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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2015 in all areas

  1. Billie Joe and Mike Dirnt are getting ready to launch a new organic coffee bean roasting company, Oakland Coffee Works. Read about it: http://www.greendayauthority.com/news/5174/
    9 points
  2. There are tons of "coffee snobs" around, the people that order their coffee on line and spend tons of money on it. There is definitely a market for high end coffee. I often order coffee on line, it is not the coffee I drink every day, but hubby and I do enjoy a really good cup. I don't know if this is that type of coffee, but it could appeal to some of that crowd. We don't know how they plan to market this company right now. It seems like they got it off the ground quickly, maybe for tax reasons they wanted it started in 2015. They are not even set up to take credit cards yet, only paypal. It seems that this is the type of product they can market in environmental magazines and stores like Whole Foods. This is just the start. I highly doubt they are planning to double their net worth with it, but was probably just a fun non-musical project that Billie and Mike decided to do together.
    6 points
  3. Nah, they just thought he's weird enough without unlimited access to coffee.
    6 points
  4. 4 points
  5. They're mad Starbucks declared war on Christians by removing the Christmas decorations on the cups
    2 points
  6. So Starbucks is not hipster enough for Green Day?
    2 points
  7. To bad i hate coffee,they should open a tea shop!
    1 point
  8. It's nice that Mike and Billie are going into business together but I honestly don't see how this will be a successful business. If people aren't particularly fussed about their coffee they will just buy it in a supermarket or local convenience store whereas if they are obsessed with coffee they will buy it from a specialist shop or local coffeehouse. Either way if you actually drink coffee regularly then you won't want to have the hassle of having to order online and wait for delivery every time you need more! Also it's nice that they are trying to be environmentally friendly etc but one has to weigh up biodegradable packaging (most packaging on coffee is recyclable anyway) verses the fact that since they don't have a store the product must be delivered therefore that involves the use of vehicles and eliminates the option for the buyer to walk/use public transport or cycle etc all of which is probably more beneficial. Just saying.
    1 point
  9. Yesterday, I was listening to a local classic rock station. The alternative station has no range so it was the only station I could get in. They played She. Afterwards, the DJ said something along the lines of: "Green Day is a new Rock Hall Inductee and you think they would have had a new album lined up. But, they said they have 4 or 5 songs and they are taking their time. I guess it is good to be king" I loved that he said it is good to be king.
    1 point
  10. Origin of the idea is probably from the Pop Disaster Tour.
    1 point
  11. Some days, I just want to lie down, relax and listen to Dookie on full volume. It relaxes my mind and I love it.
    1 point
  12. So cool! I love that they decided to make a change for the environment
    1 point
  13. I very much agree with everything about 21st CB that's being said
    1 point
  14. I can't say that I think 21st CB is better than AI, but I definitely love it. You are young, so you would not have been around, but AI came around just when the country needed something to fight for. It was timely and totally relevant. I feel that Billie's vocals on AI captured the sentiment of every song so perfectly, but technically, his vocals were his best ever (except for Foreverly) on 21 CB. RHS is one of my favorites and EJN just captured the anit-religion sentiment so perfectly.
    1 point
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