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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2015 in all areas

  1. It's probably important to note that Brain Stew's guitar/bass isn't diatonic, though. If you're trying to make a mashup or something using it it won't necessarily work, the vocals are what let us call it G# minor rather than some obscure scale (blues octatonic minor?) involving G#, C, C#, D#, E, F, and F#. Without the vocals those are all that's there, with them we get an idea of the important notes which allows us to analyze the F and C as accidentals. The vocals of Brain Stew have a G# coinciding with the F power chord, which is consonant, but in other songs it could just as easily end up a B, which would form a tritone and minor second. __________________________________________________________ Before Rockband ever came out there were a few acapellas and instrumentals floating around, notably I remember having them for Brain Stew. Does anyone know where these came from? I'm pretty sure they weren't done artificially but I was younger then and can't find them now because Rockband so maybe they were.
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. I remember I was playing Troublemaker on guitar once and my friend who has never even heard the Trilogy was like, "That sounds like a Green Day riff."
    1 point
  4. Jimmy don't be so negative, you just don't come up with lyrics like that, there is alot of thought that goes into something so amazingly awful.
    1 point
  5. But then you wouldn't hear anything else and your head would look really funny.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. ^ What seems right? Not even the tattoos are!
    1 point
  8. Off the top of my head there's Paper Lanterns, Dry Ice, Private Ale, Having A Blast, Sassafras Roots, In The End, FOD, Jaded, Tight Wad Hill, Walking Contradiction, American Idiot, Oh Love and Brutal Love.
    1 point
  9. Green Day is there, and the first time I saw them [billy Joe Armstrong] was wearing a Cheap Trick shirt. http://brightestyoungthings.com/articles/byt-interviews-local-h.htm
    1 point
  10. Got this 3 years ago
    1 point
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