Larry Livermore @LarryLivermore · Aug 13
What was the last lookout record band you saw live? (On the... — I don't know, probably Green Day or the Potatomen.
Larry Livermore @LarryLivermore
Many Green Day fans consider their newest trilogy of albums to contain the very worst tracks released in their catalogue to date. Plagued with lazy songwriting, including re-hashing chords and melodies and wrought with juvenile lyrical content. If you've listened, what do you think?
Have you thought about becoming a rock critic?
Larry Livermore @LarryLivermore · Aug 12
Would you like to play with Green Day at any concert?
Been there, done that. They opened for us a bunch of times.
Larry Livermore @LarryLivermore · Aug 12
It´s true that Tim Armstrong invite Billie Joe to be in Rancid? — Yes.
Larry Livermore @LarryLivermore · Aug 11
Do you know if John Kiffmeyer regretted leaving Green Day? — No.
Larry Livermore @LarryLivermore · Aug 10
Just watched another docu with you in, this time about Green Day. You said that Dookie didn't click with you as much as their first 2 offerings and that You preferred American idiot. What do you make of Warning and Nimrod?
I think American Idiot is their best release, followed by the two Lookout records, followed by Dookie. The others come after that.