What did the 'Lookout=Gentrification' slogan on the stickers found the in 1,000 Hours mean?
I'm not sure how they got into the 1,000 Hours EPs, but I can guess. Some of the punker-than-punk kids at Epicenter (DIY record shop in SF) made those stickers because they thought Lookout was making punk too accessible to normal people. They probably slipped them into our records that were on sale there (they also smashed a Lookouts record to pieces and taped it up by the cash register)
Do you think they were right?
Well, in the words of the Mr. T Experience, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I personally don't have a problem with music getting popular, because that just means people like it, and I like people.
Also posting this last one because though it's not really related to Green Day it did remind me of Billie's "All ages" tattoo
What do you think of these bands that stress "all ages" when they're younger but when they get older they play only 21+ shows like a bunch of hypocrites?
Maybe as they got older they realized that they actually hated kids? Or they preferred to spend their time in places where everyone was as old and boring as themselves?