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sometimes it really sucks to be a Catholic. i think Catholics/Christians worry too much about what others do/say. like they're always getting in peoples shit about like about who they love or what they wear... "Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around... and PLEASE don't try to shove it down my child's throat."6 points
Couldn't help myself! He looks like a kitten or puppy at an animal shelter! (all credit to me if you use it, please)5 points
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I dreamt we (GD & I) went shopping at Target for socks and Billie Joe was angry because he was the only one who had to shop in the girls' section!3 points
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Ahah I answered that poll like this: What were your feelings about this fact? - indignation - indifference - joy/happiness The reactions regarding that swearword are... -justifiable -exaggerated Do you usually swear? -never -sometimes - a lot2 points
" Religion is a bunch of bullshit " ( my fav quote ever ) Don't they know about it? They better get used to it. All these dramas every time Billie says something is really ridicules.2 points
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I don't, sorry. :/ I just found it on tumblr and felt the need to share it. If I find the video though, I'll let you know1 point
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I think we should all vote in that poll in favor of Billie & the boys But I don't know what half of the answers mean Can someone please translate the poll answers to English and put them in a spoiler thank you so much!1 point
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yep! this situation is becoming ridiculous IMO http://www.liberatv.ch/articolo/14696/billie-joe-bestemmia-sul-palco-locarno-don-andreatta-sono-sconcertato-e-addolorato here's the article Ilaria talked about, it's an intervew to the priest about this situation, he said Billie and the band should be informed about the gravity of the thing,and see how they'll react..if they apologize or not... this whole situation makes me laugh I don't know why. they even started a poll so people could express their opinion about it D: here's the poll http://www.tio.ch/News/Ticino/744899/Nessuna-rockstar-e-autorizzata-a-bestemmiare-in-un-concerto/1 point
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A nice plot twist would have been him removing his mask to reveal he's Jason White... Or Jason Freeze.1 point
Fabulous funny dream! That is exactly why I've always preferred Jason before Michael... he has feelings after all! And he's a GD fan1 point
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It means something like "god damn", the literal translation is "pig god" :lol:1 point
Not to mention someone threw a "Porco dio" HAT on stage in Bologna or somewhere that Billie put on his head... if that's not an endorsement from Italians to curse in their language I don't know what is.1 point
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I took this one in Locarno and immediately after seeing it and showing it to the girl next to me, I thought "Florence, Mara, laly and other sick, sick pervs and company will LOVE it: The banana one on top of the page is from my Instagram; but I bet somebody took a proper-quality photo.1 point
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I had one once where Billie Joe was singing to me on stage and then he morphed into Mariah Carey in a sparkly red dress singing Macy's Day Parade... I woke up scared lol.1 point
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