the Rabbit from Awesome As Fuck was there HAHA, but thats actually what i remember from that dream. nothing else
    1 point
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