Well there was surprisingly little different from Broadway, which in my opinion is a good thing. As has been noted before, the flying in Extraordinary Girl has been nixed which is a shame because that part was really technically impressive. The stage and the venue were smaller, making it more intimate, but I think this took away from the "epic" feel that it was supposed to have, also saddened me. In Homecoming, instead of the Rock and Roll Boyfriend singing " and another ex-wife" Will sings "somebody give me a knife". I just didn't understand why they changed that, but it didn't detract nor add, but was just a bit jarring. The two times they say the word "fag" in the musical the singers exaggeratingly limpwristed. Fans know that the term is used in a tongue-in-cheek way but it felt... weird. I didn't like it.
And then Andrew as St. Jimmy. Wow. This has always been my favorite role in the show so I payed close attention to it and he did not disappoint. For being an understudy, he rocked it. He didn't have the gleeful enthusiasm and playfulness that Billie had, but he played St. Jimmy as darker, more menacing. His singing was on perfectly and he looked like a 2010 era Billie with the big shock of dyed blonde hair (and he looks like him too).
All in all it was great to see again. It wasn't as impressive from a technical or musical standpoint, but only slightly so (and this is coming from a super-critical eye). I loved to hear the music performed like that again and it's definitely rekindled my interest in the album.