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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2016 in all areas

  1. I listened to Dookie on the Wednesday night and I was surprised how entertaining (and short) it is.
    2 points
  2. It's the best teen frustration album ever.
    1 point
  3. Yes I agree! He takes his singing seriously, or he would have lost it. And yes I have Foreverly, I think it's a beautiful album, my husband loves it too, he's into old timey roots music like that. Billie Joe's voice sounds better the older he gets. My youngest is a serious singer, he is taking voice lessons and wants to major in music to be an opera singer, and he and his teacher say that a man's voice is actually not fully "ripe" until around age 40; and with continual proper technique through warmups and singing often, the man's voice gets better and better through the 40's. I'm sure Billie Joe has had some voice lessons/coaching because he sings with a healthy sound and great breath control. Otherwise he would have lost it.
    1 point
  4. I've always been amazed how he went from a young man who could keep a tune to a damn good vocalist. Most singers lose some of their vocal ability as they age, he has gotten better. I think that is a testament to his work ethic. Have you heard Foreverly?
    1 point
  5. Yes, their early material is really amazing, considering how young they were. It's like early Beatles; deceptively simple sounding. The songs are beautifully constructed, the lyrics are creative and meaningful, the energy is infectious. I love J.A.R. My favorite oldie is "Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?" but there are so many others. I just love all of Green Day's music; I love how they have changed styles, meanings, and textures through the years; and how we can hear Billie's voice "ripen" to a full rich sound in his 40's.
    1 point
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