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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2015 in all areas

  1. You forgot jumping in the crowd to beat the shit out of someone.
    4 points
  2. We just caught the end of some food show about pizza. Two guys are in LA and they are sitting over looking the city, eating pizza and one of the guys says he's going to make it as actor even if it takes him along the Blvd of Broken Dreams. Hubby and I just looked at each other and laughed.
    3 points
  3. Guess they're proud of it.
    3 points
  4. So I live in a small college town. St. Patrick's Day usually falls on our Spring Break so in an excuse to justify rampant alcoholism, we have "Fake Patty's Day". So everybody's outside, acting stupid and having fun. I have a delivery job I'm working so I'm listening to Stop Drop and Roll with my windows down because it's such a nice day. It gets to Alligator and I see a guy walk by in an alligator suit. We nod at each other and I drive off wondering if the universe has a sense of humor.
    2 points
  5. "I wanna be the minority, I don't need your authority," scream 60,000 people who also bow to Billie's every demand for nearly three hours.
    2 points
  6. I have this idea about a thread to post pictures of things related to Green Day (and/or The Network, Foxboro Hot Tubs). It can be anything, from stickers to drawings, post everything you consider a 'nize' Green Day crap. For example:
    1 point
  7. This as the final song - what a performance.
    1 point
  8. I have CD booklets with incorrect lyrics in them, so it could be the same issue there.
    1 point
  9. Can't you just let us have faith in him this one time?
    1 point
  10. I don't even remember how I came across this thread, and I never really participate in this forum (though I've follow the website for some time). I'm not quite sure what you guys consider an "unpopular" opinion on Green Day, since I've read lots of things here that make me feel like an alien. (note: after writing everything that came to mind, I realized all of my opinion are post-American Idiot, so I guess I have nothing against old-school Green Day). - I think American Idiot is Green Day's best album. Best than any of what they did before. I believe it has more feeling, it's better written and conveys bigger messages than any other album they recorded before. - Contrary to all of those who hate on She's a Rebel and Extraordinary Girl, I think those songs really balance American Idiot out. Especially Extraordinary Girl. - I consider Whatsername to be the most beautiful and sadder song they've made. - I have special feelings for 21st Century Breakdown... I first listened to then when American Idiot came out, then they toured the world, didn't come to my country and disappeared for years... 21st Century Breakdown not only brought them back to the music scene, it brought them to my country (and made me meet them!). I like the album a lot, but I think it wouldn't make a difference if everyone suddenly forgot about it. - Even though I don't love the Trilogy 5ever, I don't think I dislike it half of what I've seen most of the people here do. I think those were merely fun albums, not meant to be taken seriously, but actually had a couple of songs that were quite good. - ¡Dos! was my favorite album from the Trilogy hands down, and I think it had the best songs Green Day could have ever came up with in order to leave behind their punk-rock opera ear (not that I really wanted them to...) - I don't like ¡Tre!. I love X-Kid and Dirty Rotten Bastards, but I would give them up if that would erase ¡Tre! from existance.
    1 point
  11. I see the last two you are covering your bases for Judi & meeee
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Glad to read a positive conversation in the mid of this idiocy going on.
    1 point
  14. Yeah but it's actually "thereof" which is perfectly fine.
    1 point
  15. Dos is their least represented album in concert, followed by Tre. I threw in some hits that don't get played a lot....Just realized they have a lot of songs that start with W. as well. Enough to do a whole show of of songs starting in W's. I'm brainstorming here....what would have happened if Green Day had spread the trilogy out, releasing them years apart? Would it have worked out better, or worse? I think it could have worked out for them, especially with the whole rehab thing. They could have released Uno as a stand alone album. and then after they were ready to promote again, have dos come out. Something like this: Uno - 2012. Dos - 2014. Tre - 2016. See You Tonight Stop When the Red Lights Flash Castaway Nightlife Stray Heart Murder City Waiting F(woo) Time Ruby Room Ashley Wake Me Up When September Ends Redundant Walking Contradiction Baby Eyes Make Out Party 99 Revolutions WOW That's Loud Last of the American Girls Wild One Lady Cobra When I Come Around 86 X-Kid Oh Love American Idiot Nice Guys Finish Last Working Class Hero Lazy Bones Amy Brutal Love Minority The Saints are Coming
    1 point
  16. Got this one about three days ago
    1 point
  17. I have 2 GD tattoos, the first I got on the 1 year anniversary of my first Green Day show on the outside of my right forearm, and the 2nd I got on my right wrist because Kerplunk is my favourite album (sorry if the images are too big)
    1 point
  18. This is mine! "I'm thinking about a brand new hope" https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/394517_10150536592699561_107018765_n.jpg The link is better! The image is too big...
    1 point
  19. These are my three Green Day tattoos
    1 point
  20. 1 point
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