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  1. Real fans know that Kerplunk is better than Dookie. Dookie's too mainstream IMHO I don't care if you're in Britain I will find a way to hit you Nah but really Holiday is the second best song on the album behind JOS. Holiday has this lyricism that's incredibly poetic and viscious at the same time, unequaled anywhere in their catalog or anyone's catalog in rock. No song has ever provided a better criticism of an era. On top of that, the riff is iconic. And the themes the song talks about are still relevant today.
    2 points
  2. Honestly, I don't know how anybody can look at those lyrics and think they are bad...particularly the bolded lines. It is lyrics like this and similar lyrics in Baby Eyes that fucking baffle me with how people can overlook them and view them as bad.
    2 points
  3. Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends, Homecoming.
    2 points
  4. I think not going down the route of ending the album with the slow song that's saying "goodbye" is so Nimrod! It's a quirky album full of surprises and I think that would've been kind of a corny way to end it, too traditional. And Prosthetic Head does still have an "ending" feel to it, just not as obvious, so as well as feeling like kind of an extra surprise after Good Riddance it still provides a good ending.
    2 points
  5. Mike and Tre are one of the best rythym sections in the business.
    2 points
  6. I think one of Green Day's greatest qualities is taking darker subject-matter and putting it in a song that sounds almost joyful. Like smiling and flipping someone off at the same time. They've done it marvelously their whole careers.
    2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. I honestly think Nuclear Family and Stay The Night is the best two song opener apart from Dookie.
    1 point
  9. I think Wake Me Up works best in the context of the album if you interpret it to be about 9/11 instead of Billie ' s dad. It goes with the other non-story songs in the album then, and actually balances it out as having only the title track and Holiday be about non story political events makes the album a bit lopsided.
    1 point
  10. For three track runs I would go the first three from Nimrod or last three from Warning. Waiting and Minority are two of their best singles and Macy's Day Parade is one of his best bits of songwriting. And Nimrod's opening is just them doing classic 10/10 pop punk song after song. I don't know what the site's consensus on Nice Guys Finish Last is but it was one of the songs that got me into them way back when. Maybe an unpopular opinion is that if you took out When September Ends and did a three track run of Letterbomb, Homecoming, Whatsername, not only does the album considerably improve but those three would all be around about my top ten Green Day songs.
    1 point
  11. He kind of started aging since 2009. Since that TIME interview.
    1 point
  12. See, I've always felt that GR is way too atypical for Green Day at that point of their career, and too different from the rest of the album in general, to end on. And Prosthetic Head just *sounds* like a natural closer--I can't think of anywhere else it would fit on the album. Also, it's just a fantastic song in general--the Pixies-type use of quiet-verses-loud-chorus is done to great effect.
    1 point
  13. I'd go so far as to argue they're in third place behind Geddy Lee and Neil Peart and John Deacon and Roger Taylor.
    1 point
  14. Emanuel Gutierrez ‏@EmanuelGtrz 18h Met @BJAofficial today at work. He was very nice. Was pretty inspired just by the fact of meeting him. Huge role model for me.
    1 point
  15. Goddamnit, autocorrect. GR, I was trying to say. You...you don't like Prosthetic Head?
    1 point
  16. It seems like I'm one of the few people who likes the second half of Nimrod then. Haushinka to Good Riddance is a brilliant run of songs.
    1 point
  17. That's exactly the point really, but I have a different take on it. Billie has been kind of dominant in recent years, especially on AI and Breakdown, and it's seemed more like Mike and Tre are just his backing band. The pair of them are utterly fantastic musicians, especially as a unit, and personally I'm looking forward to whatever they do next in the hope we get some awesome musical moments out of them rather than necessarily for songs themselves, yknow? Given that they've been so restrained for such a long time I think they have more to offer than Billie at this point, and that's not even taking anything away from him.
    1 point
  18. Gotta disagree, I think we've seen them go about as low as they can go quality wise with the trilogy. And even then, there was enough good songs on the trilogy to make a solid album of say 12 songs. I think the only way to go is up, and there is plenty Billie and the band can draw from for inspiration, considering Billie's rehab and Mike's wife being sick. Bottom line is: If they had released one decent album instead of the whole trilogy, I don't think we're even having this conversation. And I think that Green Day and Billie Joe specifically still have a lot to offer.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Got the weirdest fucking email today. First they requested Green Day play a concert in their country (that's normal). But then they suggest the band do a skit on stage where during American Idiot they get someone to go up on stage from the crowd and act like they're shooting all 3 members, then have police come out from back stage. "Leave the crowd and everyone silent for a few minutes, then Billie gets up saying "waaakkkeeee upp like in the chorus of Waiting", and the band starts playing again". After this person finishes this really terrible idea for a concert, they give me two bank account numbers asking for me or "anyone else in Green Day" to donate money to them, $1 to $3, just to help. They also kindly offered to use a wire transfer through Western Union if that was easier for us. It's been a long time that I genuinely thought "what the fuck did I just read" after going through email.
    1 point
  21. Yeah that's a good point too. Given how much of a toll long term touring took on Billie I think it's totally understandable they're having a year off, whatever the reason. I'd be surprised if he wasn't writing songs though, so maybe we might get an album sooner than expected as a result.
    1 point
  22. don't know how unpopular this is, but haha you're dead is one of my favorite gd songs
    1 point
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