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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2014 in all areas
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I've just remembered a load of these from a few years ago. "Furred men eat salmon, Ella said oh no" - Hitchin' A Ride "I live inside this mental cave, throw my emotions in the gays, Helen needs them anyway" - Burnout "I am a son of a bitch, a nigger and a pole" - St Jimmy "She assaulted the earth and she's dangerous" - She's A Rebel "Too much too soon, too late and now become an igloo" - Too Much Too Soon "Are you locked up in a world that's before W" - She "I'm not part of Fur Elise I'm just alright" - Stuck With Me "My wallet's farted, so has my head" - Walking Contradiction4 points
3 points
Neutral opinion: I can't see much different between this thread and the old thread, but it's nice to have a fresh start to refresh the conversation. I think that's great, it alludes to the fact that drug addiction and mental illness aren't viewed as diseases the way physical illnesses are. If someone with a physical illness said it it'd be accepted, but coming from someone talking about drug addiction and mental illness it sounds like a silly exaggeration. Immature, self indulgent whining about a "really bad disease". Even though that isn't true it's how society often treats that kind of illness, and how it can feel to be suffering from it. The childishness of the phrase is what gets across that feeling of patheticness/helplessness.3 points
I don't consider DRB to be in the same echelon as a JoS, Homecoming, 21st Century Breakdown or American Eulogy. To me, it's simply a medley (not a suite) that I can enjoy without regret. Mike's bass is definitely one of my favorites along with Castaway, She, and Makeout Party. Whether or not it's an objectively "good" song musically, it's always fun to listen to for me.3 points
Some bigger versions of pix from the club show in Sydney (Feb 20, 2014):3 points
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Yes, otherwise I would have praised him ten-fold. Norah Jones did say how surprised she was that he could sing like that, though. My favorite album from a pure vocal stand point is 21CB. Last Night on Earth is enough on its own. Then consider 21 Guns, Before The Lobotomy, and Restless Heart Syndrome (among others). Warning is probably second b/c of a few things I've noted in the past thread. AI probably third2 points
Learn to play better then My favourite album vocally is American Idiot. Aside from his actual voice, the delivery on a lot of it is amazing. I've never heard Billie sound more like he means it, especially on the title track, JOS and Holiday. The vocal filters sound epic, too.2 points
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No It's the fact that the songs sound so much better with live guitars and mike/billie harmonies. And upped tempo. Completely changes the dynamic of the songs.2 points
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for what it is worth, the videos from echoplex pre-rehab sounded damn good. And he seemed to improve gradually as the 99 Rev tour went on. Plus you can't forget Foreverly which was masterful vocally1 point
Sure, but I also think his vocals were stronger on the AI and 21CB (pre-Broadway) tours. Broadway helped his voice, but he was already getting stronger in the time leading up to it. It's almost as if he stopped caring. It kind of feels like he's not giving it his all in his singing at least. I know he's about "delivering a message" and not trying to be a flashy frilly singer (nor could he be) but I feel like he tried to hold and sustain good notes more in the past and now he's just kinda choppy about it. Then again, they don't sing 21 Guns anymore so many there are just fewer dramatic moments.1 point
''The Tonny's shop is a contortionist'' ''You're fucking only along for the ride'' (?) ''Where have all the mothers gone'' And this, only on Letterbomb. Also, instead of ''Castawayyy-ay-ay'', I always hear ''cassoulet'', that's a meal with white beans and sausage.1 point
Bab's Uvula Who? is flawless imperfection1 point
They probably have favorites from every album. Songs they enjoy the most, like to play the most, are most proud of having written. I know! He looks so good and healthy.1 point
Really? I love the raw and clean tones of AI. It's so fresh after Nimrod and Warning.1 point
This daily news site ( italian) choose as the theme song of the week minority by green day. it says that' is a support for those who express a different opinion, for those who are unconventional and often who is only victim of prejudice. http://tv.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2014/02/23/colonna-sonora-della-settimana-violetta-zironi-sceglie-minority-dei-green-day/267094/1 point
See? People don't recognize Edgar Allan Poe! In all seriousness, that's actually kind of a fucking awesome misinterpretation.1 point
Brutal Love wouldn't have succeeded on mainstream radio. The best part of the song is 3 minutes in. Alt/Rock radio might play it but it would not achieve much success1 point
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All I'm saying is the music doesn't sound different and isn't any more or less enjoyable whether it's released as Foxboro or Green Day. As far as the rest of the stuff that comes with it then it's definitely different, and it'd be a shame not to have had that variety in the shows/marketing etc. If people were saying they wanted Dos to be a Foxboro album so there'd be Foxboro shows and stuff, or if they were saying going into the project as Foxboro would've made them feel more free and lead to even better songs then I might agree (probably not though as they were releasing Green Day albums, that's what they were doing so if they were doing stuff and putting on shows then realistically it'd be as Green Day, and the feeling free thing isn't an issue now like it was after AI, they no longer need a side project to be totally free writing more simple/fun songs so I doubt Dos would've been affected by pressures of being Green Day the way Stop Drop And Roll might've been) but that's not what they're saying. They're just saying the music would be more appropriate as Foxboro and that having that written on the CD would somehow make it better.1 point
I do agree with this, and think it's awesome, but at the same time... Doesn't it kind of go against your thinking of "it doesn't matter whether it says Green Day or Foxboro on the cover of an album, it'd sound the same either way," or am I completely missing the point?1 point
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Well, I don't know if this could be an unpopular opinion but, Foxboro's record should had been a Green Day record.1 point
From a movie. Well actually it didn't make it into the movie.1 point
The end of an era. Great new thread title, though--nice one, Tom. Unpopular opinion: Warning probably had the weakest single choices of their career pre-Trilogy. "Minority" is great, but the title track is too repetitious to be ideal; "Waiting", while great, is one of the album's weaker tracks; and "Macy's Day Parade" is a little too much of a downer to be a radio hit. "Castaway" and "Church on Sunday" would've been ideal.1 point
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HUMONGOUS PICTURE THAT I REALLY LIKE FOR SOME REASON. out of curiosity, anyone know what brand that is? all i can see is "dra-"1 point
I had a set of their 1990-2009 studio albums bought for me quite recently.1 point
Maybe I'm weird but I really listen to Foreverly almost every day since it came out. It's so refreshing to hear Billie sing in a different style of music that I just can't get enough of it.1 point
Sometimes I just fall in to a deep awe about how poetic Billie Joe really is. I don't quite understand how beautiful his lyrics are until I actually see them written down.1 point
This thread is the Unpopular Green Day Opinions thread, without all the negativity and nit-picking. I love it.1 point
I don't know if anybody recorded the Bob Gruen thing but I saw this on Youtube. It was posted a month ago though.1 point