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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2013 in all areas
9 points
:eyebrows: Fresh Billie bellies in HQ *drool* "fresh Billie bellies" oh wow that sounded slightly creepy8 points
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Tre might have a chance to gain popularity though. If any album of the trilogy has a chance it's Tre.3 points
I don't know, if it's legit, but I found this on Amazon.de: It's listed as a CD/DVD set. Looks like CUATRO getting a proper release and TRÉ a second chance. Hopefully with some more promotion. http://www.amazon.de/Tre-Cuatro-Green-Day/dp/B00D6UUY5C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1371569828&sr=8-1&keywords=green+day+tr%C3%A9+cuatro3 points
That looks like someone put Dookie stickers on a plain thank top. A bit weird!3 points
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Just watching the videos I took at the Emirates and had to make this Uploaded with ImageShack.us3 points
3 points
Here you go: http://www.greendayauthority.com/Picture_Vault/albums/userpics/10037/9066933858_2283a5b1f5_o.jpg http://www.greendayauthority.com/Picture_Vault/albums/userpics/10037/9066903704_b64ed0e2f5_o.jpg enjoy! omg *__*2 points
2 points
Call me pathetic (call me what you will lol) but I believe Tre is a fantastic record and it is a tragedy that it has been the victim of circumstances and ended up so overlooked therefore if this was legit I would buy it despite having bought the boxset (therefore already having Cuatro). Hell I would buy Tre ten times if it means they would play DRB live!2 points
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Well if they made a tank top with "Blue" stickers on them that would be cool. I'd rather buy that than the Dookie one2 points
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1013673_538230379568032_727276884_n.jpg Green Day with 6 brand new posters, inside next kerrang! out tomorrow! =D2 points
I think that shirt is awkward looking But if I could find it for a dollar I would get it2 points
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I don't know if anybody recorded the Bob Gruen thing but I saw this on Youtube. It was posted a month ago though.2 points
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Uh how... This could be the Cuatro with more footage. Even if its not, everyone else gets a chance to have it now. Plus I like the artwork.1 point
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And thank you too, as even back in 1995 it seemed to be too 1994. Mystery solved, after 18 years. XD It's strange that BRAVO who was so keen on using their own photos back in the days used photos from a different date. "Actually, a few of the younger performers could have used a little parental guidance, notably orange-haired Green Day singer Billie Joe, who dropped his drawers during the band's set. On the other hand, Hynde too (though accidentally) lost her skirt early in her set and blithely shrugged and carried on--but of course, she, unlike Billy Joe, was wearing tights underneath." from http://articles.latimes.com/1994-06-13/entertainment/ca-3546_1_weenie-roast1 point
Not September, definitely. I have it in a BRAVO dated 20th July 1995 (will scan) and they attribute photos to the Oakland show on 27th May 1995, but from what I've seen watching the bootleg, Billie's hair was not blonde at that show..?! The fact that it's here, in a magazine dated 1st January 1995 makes it even more confusing: http://www.greendayauthority.com/articles/157/28/1 point
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here's mine I was super happy when Mike noticed it at the Toronto show in April. made my life haha. btw..it was super awkward to take that photo. ignore my stupid face1 point
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am I the only one who finds the beginning of this video pretty hot ? especially from 0:08 to 0.141 point
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Editie NL (a Dutch news programme) mentioned that "Green Day fans couldn't wait for the band to come on" or something like that, and they showed the video at Emirates where everyone's singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Actually pretty awesome that video's gone viral!1 point
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