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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2013 in all areas

  1. Green Day mentioned in an interview with their LA stylist Candice Lambert http://www.inkedmag.com/articles/qa-with-rock-star-stylist-candice-lambert/ You have worked with a lot of bands and celebrities, who have been some of your favorite people to work with? Green Day: I have had some of the best times in my life with them and they are like family to me. All three of them have these beautiful electric souls. They are so talented, smart, fun, and they know fashion. They know exactly who they are and what they want to represent. You styled Green Day for the Tony Awards for their musical American Idiot. What was your approach to styling rock stars for a Broadway award show? I think the overall importance was to keep Green Day…Green Day. They were getting honored by the Tony Awards but they still wanted to represent the punk/Rock ‘N’ Roll scene, which I think they did. Billie Joe [Armstrong] wore this beautiful skinny black Lad Musician suit, with a touch of red for the American Idiot colors, with a pair of beat up boots that he personally owned. They kept it sharp but cool and true to their aesthetic and their unique image. They brought Rock ‘N’ Roll to Broadway. It was an exceptional time and I was honored to be a part of it.
    3 points
  2. Lol, it specifically says "HEAVY ROCK POSTERS" and then there's all these metal bands, and then Green Day and STP
    2 points
  3. So I didnt order this cd (as I already have it on cd and on vinyl) but amazon sent me this today So either amazon is randomly sending albums out to people or something strange is happening as those who have my actual mailing address knows I have every GD cd...
    1 point
  4. Thanks. I wonder why there was no post on GDA about it :-/
    1 point
  5. this is a weird ass poll...a bunch of pop stars and then Green Day?
    1 point
  6. http://youtu.be/1MTJmInkx4Y i happen to know http://web.stagram.com/p/608187701398141802_257511597 i saw this on tumblr ----------- oh someone already posted it, never mind
    1 point
  7. I've never seen this, thank you Flo !! True love IN COLOR, please (if you find the video, post it )
    1 point
  8. Jeff Matika ‏@jeffmatika 97 or 98 in Memphis, TN. Jason White took me to show. “@Elenuscatiusca: Where did you first meet Green Day?”
    1 point
  9. Just saw this on tumblr right now I must have seen this episode more than 10 times and I've never remembered this!!
    1 point
  10. Promo version of Bullet In a Bible dated 10/11/2005.
    1 point
  11. That's from the vinyl box set... Good luck getting the other 20
    1 point
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