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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2015 in all areas

  1. Yeah I agree with this. When I go to see them live it doesn't even seem like he does it that much. It certainly isn't in every song, just a few times during the show, and when you're there you're really caught up in the show and it's fun to call them back. I also have to mention that he got the whole hey-oh thing from Freddie Mercury who is regarded by many as the greatest frontman of all time, so they can't be that bad . I find it kind of funny that he started doing it in Dookie times in a much more sarcastic/mocking way but later embraced it as a fun thing to do with the crowd that doesn't need to be meant ironically. Prime example of how he grew into more of a showman.
    5 points
  2. It's hard not to be excited when you're in the crowd surrounded by everyone enjoying themselves. Half the time I barely notice what song they're playing because I'm so caught up in the energy of the show.
    3 points
  3. I listened to Dookie in full for the first time in a while today (well, probably just a month or two but it feels like longer) and every song just served to remind me that I fucking love Green Day.
    3 points
  4. Butterflies... yes... know that... GD can´t serve everyone. Small venues should be for the hardcore fans, so they can do something new or different. But in a way, they do it with their side projects. Well, yes, it´s not easy if not to say impossible to satisfy everyone. Oh, really, it spoils videos for you? I´m always fascinated by the atmosphere, it takes me away. Maybe it´s because I can jump over too much hey-ohs if I like to. Looking back at my alltime favourite Scottish musician I agree with that. I used to follow him wherever and whenever I could, and never got bored, though he was roughly doing the same songs and jokes. But it was so much fun and I loved his singing voice and the crowd going wild. And he was mostly playing small venues, that made it very intimate and personal. Maybe I won´t get bored with GD, too, I don´t know. It may depend on how much I get involved in the atmosphere of the whole concert. I mean, I listen to their albums almost every day, and they are always the same. But I can listen to them again and again. Live and studio. So, I don´t know. Needs some more shows for more experience.
    2 points
  5. Well, every show is like a theatre play. It repeats itself. You can´t reinvent yourself that often, I guess (I for myself can´t and don´t do). Not even Lady Gaga or Madonna can do that, though they try hard. You develope a certain style, as long as it works, and stick to it. And if it means changing all the time is your style, than that´s it. But it also becomes predictable then. If I followed Green Day to several concerts in a row I would get bored, too. Had that with other artists. See one show or two, you know the others. Unless you´re really crazy for an artist or a band it gets tiring after a while. That´s why everybody needs a break sometimes. So in a way it´s a good thing that I only get the chance to see them once in a long while. I really can´t imagine GD reinventing themselves fundamentally. Hey-ohs are too much fun (for them) and a guarantee that the audience is with them. And I have heard KFAD and Hey-ohs only once live, so I´m not bored by it yet.
    2 points
  6. Billie is an an awesome frontman, and the fun he has with the hey-ohs and suchlike adds to that, because that's what it is and what they're there for - having fun.
    2 points
  7. I think the consensus in the old thread (holy shit we're 340 deep in this one) was that the hey ohs only grate most of us because we are fans who've listened to far too many live performances. Most people attending shows do not watch youtube videos, attend multiple concerts, etc. A high percentage are casual fans who are more likely to enjoy all of the hooplah that goes along with Billie's performance. We'll see what he does at the HOB, though. It could change. It's been a while.
    2 points
  8. I saw them twice in a week and I thought the KFAD medley, hey-ohs and suchlike were equally awesome both times.
    1 point
  9. Green Day seeks induction into Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame http://www.villanovan.com/news/view.php/864150/Green-Day-seeks-induction-into-Rock-and-
    1 point
  10. Green Day's Studio Albums, Ranked http://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2015/04/08/green-days-studio-albums-ranked
    1 point
  11. He's a great frontman. Most of us have a problem with hey ohs simply because we've already heard too much of them. I doubt public notices or that common people at concerts get irritated too much but if Billie varied his performances a little more or didn't stretch so many songs with endless hey ohs, less of us would be fed up. Yes I'm a fan. KFAD has just never been my thing though...it's not funny, it's not sexy. It's just long and embarrassing. I don't mind them randomly fooling around, but watching the same set of bad jokes repeated every time is a bore. It's not funny when you can tell what exactly's gonna happen.
    1 point
  12. B-Sides: 1. Maria 2. Desensitized 3. Suffocate 4. Scumbag 5. Too Much Too Soon 6. Lights Out 7. Outsider (Ramones Cover) 8. Don't Wanna Fall in Love 9. Do Da Da 10. Shoplifter 11. Governator 12. Sick of Me ENCORE: 13. Rotting (Acoustic) 14. You Lied 15. Hearts Collide Gotta be honest, "Hearts Collide" would make for a sick live song.
    1 point
  13. Yes the dude needs to make one. I wonder how long they will play?
    1 point
  14. He has bad days? C´mon! How that? Even his hey-ohs are expressions of his divinity. You feel bored by them and KFAD? Are you a fan anyway? I forgive you because we´re in the Unpopular Opinion thread.
    1 point
  15. I think we should rename this thread. I mean, an unpopular opinion doesn't necessarily have to be negative, nonetheless there's so much hate towards Green Day here. "Why Green Day suck" would me more appropriate. Moving the entire thread to a different music forum would be even more.
    1 point
  16. Read and interprete whatever you like. Not my business.
    1 point
  17. Surrender 99 Revolutions X-Kid Bohemian Rhapsody Welcome to Paradise When I Come Around Basketcase Misery Do Da Da Stuck With Me Warning Geek Stink Breathe Last of the American Girls Jesus of Suburbia 409 in your coffee Maker State of Shock Minority Boulevard of Broken Dreams ENCORE: F(woo) Time She Holiday Oh Love American Idiot The Forgotten Brutal Love Sex Drugs and Violence Rusty James Walk Away 21 Guns Good Riddance
    1 point
  18. He did it on purpose. Billie was planning an illuminati takeover. Somebody had to stop him.
    1 point
  19. I thought i'd be positive and list what i think are some great lyrics from the trilogy: Stay The Night- "Well you're so sick and tired of feeling so alone, i don't understand the point if you have to go home. So wont you stay and count the circles round my eyes and we can count stars until the sun begins to rise" Kill The DJ- "Your thoughts are so unholy in the holiest of holes, onward Christian soldiers filled with jive and mind control" Loss Of Control- " Hanging out all by myself, atleast i make good company" "Im gonna hide in the shadows because ive really got nothing to say, we never had anything in common and i never liked you anyway" Lazy Bones- "I'm too tired to be bored i'm too bored to be tired and the silence is so deafening its like picking at a sore" Ashley- "You use to dangle my heart with your puppet strings, you dangled your desires right infront of my face, you led me to the well but wouldn't let me drink, swallowing my pride and i never even got the taste" Brutal Love- "Turn out the lights, close your eyes. Turn up the silence the heartache of your life, dance forever under the lights, this brutal love" X kid- You're not so young, but you're still dumb. And you're numb to your old glory but now its gone" 99 Revolutions- "A common cause and call to arms for the health of our daughters and our sons" There's more but im too tired to think right now.
    1 point
  20. I'd love to see them perform insomniac in it's entirety, there's so much great stuff on that album that they don't play live.
    1 point
  21. I didn't like the amount of times Billie used the word fuck on Uno or Dos, rather I think the amount of fucks he gave on Tre was just right.
    1 point
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