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In other words, don't get too excited for another 5 years.31 points
This movie is not going to happen..... Or... The rehab was a hoax and they filmed all of billies scenes that time... Conspiracy!!!16 points
OUI! I'm back and writing up a huge ass recap of EVERY TINY DETAIL I can remember of the film and Q&A. It won't be professional, it'll be wild and punk. ANYWAY, I was sitting in the same row as Michael and got a lovely dark as fuck photo with him, and I just want to say that he was VERY adamant when he said that Billie would play St. Jimmy. He referred to the Hollywood bullshit that Billie mentioned in the film, and knowing what we know about how slowly films get greenlit, I wouldn't hold my breath for this to come out before 2015, but yeah. The director and producer were very encouraging about the fact that it takes a strong voice from a fandom/audience tweeting and pressuring distributors nonstop to get a film made. Keep in mind that production companies only want to make movies they know people will want to see, and that's what made Broadway Idiot happen, and it's all the enthusiasm that we as fans have shown and MUST CONTINUE to show that will allow for Broadway Idiot to come out on October 11 (MY BIRTHDAY!) in select cities. We as a group need to keep up this pressure and not get fatalistic OR complacent about what we want to see happen! Fight for you want, people! My full movie review will happen shortly in the other thread.10 points
He invented it. He can't fuck up, only your perception of what St. jimmy should be like can be fucked up8 points
Edit by Andres: Here's a post on GDA about it.7 points
Speaking about Billie's acting skills, I'm pretty sure that if they will green-light the movie, Billie will do serious job improving his acting skills. I mean he's a very talented man and considering how long it usually takes from green-light to actual filming, he will have 1-2 years to improve and that's enough for someone like him. And let's be honest, with Billie playing one of the main roles film has 1000x more chances to be successful, producers realise it. Without him this film isn't gonna happen, noone's gonna give money for such huge project without media preson being in it.6 points
I don't know if you have seen this but it's pretty funny Billie Joe leaving the hotel in Bogotá, Colombia6 points
I really doubt this movie is ever going to happen, don't know why6 points
I hope he doesn't fuck it up.5 points
Michael Mayer/Producer Ira Pittelman ALSO confirmed that they ARE working with Billie Joe to do ANOTHER NEW MUSICAL. In the future. Not yet. But on the horizon some day. It's weird that y'all are like "this is never going to happen." Maybe it's because I've followed the film industry in some detail for many years, but I understand how and why things take MUCH longer than we're used to waiting for albums. Movies are a different beast (especially real movies, done well, and something like American Idiot will want to be as mainstream as possible and attract the kind of audiences that Rent, Chicago, Mamma Mia did.) It will happen, it's just a new level of patience that even Green Day fans aren't used to.4 points
I'll believe this movie is real once I see HLAHG, broadway idiot, cuatro, the pre Dookie doc, and the horror movie.4 points
I don't think was posted. Video of Billie with fans. It was uploaded 2 weeks ago.4 points
And vice versa Is anyone else simply excited to see Billie try and possibly fail? That's why we admire him to begin with. He's doing things so wildly out of his comfort zone, and yeah, it might be 100% cringe-worthy and he might get torn apart by fans and critics alike, but just to see someone break new boundaries for themselves and dare to take risks is enough for me to support his being in the movie, even if we know that yeah, maybe it won't be what we all hope it will be.3 points
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I'm so fucking happy I am literally crying! This is so fantastic! Billie Joe is hands down the only person for the part! I can attest to that. I saw him play St. Jimmy on Broadway from the first row and he was absolutely phenomenal. He WAS St. Jimmy. It was like a transformation. I'm so glad this is happening! After all, Billie did create the character, it's part of who he is. St. Jimmy came from his heart. I am so privileged to have seen him during the short time he was there. And I don't care what anyone says. Billie is a good actor. No, he's not Academy Awards material or anything like that, he's not perfect, but he has done very well in the roles he's played. St. Jimmy being the best.3 points
Billie will definitely take acting seriously because he won't want to fuck it up, not only to avoid personal embarrassment but because he cares about American Idiot being the best it can be. Also, yes, Billie is the star power attracting people to the theater, so it'll be easier to get the project off the ground with him attached. I do wonder if they'll try to get any other name brands as leads, or if they'll keep the broadway crew.3 points
Yeah, HLAHG really screwed all our beliefs, didn't it? But that thing is so fucked up and different--- for one, it was actually MADE, and never released, which is just so bizarre. But it was a weird homemade documentary. For a feature film musical produced by Tom Hanks and shit, with probably millions of dollars going into the budget, you can bet your ass we will at least see this film hit theaters if it's ever made I have similar reservations. One of the things that gives me hope is that he will be singing in the movie, so his acting should only look as ridiculous as the rest of the characters, and since it's a character he created and is also inherently crazy, if he can succeed at any role, I'd say it would be this. Seeing the closeups of his face in Broadway Idiot, during both rehearsals and in performance, I have to say I was really struck by how emotional he sometimes looked on film, and thinking that would be an incredible thing to translate to the movie version. That being said, my fantasies of his blow-em-all-away-and-win-an-Oscar are probably a tragic unreality As for the movie as a whole, I'm actually one of those people who thinks that the musical as it was staged on Broadway would NOT make a successful film. I fucking love everything to do with the musical, but I see its flaws for what they are, and I believe its plot/narrative is too thin to make a successful, plot-driven film. The visceral experience of theater, with flesh and blood singing their guts out, is more than enough to captivate and please an audience. The singing and dancing of punk rock on stage was enough by itself. In a movie, on a screen, you need a lot more strength in the story that I don't think the musical itself presented. The good news is that I remember Michael Mayer saying in one of those Talk Back interviews that when translated to film, it WOULD have to be quite different, really parsing out the narrative and showing what their lives are like. I hope they would even change things around. I do wonder though, as much as I love and admire Michael Mayer, what kind of *filmmaker* he is, but that's a separate issue and I'm more than willing to put something he's so passionate about in his brilliant hands. But that being said, film IS a different skill than theater, and he's not terribly experienced in it.3 points
i think people would've complained if someone else did play st. jimmy anyway, so it's good a member of green day is confirmed to be in the movie. and billie can just get acting lessons from his best friend, Paul Rudd3 points
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He's a damn good actor, have you seen that clip from Haunted? That Christmas one was intentionally bad, and it's pretty obvious.2 points
I really hate to say, but I don't want this to happen. The album is awesome and I believe that the musical is good too (I haven't seen it), but I think that this movie isn't a good idea. And Billie playing in it, too - he's a bad actor. I mean it's not even funny. I'm sure it will make a lot of money, but that's all. They should do something new instead.2 points
Not much of a mystery who I am. I've written a blog about Green Day (called Green Day Mind and a Twitter account) since 2009, though I don't write it too much anymore. Andres knows me, as well as a bunch of other people at GDA. I'm pretty sure that Andres knows I wouldn't write something that I had no clue about! Anyway, Mayer didn't say much and Billie Joe has said it before, but Mayer was pretty adamant that WHEN the movie happened (whenever that is), that Billie Joe would be St. Jimmy. Nice to meet ya.2 points
The first: I have one more magazine that I did not scan, the photos are from an actual concert, I believe it was in Jakarta. The second: I will have this as soon as my financial situation improves, as otherwise I have only cut-up photos and translated test. The magazine is on my to-buy list and it will be purchased early in August. I need to get BJ_UNOXX what they asked for first, but I can promise you the Jakarta pics would be up by the end of the week. There's some with Billie wearing some scary mask.2 points
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Yeah I don't see Mayer or Billie allowing this unless it's damn good. If we ever do see it, Billie's acting won't be the problem - he'll work his ass off. Unlike a lot of you, I'm excited for this.2 points
there can never be enough :lol: :')2 points
if he's going to do that in the movie in some form my ovaries will fly away and explode and never come back it's true also: shirtless scenes maybe?....2 points
I don't know how I feel about Billie playing St.Jimmy. I don't know, I just think it's more of a teenage role I guess?2 points
Billie Joe+ Green Day+ St.Jimmy + Billie Joe as St.Jimmy+ American idiot+ movie= OH MY BEETHOVEN THIS IS AWESOME2 points
ok so this movie is still even happening...... FUCK YES. Although idk how I feel about Billie being St. Jimmy....2 points
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Cali pop-punk act @EmilysArmy discuss Billie Joe Armstrong's impact on their music. #WarpedTour http://www.fuse.tv/videos/2013/07/warped-tour-2013-emily-s-army-interview?campaign=scl|twt|fsc2 points
I think the same that I thought when the rumour was floating around a while ago: Good things: 1) There's no person in this world that will put himself in St.Jimmy's skin better than Billie Joe, because the character it's a side of himself. 2) It means at least one voice will be sung by him instead of random actors, which is great because that's the voice we're used to hear and we love, and yeah, I like that. Bad things: 3) He hasn't got a clue about acting If he just does what he did in the musical I think it will be fine, because it was basically singing with an over-acted role that fitted well. But if he has to speak or anything, I don't think it's going to be good. I hope it is! I really hope, but you just have to see his acting in Nursie Jackie or those words he said on the TV program one chrsitmass... 4) He's going to play the role of a teenager, or at least a young person. He wrote American Idiot when he was 32, and I always imagine the characters as beeing younger, but that could just be my interpretation. I mean, they could make it to be an older person, someone that has kids and everything but isn't happy with his life and leaves...that could fit actually; but if they stick to the musical it won't be that, it will just be a man in his 40s playing the part of a teenager... and that's a bit weird. So overall: I don't know what to think It could be good that Billie Joe was just there giving advice and feedback to the actors, and that they included his voice in the songs, but that's not going to happen, and on the other hand I'm quite glad to see him in the movie... I don't know, let's see how it turns up. It would be good that they reduced his acting (with speaking) to a minimum, that's for sure. I have to say that I'd much rather have a "real" film than a musical, but not with Billie Joe acting. Unless he gets reaaaally good in the next few years, no.1 point
I'm pretty sure it would be a movie musical. I can't imagine Billie playing St. Jimmy and not singing.1 point
Green Day on VH1 Classic Behind the Music Remastered July 31 8am EST http://www.vh1.com/shows/schedule/vh1classic/daily.jhtml?channels=none&day=07%2F31%2F131 point
I agree with Iva. Don't understand how anyone thinks those things are cool or funny... just because someone is famous doesn't mean it's okay to invade their privacy. Obviously it happens to all famous people but it's not like it's something pleasant. Then people wonder why they're occasionally in a bad mood1 point
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:woot: OMFG IS THIS THE REAL LIFE OR JUST FANTASY I'm so fucking happy!!1 point
Jamie Bell and Evan Rachel Wood (A.K.A. the couple in the Wake Me Up When September Ends video) just gave birth to a son.1 point
It gives me the impression he was scared as hell. And his hair looked so great...1 point
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Hey! Remember that horror movie that Green Day was gonna make around 1997? I know some people were asking about what happened to it, and here's the scoop.1 point
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This is mine! "I'm thinking about a brand new hope" https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/394517_10150536592699561_107018765_n.jpg The link is better! The image is too big...1 point