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  1. He must be bored, maybe he should try touring.
    4 points
  2. This Green Day, twenty one pilots mashup has all the feels Green Day and twenty one pilots—doesn’t sound like the most cohesive combo, does it? Well, YouTuber ShellacRecord put together the former’s “Wake Me Up When September Ends” and the letter’s “Truce” and created something truly magical. Listen for yourself below and be sure to leave us a comment with your thoughts. http://www.altpress.com/news/entry/this_green_day_twenty_one_pilots_mashup_has_all_the_feels
    2 points
  3. Best Billie quote on the subject: "They don't need to hear a 15 minute cocaine wank guitar fest and we don't give it to them." Agreed! Muse's House of the Rising Sun is the best. Green Day did a little sneak preview of it here
    2 points
  4. This is an article from Ultimate Classic Rock where they analyze the Grammy winners for Best Rock Album from 1995 to the present to see if they think they should have won. If they don't think they should have won, the say who should have won. American Idiot is one of the few winners that they agreed with. Yeah! http://ultimateclassicrock.com/grammy-rock-album-fixing-every-year/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=newsletter_4572276
    2 points
  5. I never thought about it before, but that could be really interesting. Billie at the mike until after the first Feelin' Good and then it turns to a punk cover. That could really work. Supposedly, Billie covered Crazy Train in Geezer. I'm pretty anxious to hear that.
    1 point
  6. I want this! I found this though. Close enough http://www.tingtong.si/trgovina/product_info.php?products_id=19784
    1 point
  7. This is by far the greatest Green Day moment ever. You can see that they gave their all out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SukeEqZHaw
    1 point
  8. How Green Day inspired the 1975 singer to become a musician Though his band may only now be leveling up to stadium headlining, the 26-year-old Healy has been playing arenas since he was 13: At a Green Day show, the young’n was selected from the crowd to join the band on bass for a track off of their 2002 Shenanigans compilation. “Mike Dirnt was f**king there,” he recalls excitedly. “I jumped up, and he put his bass on me… 10,000 people in f**king Newcastle Arena!” The experience was life-changing. “It was a defining moment for me. Looking out and thinking, ‘OK, this is awesome,’” Healy rhapsodizes. “I still have the pick.” http://www.spin.com/featured/the-1975-new-album-interview-i-like-it-when-you-sleep-for-you-are-so-beautiful-yet-so-unaware-of-it/
    1 point
  9. I couldn't agree more. I know my favorites, but how could I rank them? I can't put my least favorite near the bottom of any list whatsoever. I'm not going to rank here, but just run through the redeeming qualities of each: - 1039- precocious songwriting, great preview of talented 17 year olds coming together as a band. Terrible recording quality but awesome songs. - Kerplunk- again, bad recording setup (indie album, so of course this will be the case) but good lord the songwriting and talent levels are clearly off the charts. The new drummer is damn good too. - Dookie- no explanation needed. What a slap in the face to wake grunge out of its trance like hold on the radio and what was once known as MTV. - Insomniac- turbo charged buzzsaw that reaffirmed Dookie and showed that these now ripe old 24 year olds not only had the songwriting chops but the attitude and longevity to permanently change the music scene. -Nimrod- transcendental album, creativity, experimentation, and songwriting expertise galore. What. An. Album. -Warning- yeah, they can do classic rock, and mix it with a sh*tload of punk DNA. And it will sound great. Castaway and Deadbeat Holiday- drop the mic. For those still doubting, listen to Waiting. Minority ended up being a concert staple. I could list another half dozen winners from this album. -AI- nothing needed to say here. Masterpiece. -21CB- just a pure triumph. While anyone can criticize certain segments as failing to be as strong as the body of work, overall this was their opus, in my opinion. As Rob Cavalho so well put it, they were clearly "shooting for the stars" on this one. -Trilogy- again, much like 21CB, sometimes there was clearly genius on display (X Kid, Rusty James, Stray Heart, 99, Stay the Night), sometimes it lagged, but the only flaw was they shared a little B side material with their true fans on the album instead of releasing cutting room floor material much later. Such a transparent attempt of sharing the creative and songwriting process through the album not only with the breadth of material but also with the subsequent release of Quatro. I know my favorites, but I can't criticize the others, either. It's been an insanely impressive body of work.
    1 point
  10. I took this pic on my 14th birthday, July 17th, 2000. It's from the Warped Tour show in Saratoga Springs, NY. After the set Billiewalked out into the public and a bunch of people started following him, myself included, and I got knocked down by one of his body guards.
    1 point
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