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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2015 in all areas

  1. This post could have been written by me, really. Now that I think about it, my life has turned around because of Green Day. I'd never have started playing guitar if it hadn't been for them and I'm not sure I'd be studying languages now if at some point I hadn't listened to American Idiot. On the other hand, if I hadn't loved learning foreign languages at first I'd probably haven't enjoyed their music since the very first listen, as I did. I don't know, I guess it's all intertwined. Not to mention the fact that they helped me change my point of view about things and life in general. I don't know if that's pathetic, but it's such a powerful thing that I hardly can believe it could happen! Sadly the whole story loses part of its meaning if it's written down like this, you just have to feel it inside. I've never seen them either, I can't wait for next year to come! (Yeah, I'm pretty sure the new album is coming in 2016) P.S. I recently found out you're Czech, my father is Czech too! Are there other Czech people around here?
    2 points
  2. All I was thinking was he looked tall - I think he is standing on a little box.
    2 points
  3. I'd better be. Thinking about the influence they had on my life, I should be grateful. I don't think I would have the same hobbies as I do if it weren't for them and I wouldn've met a lot of people I like. It's just crazy that so many things in my life happened because of a band I discovered when I was 11. If I end up studying languages, which is something I found thanks to communicating with other fans, they'll be responsible for my career. That's pathetic af. Well, you sure know it way better than I do, thanks!
    2 points
  4. coincidence? I don't think so! He's been planning it for years.
    1 point
  5. too bad he's dumb enough to post evidence on his own Instagram. (remember that photo of him standing on a car?) I can only do so much that I won't call the cops.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I feel you! I don't think my life would be very different if I hadn't found them, but I doubt I'd be making music now because I had no interest in it before. Writing it down or reading seems pathetic and cheesy, but it's a fact. They really had a positive influence on my growing up. Eva (she lives in Murica tho) and a bunch of other people who I'm not in contact with because they aren't active anymore. It's pretty weird there aren't many since the band's pretty popular here. milk crate! he uses milk crates.
    1 point
  8. He will be in shape for when they tour this summer. I'm being very positive today.
    1 point
  9. They really look like old farts now
    1 point
  10. Shut up and compare http:// http://
    1 point
  11. How about this beauty. Looking legendary with the suit, beard, and Floyd.
    1 point
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