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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2013 in all areas

  1. this is from Trieste...during Longview,he went on Jason's side with the mic and he did it during "I'm feeling like a dog in heat" part... a friend of mine was there...right in front of him during that....after the show,she called me and told me: "OMG,WHEN YOU WILL GO TOO(in Rome), GO ON JASON'S SIDE!! HE WILL DO THAT FOR SURE!"" well..after a week...I went to the show in Rome...OBVIOUSLY I WAS ON JASON'S SIDE...second row...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand....during Longview...he went with his mic on the left of the stage...sang: "I'm feeling like a dog in heat" and SBAM!! grabbed his "package" just in front of my eyes. I will never forget this, NEVER. I've got pics to prove it(well not mine,but taken from some videos on you tube,I was holding a sign during that and you can see him touching himself and me holding the sign right in front of him LOL) THANKS MY FRIEND FOR THE HINT!! a pic in spoiler -->
    5 points
  2. John Roecker has just posted this on fb I love the pic! Getting ready for the movie for next year's release on my Kitchen nook.
    5 points
  3. When I saw this pic on tumblr, I did some research and I found the production studio's website: http://www.fjproductions.com/about.shtml Go to Films>Like Sunday, Like Rain>Casting Looks like a low budget movie.
    3 points
  4. We've closed the old Random Green Day News thread and here's a shiny new one. This time, please only use this thread to post the most teeny tiny, insignificant, truly "random" news, stuff that wouldn't get more than a couple of posts in response. Unless it fits that description, always make a thread for it! There's always room for new threads and we'd like to see lots of them being made so that more people hear about new articles, interviews, cool things etc and there's more space to discuss them. To recap, if in doubt don't post here, make a thread. Thank you Also please note: When posting an article don't just post a link with no description of what it is. Make sure to always include a few words to describe what the article is about and why Green Day is mentioned in it. Last but not least credit to @crock6000 for inventing and creating the original Random Green Day News thread
    1 point
  5. here's a better video of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUTew2Z75XM
    1 point
  6. Its not new. I thought it from 2002 based on how BJA is dressed, but if hes writing the words to AI then its 2004
    1 point
  7. Hahaha, this is so great! ... only because the same thing happened to me in Pittsburgh too. I know how you feel. I wasn't expecting it at all, but during KFAD, at the "my daddy threw me in therapy" part, he was all about grabbing his man parts for a good 15 seconds or so and I was just like... I had my phone out and I was taking pictures the whole time before it, but I my brain literally couldn't function and I got no pictures of THAT, of all things. My fiance was right next to me and he just pointed at me and laughed for a good minute or so afterwards... apparently when it happened my face was priceless. Definitely one of my favorite moments from the show. It's at 1:00 minute in the video below. He pointed in my general direction before he did it... just saying...
    1 point
  8. Anyone have the original of this one, please?
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. It should have it's own thread
    1 point
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