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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2014 in all areas

  1. You know you spend too much time on GDC when you tell someone their cooking is demolicious without even thinking about it.
    4 points
  2. just saw a tweet that reminded me of you lot.
    3 points
  3. If it doesn't matter to you then why do you bother saying that he isn't?
    2 points
  4. Not exactly the same, but I love that they're so easy to sing along with . So many bands sing too high or low for me to comfortably join in with but Billie's range is perfect.
    2 points
  5. there's something seriously wrong with that sentence
    2 points
  6. Plus Jason is listed as member in the trilogy booklet if he was just an additional guitarist he'd been listed under addition musician part
    2 points
  7. Remember that Green Day has had Jason longer than they haven't had him, so that's gotta count for something. You must leave this place and never return.
    2 points
  8. All the excitement of being alone on an album cover would be too much for Jason. Even being together with the band on Cuatro made his heart flutter a little too hard. In all seriousness, they probably realized he's nowhere near recognizable enough to put solely on the cover of something.
    1 point
  9. christian's inferno is better than 95% of the songs on the trilogy and is in no way the worst song on 21cb
    1 point
  10. This may be the worst argument I've seen in my time in this thread
    1 point
  11. So are they playing together tonight or...?
    1 point
  12. Billie did say in Cuatro that Jason was a fourth member, but Billie says a lot of things he doesn't mean. Example: 99 Revs is the best song he's ever written...or how he always says the next album will be "live" feeling and then doesn't deliver. Also, Jason wasn't exactly on any magazine covers or in any interviews during the leadup to Uno, which should be something a main member does. I grew up with the Green Day trio. I see Jason as an important side member, but I'd rather not have him as a main band member.
    1 point
  13. Flashback Heart Attack on Facebook: Flashback Heart Attack rocking the Harp this Friday. Will be packed. Get there early. Let's party. Next two Saturdays gone from White House Laguna to play Private events and CFF charity event with Mike Ness and Billie Joe Armstrong. Back White House July 26th. Time to learn some more SD
    1 point
  14. Flashback Heart Attack 5 hours ago What do you get when you add 1/2 Flashback Heart Attack and 2/3 Green Day. Awesomeness!! Harp tomorrow (Fri) night. Have a feeling its going to be a crazy night. Come on down. No White House next two weeks. Playing private event and charity event. Back last Sat of July. See you tomorrow night Flashback Heart Attack 23 hours ago Flashback Heart Attack rocking the Harp this Friday. Will be packed. Get there early. Let's party. Next two Saturdays gone from White House Laguna to play Private events and CFF charity event with Mike Ness and Billie Joe Armstrong. Back White House July 26th. Time to learn some more SD
    1 point
  15. Both of these guys work at Krispy Creme Donuts tj ‏@tdarwish7 12h billy joe armstrong came into work today lol Alec Gibbs ‏@agibbssy 14h I rang up the lead singer of green day tonight Anthony ∀ Angelini ‏@AAAngelini Jul 10 Repping my fellow American Idiots in Israel! #Shalom!
    1 point
  16. Generally speaking the whole official vs unofficial thing is totally fair enough, but it's a different matter when it comes to Green Day. They've always blurred the lines between session musician and band member when it comes to Jason White and, to a lesser extent, Jason Freese. I don't understand the need to get so hung up over it.
    1 point
  17. Should I put up my flame shield now? I really just don't care for the album all that much, for various reasons I've discussed on here before that really aren't all too unique. I think it's overdone, much too long and unrelatable. Also, nothing that followed AI was going to be well-received from a fangirl like me at the time, so it just never stood a chance to begin with... poor thing.
    1 point
  18. I can ruin any that were on Rock Band Refer to the time I made the vocals louder on Geek Stink Breath and totally murdered the song. Billie has always double tracked, it's a perfectly common production technique, and a lot of the time he joins in with the harmonies that Mike does. The main difference on the Trilogy was that Mike just didn't join in. God, I miss them doing stuff like Having A Blast, where it's unclear whether Billie or Mike is taking the lead. Oh, I guess that happened with the title track of Breakdown, but whatever, that's one song.
    1 point
  19. Oh. I had the link there but I must have deleted it. Here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYGaop3pe8U
    1 point
  20. 28 Misfits covers that totally rock our world 1. Green Day, “Hybrid Moments” http://www.altpress.com/features/entry/28_misfits_covers_that_totally_rock_our_world
    1 point
  21. Lazy Bones suffers from being on Dos. People who consider that to be one of Green Day's worst albums, including me, tend to overlook it. But as Lukie said above, it's a real hard-hitter in the context of rehab/Billie's problems. Yeah, but you dislike Longview so
    1 point
  22. A somewhat amusing Green Day mention in this joke interview with NOFX, from 2:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrNjUTkkJ38
    1 point
  23. WOO! Now this is my type of thread! ((More can be found HERE)) ((Check out GreenDay-Illustrated on Tumblr))
    1 point
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